Today was the best session I've had in the gym in a while. I felt great. I got with another good athlete and had a super solid workout. Lots of barbell, I loved every second of it.
EMOM for 12 minutes:
2 Hang Squat Snatch
2 Overhead-Squats
-First 3 minutes at 135#, 4-6 at 145#, 7-9 at 155#, 10-12 at 165#
Rest 5 minutes then...
2RM Hang Snatch attempt - 175# PR.
Rest 5 minutes then...
Squat Clean from Blocks - 2,2,2,2,2 - 225# for all sets
Power Clean from Blocks - 2,2,2,2,2 - 225# for all sets
Rack Jerk - 2,2,2,2,2 - 185, then 4 sets at 205#
Front Squat - 3,3,3,3,3 - 205, 225, 255, 275, 305# PR
Rest 10 minutes then...
5 RFT:
200m Run
20 HR Push-ups
9.49. First three rounds were really fast, then push-ups went out on the last few sets. Rocked my shoulders. Overall a great session in the gym. I'm really happy how great the snatching felt. I felt strong on the rest of the moves and PRed my front squat. Great day in the gym. I love lifting heavy.
About 6 hours after my AM workout I played ultimate frisbee for about two hours. Lots of running in the sun, great afternoon with great people.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Today was a really cool workout. This has been an interesting week. It's been a lot different and today was filled with a lot of moves I don't regularly train. No strength, just a long AMRAP.
25 Minute AMRAP:
5 Tire Flips (500#)
10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
15 Rope Slams
10 Donkey Kicks (in push-up position, kick legs up to wall while hands remain in push-up position)
7 Rounds. The tire flips were by far the hardest part. Everything else was unbroken and pretty quick. My transitions between stations wasn't too fast. It was extremely hot (~90 degrees) and I could feel the heat. The rope slams and donkey kicks are strange movements. They are not traditional crossfit mainsite movements, but they were interesting and challenging. The pull-ups felt solid, all unbroken and fast. Overall a great session in the heat. Excited for some barbell tomorrow!
25 Minute AMRAP:
5 Tire Flips (500#)
10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
15 Rope Slams
10 Donkey Kicks (in push-up position, kick legs up to wall while hands remain in push-up position)
7 Rounds. The tire flips were by far the hardest part. Everything else was unbroken and pretty quick. My transitions between stations wasn't too fast. It was extremely hot (~90 degrees) and I could feel the heat. The rope slams and donkey kicks are strange movements. They are not traditional crossfit mainsite movements, but they were interesting and challenging. The pull-ups felt solid, all unbroken and fast. Overall a great session in the heat. Excited for some barbell tomorrow!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Workout 1 (0530)
This morning was great. I woke up at 0500, was running by 0530. I got with a buddy of mine that I haven't seen in years and we ran all over the Boise foothills for a total running time of 68 minutes. He's way into triathlon and I didn't really know what to expect. I haven't run that long in a while. I remember I did an ~7 mile run in April, but haven't done much distance running since. I really surprised myself and felt great and had an awesome conversation with an awesome person. It's pretty cool what crossfit allows the body to do. It's great to be able to go out and go for a 70 minute run over rolling hills with an endurance athlete without any training at all. I wouldn't do this every day, but it was a great way to spend my morning!
Workout 2 (1600)
Took two naps between workouts. This morning was an early workout and I'm not used to such a long run. I felt a little tired this afternoon, but nothing too bad. Reflecting on regionals and other competitions, I knew I had a lot more in my tank even though I didn't feel 100%. I put something together with my buddy on the spot, it ended up being great conditioning.
5 Rounds @ 2 Minutes Rest:
On a 4:00 Clock:
500m Row
30 GHD Sit-ups
-Max Reps Muscle-ups in remaining time; score for muscle-ups completed
4,2,3,1,3 - rough. I had barely any time on the rings each round. Very steep clock. But overall a really solid effort. The GHDs rocked me. I haven't done these in probably a month. Really solid conditioning. Rowing felt good. Excited for tomorrow!
This morning was great. I woke up at 0500, was running by 0530. I got with a buddy of mine that I haven't seen in years and we ran all over the Boise foothills for a total running time of 68 minutes. He's way into triathlon and I didn't really know what to expect. I haven't run that long in a while. I remember I did an ~7 mile run in April, but haven't done much distance running since. I really surprised myself and felt great and had an awesome conversation with an awesome person. It's pretty cool what crossfit allows the body to do. It's great to be able to go out and go for a 70 minute run over rolling hills with an endurance athlete without any training at all. I wouldn't do this every day, but it was a great way to spend my morning!
