AM Workout (0730)
I was decently tight throughout my body today, but had an average session in the gym. It wasn't great, but I'm glad I got the work in.
Back Squat 5 x 5 @ 270# - 60 seconds rest between sets
- These were the first heavy-ish full depth back squats I've done since injuring the knee. I had zero pain and felt good. I kept the rest short and intensity high.
Split Jerk, from rack - Singles - 220, 220, 231
-This was the best I've ever felt on split jerks. Everything felt awesome. Because I felt so good I went for a big jump and missed 251, three times. I was extremely angry I missed this. I was so close every time. I was training alone. I wish I would have had somebody to coach me a little bit and get me in the zone. I'll nail 251 easy next time. Everyday can't be a PR, despite how frustrating that is. But on a positive note, 231 flew up like it was nothing and has never felt so light overhead.
Rest 10 minutes...
2 Rounds for time:
15 Power Clean (135#)
15 Thrusters (135#)
50 Double-unders
7.33. This was the most painful metcon I've done in a while. Those thrusters killed me. I haven't been doing a ton of thrusters since the knee injury. But everything felt good and I felt strong. I missed a few double-unders on the first set, this was stupid, but the second set was unbroken and fast. I got this off of Nate Schrader's blog, one of my favorites. It blows my mind he did this workout in 3.44. Better than half my time, it must have been unbroken. He can handle 135# like I would 95#. What an a great an inspiring athlete. I love where I'm at with my fitness, but damn I can't wait to get back to the basics after the 2012 season and put some serious lbs on my lifts.
Rest 10 minutes then...
GHD Sit-ups
HR Push-ups
4.37. Solid effort, everything felt great. I love short burners.
PM Workout 1500
I was a little tight overall, but after a roll out and a long warm-up I felt really good this afternoon. Actually a lot better than I did this morning. I had a really good athlete to train with and push me.
3 RFT:
300m Row
20 Wall-ball
10 Pull-ups
7.19. Max effort. Great on the lungs. Really worked my butterfly pull-up. It felt fast and awesome.
Rest 15 minutes then...
5 RFT:
7 Dead-lifts (225#)
7 Burpees (onto plate)
7 Toes-to-bar
4.17. Burner. Scorched the hell out of my lungs. Felt really good though. I'm still bitter about those jerks this morning, but overall a solid day of training.
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