Thursday, February 2, 2012


AM Workout (1100)

I felt pretty toasted when I woke up this morning. But once I got warmed up I felt a little better, but not great. Anyway, today looked like this:

2011 Open Workout 11.1

10 Minute AMRAP:
30 Double-unders
15 Ground-to-Overhead (75#)

7 Rounds and 6 double-unders. This was a big PR, basically an entire round. During this workout somehow one of my shoes came untied by my jump rope. I definitely lost some reps because of this. My new goal is 8 rounds even. I think I could do 8 rounds 100% fresh. Overall a solid effort. This score would have put me at 85th in the NW region open last year. I'd like to be higher than that, but I was happy with a PR during the middle of a hard training week. 8 rounds even would be top 10.

Rest 10 minutes then...

3 Rounds @ 3 minutes rest:

20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
20 GHD Sit-ups

-Each round took right around 3 minutes. Basically 1:1 rest for this. Overall a solid effort. I felt really good on the pull-ups, not so much on the GHDs though. Overall a good session.

PM workout (1730)

Strangely I felt a lot better in the afternoon than I did this morning. Was it the Progenex I had after my AM workout? Maybe. Whatever it was, I had an awesome afternoon workout. It looked like this:

10 Minute AMRAP:

6 x Dead-lift (265#)
6 x Clean and Jerk (135#)

7 Rounds + 5 Dead-lifts.

Solid effort, clean and jerks got tiring. Kept a solid pace, great workout.

Rest 15 minutes then...

For time:


3.44. Complete sprint. I think those last 9 burpees were the hardest/fastest I've ever gone on burpees. Felt like a new level, awesome stuff.

Rest 10 minutes then...

6 x 500m Row (1:1 rest)

1:35, 1:39, 1:42, 1:42, 1:41, 1:40. Hardcore effort. Really felt these in my hamstrings. Overall felt great this evening. Great day of training.

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