Workout 2 (1600)
Took two naps between workouts. This morning was an early workout and I'm not used to such a long run. I felt a little tired this afternoon, but nothing too bad. Reflecting on regionals and other competitions, I knew I had a lot more in my tank even though I didn't feel 100%. I put something together with my buddy on the spot, it ended up being great conditioning.
5 Rounds @ 2 Minutes Rest:
On a 4:00 Clock:
500m Row
30 GHD Sit-ups
-Max Reps Muscle-ups in remaining time; score for muscle-ups completed
4,2,3,1,3 - rough. I had barely any time on the rings each round. Very steep clock. But overall a really solid effort. The GHDs rocked me. I haven't done these in probably a month. Really solid conditioning. Rowing felt good. Excited for tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
An unusual day today. A lot of movements I don't use; at least not often. Overall happy with the session. I was really looking forward to some heavier weight lifting, but I'll get some toward the end of the week.
5 Minute AMRAP:
Max Reps KB Clean and Jerk (53#) - Left Arm
Straight into...
5 Minute AMRAP:
Max Reps KB Clean and Jerk (53#) - Right Arm
44 reps L, 45 reps R. This was brutal. I don't do these nearly often enough. The idea of this workout was to not put the KB down and rest in the rack position. This did not work for me at all. I had to set the KB down about 5 times each arm. Painful as hell.
Rest 5 minutes then...
For time:
2-for-1 Wall Balls (25#)
8:30. Maybe could have gone a little faster. I was sharing the wall-ball with someone else and I was forced to take a few extra breaks because of this. But overall kept the intensity high and felt good.
Rest 5 minutes then...
3 Slosh-Pipe (40 lbs of water in thick PVC) Overhead Lockout Holds - For Max Time, rest is 1:1
60 seconds, 75 seconds, 90 seconds. Got 'easier' each time. This was all about balance. Some fun stuff, have probably done these once in my life. Burner on the shoulders.
Rest 5 minutes then...
3 Sets of Max Unbroken Double-unders @ 60 seconds rest
36, 28, 26. I was pretty pissed about this; typically I can get sets of 40-50 unbroken in metcons. But after all the shoulder stuff I couldn't do double-unders to save my life. Overall a solid session, a lot of weird stuff, fun day in the gym.
5 Minute AMRAP:
Max Reps KB Clean and Jerk (53#) - Left Arm
Straight into...
5 Minute AMRAP:
Max Reps KB Clean and Jerk (53#) - Right Arm
44 reps L, 45 reps R. This was brutal. I don't do these nearly often enough. The idea of this workout was to not put the KB down and rest in the rack position. This did not work for me at all. I had to set the KB down about 5 times each arm. Painful as hell.
Rest 5 minutes then...
For time:
2-for-1 Wall Balls (25#)
8:30. Maybe could have gone a little faster. I was sharing the wall-ball with someone else and I was forced to take a few extra breaks because of this. But overall kept the intensity high and felt good.
Rest 5 minutes then...
3 Slosh-Pipe (40 lbs of water in thick PVC) Overhead Lockout Holds - For Max Time, rest is 1:1
60 seconds, 75 seconds, 90 seconds. Got 'easier' each time. This was all about balance. Some fun stuff, have probably done these once in my life. Burner on the shoulders.
Rest 5 minutes then...
3 Sets of Max Unbroken Double-unders @ 60 seconds rest
36, 28, 26. I was pretty pissed about this; typically I can get sets of 40-50 unbroken in metcons. But after all the shoulder stuff I couldn't do double-unders to save my life. Overall a solid session, a lot of weird stuff, fun day in the gym.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Still traveling, got out the door in the early morning. Getting back home tonight.
10 minute easy run...
1 Minute Max Effort Run for Distance x 8 sets - 1:1 rest
10 minute easy cool down run
Not exactly the training I want to be getting in this time of year, but it was great nonetheless. I wish I could have been lifting today, but I made do while traveling. This run was while the sun was rising in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Extremely serene and relaxing. I felt great. Stoked to throw some barbells around tomorrow.
10 minute easy run...
1 Minute Max Effort Run for Distance x 8 sets - 1:1 rest
10 minute easy cool down run
Not exactly the training I want to be getting in this time of year, but it was great nonetheless. I wish I could have been lifting today, but I made do while traveling. This run was while the sun was rising in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Extremely serene and relaxing. I felt great. Stoked to throw some barbells around tomorrow.
Friday, June 22, 2012
I had an awesome workout today. I had to get in the gym much earlier than usual. I was warming up by 0530. But once I got through the grogginess I felt decent. I didn't lift today, it was weird to do a metcon 100% fresh.
5 Rounds for time:
3 Muscle-ups
10 Toes-to-bar
20 Overhead Lunge Steps (45# Plate)
400m Run
Unbroken in 20:40. Every round I would just tell myself to get just the next one unbroken. I ended up feeling good and really pushing it to get everything unbroken. The last two runs were extremely slow, but everything else felt good. I haven't done muscle-ups in a while, but they felt really good. Overall a solid session. My body is pretty toasted, I'm excited for some rest and vacation this weekend.
5 Rounds for time:
3 Muscle-ups
10 Toes-to-bar
20 Overhead Lunge Steps (45# Plate)
400m Run
Unbroken in 20:40. Every round I would just tell myself to get just the next one unbroken. I ended up feeling good and really pushing it to get everything unbroken. The last two runs were extremely slow, but everything else felt good. I haven't done muscle-ups in a while, but they felt really good. Overall a solid session. My body is pretty toasted, I'm excited for some rest and vacation this weekend.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Today was an awesome session. I was a little tight throughout my body, but once I rolled out and got warm everything came together. Despite all this really heavy lifting, my joints and body in general are feeling a lot better. I've lowered my training volume and upped my calories a bit and my body is really responding to these changes in a positive way.
Squat Clean - 2,2,2,1,1 - 225, 245, 255, 275, 300#. PR.
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
Dead-lift (385#)
Front Squat (225#)
-60m Prowler Push (4 plates) after each move (10 total)
-Didn't get the time, but went at high intensity. Great workout, prowlers are a lot of fun. I was super stoked about the 300# clean. I've been wanting to do that for a long time. I've had that number in my mind as a milestone. 315 soon! Great session.
-8 Hours after the AM session I got in the yoga studio for some solid hot yoga. Extremely relaxing stuff; good movement.
Squat Clean - 2,2,2,1,1 - 225, 245, 255, 275, 300#. PR.
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
Dead-lift (385#)
Front Squat (225#)
-60m Prowler Push (4 plates) after each move (10 total)
-Didn't get the time, but went at high intensity. Great workout, prowlers are a lot of fun. I was super stoked about the 300# clean. I've been wanting to do that for a long time. I've had that number in my mind as a milestone. 315 soon! Great session.
-8 Hours after the AM session I got in the yoga studio for some solid hot yoga. Extremely relaxing stuff; good movement.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Overall a rough session today. A lot of elements that were outside my comfort zone. It was pretty discouraging to be crushed so bad. I felt pretty weak today; basically the complete opposite of the awesome training session yesterday.
Bench Press - Heavy Single - Went up to 215#, missed 225# twice. I can't believe how hard this felt. I think I'm just gassed out from yesterday.
Rest 5 minutes then...
3 Rounds:
:30 max butterfly pull-ups
:30 rest
:30 max push-ups
:30 rest
-felt good, don't remember my reps though.
Rest 5 minutes then...
Not for time, each set unbroken:
10 Rounds, with a 2 pood KB,
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push-Press
1 Front Squat
1 Push-Press
-the entire sequence with each arm = 1 set.
Rest 5 minutes then...
For time:
50 Burpees
2.35. Lungs scorched, felt awesome.
Rest 10 minutes then...
10-7-5-5 @ 60 seconds rest
-Dumbbell seated curls (2 x 50#)
-Behind head dumbbell tricep extension (70#)
-Overall a challenging and awesome session. This is the work that needs to be done.
Bench Press - Heavy Single - Went up to 215#, missed 225# twice. I can't believe how hard this felt. I think I'm just gassed out from yesterday.
Rest 5 minutes then...
3 Rounds:
:30 max butterfly pull-ups
:30 rest
:30 max push-ups
:30 rest
-felt good, don't remember my reps though.
Rest 5 minutes then...
Not for time, each set unbroken:
10 Rounds, with a 2 pood KB,
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Push-Press
1 Front Squat
1 Push-Press
-the entire sequence with each arm = 1 set.
Rest 5 minutes then...
For time:
50 Burpees
2.35. Lungs scorched, felt awesome.
Rest 10 minutes then...
10-7-5-5 @ 60 seconds rest
-Dumbbell seated curls (2 x 50#)
-Behind head dumbbell tricep extension (70#)
-Overall a challenging and awesome session. This is the work that needs to be done.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Today was awesome. After this weekend I was a little antsy to get back in the gym. I knew this total was coming up and I was thinking about it a lot. It went awesome! PRed every lift. Then did a great metcon afterward.
Crossfit Total
1 RM Back Squat
1 RM Dead-lift
1 RM Strict Press
Back Squat - went 335, 365, 385 and then 400 for a huge PR (never high barred this much)
Dead-lift - went 405, 435, 465 (previous PR was 451)
Strict Press - went 155, 165, 175 (failed it once, got it on the second attempt, 170 was my previous PR)
Total: 1040#
Rest 10 minutes then...
3 Rounds for time, 135# barbell:
10 Curtis P (1 hang power clean, 2 lunges, 1 push-press = 1 rep)
30 Butterfly Sit-ups
400m Run
15.22. Solid metcon. Was a little toasted from the total, lunges were the most challenging aspect of this metcon. Such a great day in the gym. I'm loving training right now and my summer in general. Life is good. Stoked to train again tomorrow!
Crossfit Total
1 RM Back Squat
1 RM Dead-lift
1 RM Strict Press
Back Squat - went 335, 365, 385 and then 400 for a huge PR (never high barred this much)
Dead-lift - went 405, 435, 465 (previous PR was 451)
Strict Press - went 155, 165, 175 (failed it once, got it on the second attempt, 170 was my previous PR)
Total: 1040#
Rest 10 minutes then...
3 Rounds for time, 135# barbell:
10 Curtis P (1 hang power clean, 2 lunges, 1 push-press = 1 rep)
30 Butterfly Sit-ups
400m Run
15.22. Solid metcon. Was a little toasted from the total, lunges were the most challenging aspect of this metcon. Such a great day in the gym. I'm loving training right now and my summer in general. Life is good. Stoked to train again tomorrow!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
The line today between complete and active rest was extremely grey. I went for a run/walk with a friend that isn't used to running. 30 minutes total, super easy pace, probably 20 minutes of jogging and 10 minutes of walking. We stretched out a ton afterwards. It was great to be in the sun and have a great conversation with a friend. Got my blood moving, stoked for this next week of training.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Active recovery; hot yoga. Extremely relaxing. I'm really loving life right now and it's reflecting in my mindset and training. I'm stoked to get stronger and put some LBs on my maxes. I'm really enjoying not being stressed out about competing and just going as hard as I can in the moment every day. I love the perpetual journey that is fitness. I'm thoroughly enjoying every second of it.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Today was a lighter day. My body is pretty fried from all this heavy lifting. I went through the metcon at about 80% today. It was a lot of non-traditional movements that wouldn't be in a competition, solid movement though. I'm winding things down for some maxes next week. I'm super excited to lift heavy soon!
On a Tabata clock:
One Arm Dumbbell Snatch (alternating) 50#
Hand-Release Pushups / Roll throughs (that high school wresting conditioning move where you kick your legs from side to side in a push-up position, never done these)
L-sit hold / Parallet Pass-throughs
Battling Ropes / Ball Slams (20#)
Bottom to Bottom Squats
Sledge Hammer Strikes
Rowing (calories)
Rest 5 minutes then...
Behind the Neck Jerk - Work up to a medium-heavy single in 10 minutes
-Hit 185, 205, 225, 225 and then called it a day. Everything felt light, I felt really fast. Excited for next week.
On a Tabata clock:
One Arm Dumbbell Snatch (alternating) 50#
Hand-Release Pushups / Roll throughs (that high school wresting conditioning move where you kick your legs from side to side in a push-up position, never done these)
L-sit hold / Parallet Pass-throughs
Battling Ropes / Ball Slams (20#)
Bottom to Bottom Squats
Sledge Hammer Strikes
Rowing (calories)
Rest 5 minutes then...
Behind the Neck Jerk - Work up to a medium-heavy single in 10 minutes
-Hit 185, 205, 225, 225 and then called it a day. Everything felt light, I felt really fast. Excited for next week.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Today was a decent session. Really simple, really intense. Felt awesome on the lifting, felt crappy on the metcon. I think the lifting took a ton out of me; the last set of touch and goes was extremely difficult.
Squat Clean, touch and go reps, fast - 5,5,5,5,5 - 185, 205, 225, 235, 240 (this is definitely a huge PR)
Rest 15 minutes then...
For time:
150 Russian KB Swings (2 pood)
Rest 2 minutes...
150 Wall-ball
Total time: 15:10. The Russian swings are to chest level, not overhead. On this movement the emphasis is hugely placed upon the hips and squeezing the glutes while keeping the arms totally loose. They are significantly easier than the traditional crossfit swing, but are a useful training tool. I felt horrible on the wall-balls. That was definitely the slowest 'Karen' I've ever done. My shoulders and triceps gave out really early into the reps. On a positive note, I felt really strong on the squat cleans and was very happy to PR. Looking forward to some conditioning tomorrow and resting over the weekend to set some 1 rep max PRs next week.
Squat Clean, touch and go reps, fast - 5,5,5,5,5 - 185, 205, 225, 235, 240 (this is definitely a huge PR)
Rest 15 minutes then...
For time:
150 Russian KB Swings (2 pood)
Rest 2 minutes...
150 Wall-ball
Total time: 15:10. The Russian swings are to chest level, not overhead. On this movement the emphasis is hugely placed upon the hips and squeezing the glutes while keeping the arms totally loose. They are significantly easier than the traditional crossfit swing, but are a useful training tool. I felt horrible on the wall-balls. That was definitely the slowest 'Karen' I've ever done. My shoulders and triceps gave out really early into the reps. On a positive note, I felt really strong on the squat cleans and was very happy to PR. Looking forward to some conditioning tomorrow and resting over the weekend to set some 1 rep max PRs next week.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Complete rest. I was considering active recovery today, but opted for complete rest. I took a nap today, something I don't usually do. My arms have not been this sore in years. My chest and body is also tight throughout. Much needed rest. Stoked to workout tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
AM Workout (1000)
I was a little tight throughout my body today, but once I got warmed up I was able to go hard.
Bench Press 5,5,5,5,5 - 165, 185, 185, 185, 185#
-after last set immediately strip down the bar to 135# and do max reps. Score: 9 reps
Rest 10 minutes then...
10 Rounds for time:
10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
-200m Run after even rounds
-25 Double-unders after odd rounds
22.40. This was a rough workout. I almost tore my hand toward the end, so I backed off on the intensity of the pull-ups for the last two rounds. The push-ups felt harder than the pull-ups after the bench press. Overall a solid workout, my chest-to-bar pull-ups felt really good. Only missed one double-under.
Rest 5 minutes then...
EZ-bar Curl (85#)
EZ-bar Skull Crusher (85#)
-even rounds - narrow grip
-odd rounds - wide grip
-45 seconds rest between each round, no rest between last 3 rounds
Yes I did bicep curls and skull crushers today. And they were awesome. I need to work on my pressing strength and this is exactly what I need to do. It felt good to be 'pumped' up hardcore after this workout. I haven't felt like that in a while. Overall a solid and great workout. This is exactly the 'off-season' strength work that I need.
PM Workout (1630)
I didn't really plan on training twice today, but ended up committing to a second WOD at another box. It was cool to go hang out and meet new people and do the WOD off their board. It was the 'Hope' workout. After the 100 C2B pull-ups this morning I was not stoked. Hands tore for sure, but screw it.
On a FGB Clock:
Power Snatch (75#)
Box Jumps (24")
Thruster (75#)
C2B Pull-ups
221. I was trying to go as hard as possible, but I was getting less than 10 pull-ups per round. Everything else felt pretty solid though. I would be interested to do this fresh and see how I do. Overall a solid day of training.
I was a little tight throughout my body today, but once I got warmed up I was able to go hard.
Bench Press 5,5,5,5,5 - 165, 185, 185, 185, 185#
-after last set immediately strip down the bar to 135# and do max reps. Score: 9 reps
Rest 10 minutes then...
10 Rounds for time:
10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
-200m Run after even rounds
-25 Double-unders after odd rounds
22.40. This was a rough workout. I almost tore my hand toward the end, so I backed off on the intensity of the pull-ups for the last two rounds. The push-ups felt harder than the pull-ups after the bench press. Overall a solid workout, my chest-to-bar pull-ups felt really good. Only missed one double-under.
Rest 5 minutes then...
EZ-bar Curl (85#)
EZ-bar Skull Crusher (85#)
-even rounds - narrow grip
-odd rounds - wide grip
-45 seconds rest between each round, no rest between last 3 rounds
Yes I did bicep curls and skull crushers today. And they were awesome. I need to work on my pressing strength and this is exactly what I need to do. It felt good to be 'pumped' up hardcore after this workout. I haven't felt like that in a while. Overall a solid and great workout. This is exactly the 'off-season' strength work that I need.
PM Workout (1630)
I didn't really plan on training twice today, but ended up committing to a second WOD at another box. It was cool to go hang out and meet new people and do the WOD off their board. It was the 'Hope' workout. After the 100 C2B pull-ups this morning I was not stoked. Hands tore for sure, but screw it.
On a FGB Clock:
Power Snatch (75#)
Box Jumps (24")
Thruster (75#)
C2B Pull-ups
221. I was trying to go as hard as possible, but I was getting less than 10 pull-ups per round. Everything else felt pretty solid though. I would be interested to do this fresh and see how I do. Overall a solid day of training.
Monday, June 11, 2012
I felt great today. I had an awesome workout.
Front Squat 5,5,5,5,5 - 225, 250, 260, 270, 290 (Huge 5RM PR - previous 5RM was 260)
Rest 10 minutes then...
4 Rounds for time, with a 185# barbell:
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Shoulder-to-Overhead
7:32. This workout was great. The front squats were by far the worst part. After 290 for a set of 5 my legs were just done. Solid workout, the 185# jerks felt awesome.
Rest 10 minutes then...
5 Rounds for time:
10 Toes-to-bar
10 Weighted Sit-ups (45# plate)
5:55. Burner on the core. I haven't done weighted sit ups in a while. I definitely felt the burn. Overall a really solid session. I was super happy to set such a big PR on the front squat.
Front Squat 5,5,5,5,5 - 225, 250, 260, 270, 290 (Huge 5RM PR - previous 5RM was 260)
Rest 10 minutes then...
4 Rounds for time, with a 185# barbell:
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Shoulder-to-Overhead
7:32. This workout was great. The front squats were by far the worst part. After 290 for a set of 5 my legs were just done. Solid workout, the 185# jerks felt awesome.
Rest 10 minutes then...
5 Rounds for time:
10 Toes-to-bar
10 Weighted Sit-ups (45# plate)
5:55. Burner on the core. I haven't done weighted sit ups in a while. I definitely felt the burn. Overall a really solid session. I was super happy to set such a big PR on the front squat.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Today was an awesome day. After regionals I was kind of over competing (at least for a few months). Some of my local friends were doing a competition and I decided to give it a shot. The workouts were basically the complete opposite as regionals. The workouts were very light and fast and only one was technical. I ended up getting second overall; my first time on the podium ever.
Event 1 (1130)
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
5 Burpees
10 Wall-balls
15 Sit-ups (anchored - touch floor behind head and touch anchor each rep)
6 Rounds + 7 sit-ups. The situps were by far the hardest part of this workout. I ended up taking 3rd place in this event.
Event 2 (1400)
For time:
500m Row then...
3 Rounds:
15 Power Cleans (95#)
30 Double-unders
5:14. I came off the rower in 1:36, I didn't really feel very gassed from that. My second set of double-unders is where I started hitting a wall. I missed quite a few reps during that set. Overall happy with my performance, I shouldn't miss double-unders though. Took 3rd in the event.
Event 3 (1630)
For time:
3 Toe-to-bar + Bar-Muscle-up (1 rep of each, jumping from the low bar to the high bar on a Rogue suicide rig between reps)
10 Thrusters (115#)
Sledge Hammer 360 Degree Spin of a Large Tire
10 Parallet Pass Throughs
Sledge Hammer 360 Degree Spin of a Large Tire
10 Thrusters (115#)
3 Toe-to-bar + Bar-Muscle-up (1 rep of each, jumping from the low bar to the high bar on a Rogue suicide rig between reps)
7:00. I didn't do as well in this event, I got 6th. I still had enough points for a 2nd place finish overall. On a super positive note, I had never done a bar muscle-up in my life. I had tried them probably twice before and was never able to do them. I got with a coach from the local gym and had him show me through the movement. I ended up getting one (out of about 5 attempts) prior to the WOD starting. Needless to say, I was nervous before the last workout. Once the clock started, nailed the reps. The first set was easy, the second was rough. The hammer spin was something I sure as hell have never done. I think I lost some time on that, but I got the work done as best I could.
Overall I'm extremely happy I competed today. Event three is really emblematic of why I do crossfit. I had never done a bar muscle-up and I just stepped up and went for it. That's what it's all about to me. Just going for something new, something better, achieving something new. Today was awesome. I've been competing for 10 months, finally got on a podium. More top 3 finishes to come! From event 1 and 2 my lungs straight hurt. Its been two hours since the last event and my lungs still hurt. All aerobic capacity, haven't hurt like this since the last time I did Fran. Overall a great day, podium tastes good! (so does the money and swag and I got).
Event 1 (1130)
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
5 Burpees
10 Wall-balls
15 Sit-ups (anchored - touch floor behind head and touch anchor each rep)
6 Rounds + 7 sit-ups. The situps were by far the hardest part of this workout. I ended up taking 3rd place in this event.
Event 2 (1400)
For time:
500m Row then...
3 Rounds:
15 Power Cleans (95#)
30 Double-unders
5:14. I came off the rower in 1:36, I didn't really feel very gassed from that. My second set of double-unders is where I started hitting a wall. I missed quite a few reps during that set. Overall happy with my performance, I shouldn't miss double-unders though. Took 3rd in the event.
Event 3 (1630)
For time:
3 Toe-to-bar + Bar-Muscle-up (1 rep of each, jumping from the low bar to the high bar on a Rogue suicide rig between reps)
10 Thrusters (115#)
Sledge Hammer 360 Degree Spin of a Large Tire
10 Parallet Pass Throughs
Sledge Hammer 360 Degree Spin of a Large Tire
10 Thrusters (115#)
3 Toe-to-bar + Bar-Muscle-up (1 rep of each, jumping from the low bar to the high bar on a Rogue suicide rig between reps)
7:00. I didn't do as well in this event, I got 6th. I still had enough points for a 2nd place finish overall. On a super positive note, I had never done a bar muscle-up in my life. I had tried them probably twice before and was never able to do them. I got with a coach from the local gym and had him show me through the movement. I ended up getting one (out of about 5 attempts) prior to the WOD starting. Needless to say, I was nervous before the last workout. Once the clock started, nailed the reps. The first set was easy, the second was rough. The hammer spin was something I sure as hell have never done. I think I lost some time on that, but I got the work done as best I could.
Overall I'm extremely happy I competed today. Event three is really emblematic of why I do crossfit. I had never done a bar muscle-up and I just stepped up and went for it. That's what it's all about to me. Just going for something new, something better, achieving something new. Today was awesome. I've been competing for 10 months, finally got on a podium. More top 3 finishes to come! From event 1 and 2 my lungs straight hurt. Its been two hours since the last event and my lungs still hurt. All aerobic capacity, haven't hurt like this since the last time I did Fran. Overall a great day, podium tastes good! (so does the money and swag and I got).
Friday, June 8, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
I had an awesome workout today. Again, things are being kept simple. This is the training I was fantasizing about, just lifting heavy and keeping things as simple but intense as possible.
Dead-lift - 5,5,5,5,5 - 315, 365, 375, 385, 400# (new 5 RM)
Rest 15 minutes then...
15 Minute AMRAP:
10 Dead-lifts (185#)
15 Hallow Rocks
20 Double-unders
200m Run
6 rounds + 20 double-unders. The hallow rocks took the most time, they take a lot longer than sit-ups. But it was a nice switch up. Everything was fast and unbroken. I felt really good, the best I have in a while. I think my body is responding well to this lower training volume (setting PRs, felt great during the metcon today). Solid session. Winding things down for this weekend.
Dead-lift - 5,5,5,5,5 - 315, 365, 375, 385, 400# (new 5 RM)
Rest 15 minutes then...
15 Minute AMRAP:
10 Dead-lifts (185#)
15 Hallow Rocks
20 Double-unders
200m Run
6 rounds + 20 double-unders. The hallow rocks took the most time, they take a lot longer than sit-ups. But it was a nice switch up. Everything was fast and unbroken. I felt really good, the best I have in a while. I think my body is responding well to this lower training volume (setting PRs, felt great during the metcon today). Solid session. Winding things down for this weekend.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Today was a solid session. Kept things really simple and went hard.
Strict Press 5,5,5,5,5 - 135, 135, 140, 140, 145# (new 5 RM)
Rest 10 minutes then...
20 Minute AMRAP:
10 Push-Press (115#)
10 KB Swings (53#)
10 Box Jumps (24") Games Standard
12 Rounds + 10 Push-Press. This was an awesome workout. Everything kept going at a pretty solid pace the entire time. The sets were unbroken with short rests in between. My high rep push-press is starting to feel better. I haven't done box jumps in a long time, it seemed liked they gassed me harder than usual. Overall a solid session.
Strict Press 5,5,5,5,5 - 135, 135, 140, 140, 145# (new 5 RM)
Rest 10 minutes then...
20 Minute AMRAP:
10 Push-Press (115#)
10 KB Swings (53#)
10 Box Jumps (24") Games Standard
12 Rounds + 10 Push-Press. This was an awesome workout. Everything kept going at a pretty solid pace the entire time. The sets were unbroken with short rests in between. My high rep push-press is starting to feel better. I haven't done box jumps in a long time, it seemed liked they gassed me harder than usual. Overall a solid session.
Monday, June 4, 2012
I had an awesome workout today. It was a shorter session, but the intensity was very high. I was recovered and overall felt good. It's great to be back at my old gym. I'm definitely excited to set some PRs this summer!
Back Squat - 5,5,5,5,5 - 275, 315, 315, 315, 315 - Last couple sets felt tough. (5 RM is 340, established last week)
Rest 15 minutes then...
EMOM for 20 minutes:
-odd minutes: 3 Power Clean + Push Jerk (200#)
-even minutes: 10 Knees-to-elbows
This felt good. I did this last week at 190# with toes-to-bar. Switched is up a little bit with more weight and a different movement and it felt great. I felt strong today. Excited for tomorrow! I also went for about an hour long hike with some steep inclines today. Not part of training, but definitely some good physical activity in the sun.
Back Squat - 5,5,5,5,5 - 275, 315, 315, 315, 315 - Last couple sets felt tough. (5 RM is 340, established last week)
Rest 15 minutes then...
EMOM for 20 minutes:
-odd minutes: 3 Power Clean + Push Jerk (200#)
-even minutes: 10 Knees-to-elbows
This felt good. I did this last week at 190# with toes-to-bar. Switched is up a little bit with more weight and a different movement and it felt great. I felt strong today. Excited for tomorrow! I also went for about an hour long hike with some steep inclines today. Not part of training, but definitely some good physical activity in the sun.
Friday, June 1, 2012
6/2 & 6/3
Much needed complete rest. My legs have not been this sore in a long time. That squatting this week was awesome!
Today was amazing. It was my last day at NWCF and I got together with some great people and we did a final workout session together. It looked like this:
Workout One
For time:
30 Snatch (135#)
30 Clean and Jerk (135#)
I got through the snatches at 3:12, finished the WOD in 7:22. Awesome WOD.
Rest 10 minutes then...
Workout Two
5 Rounds for time:
5 Dead-lifts (350#)
10 Over-the-bar Burpees
Unbroken in 6:09. This was an awesome workout too. 350# didn't feel insanely heavy.
Rest 10 minutes then...
Workout Three
On a 6:00 minute clock:
800m Run
60 Wall-balls
Max Reps HSPU
-score the wod for reps of HSPU
60 + 0 HSPU. I barely made the time cut-off for the wall-balls. I went over to the wall and busted out 1 rep of HSPU after the time finished. Overall an awesome session with awesome people. I'm really going to miss NWCF!
Workout One
For time:
30 Snatch (135#)
30 Clean and Jerk (135#)
I got through the snatches at 3:12, finished the WOD in 7:22. Awesome WOD.
Rest 10 minutes then...
Workout Two
5 Rounds for time:
5 Dead-lifts (350#)
10 Over-the-bar Burpees
Unbroken in 6:09. This was an awesome workout too. 350# didn't feel insanely heavy.
Rest 10 minutes then...
Workout Three
On a 6:00 minute clock:
800m Run
60 Wall-balls
Max Reps HSPU
-score the wod for reps of HSPU
60 + 0 HSPU. I barely made the time cut-off for the wall-balls. I went over to the wall and busted out 1 rep of HSPU after the time finished. Overall an awesome session with awesome people. I'm really going to miss NWCF!
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