Saturday, June 9, 2012


Today was an awesome day. After regionals I was kind of over competing (at least for a few months). Some of my local friends were doing a competition and I decided to give it a shot. The workouts were basically the complete opposite as regionals. The workouts were very light and fast and only one was technical. I ended up getting second overall; my first time on the podium ever.

Event 1 (1130)
AMRAP 7 Minutes:
5 Burpees
10 Wall-balls
15 Sit-ups (anchored - touch floor behind head and touch anchor each rep)

6 Rounds + 7 sit-ups. The situps were by far the hardest part of this workout. I ended up taking 3rd place in this event.

Event 2 (1400)

For time:
500m Row then...

3 Rounds:
15 Power Cleans (95#)
30 Double-unders

 5:14. I came off the rower in 1:36, I didn't really feel very gassed from that. My second set of double-unders is where I started hitting a wall. I missed quite a few reps during that set. Overall happy with my performance, I shouldn't miss double-unders though. Took 3rd in the event.

Event 3 (1630)

For time:

3 Toe-to-bar + Bar-Muscle-up (1 rep of each, jumping from the low bar to the high bar on a Rogue suicide rig between reps)
10 Thrusters (115#)
Sledge Hammer 360 Degree Spin of a Large Tire
10 Parallet Pass Throughs
Sledge Hammer 360 Degree Spin of a Large Tire
10 Thrusters (115#)
3 Toe-to-bar + Bar-Muscle-up (1 rep of each, jumping from the low bar to the high bar on a Rogue suicide rig between reps)

7:00. I didn't do as well in this event, I got 6th. I still had enough points for a 2nd place finish overall.  On a super positive note, I had never done a bar muscle-up in my life. I had tried them probably twice before and was never able to do them. I got with a coach from the local gym and had him show me through the movement. I ended up getting one (out of about 5 attempts) prior to the WOD starting. Needless to say, I was nervous before the last workout. Once the clock started, nailed the reps. The first set was easy, the second was rough. The hammer spin was something I sure as hell have never done. I think I lost some time on that, but I got the work done as best I could.

Overall I'm extremely happy I competed today. Event three is really emblematic of why I do crossfit. I had never done a bar muscle-up and I just stepped up and went for it. That's what it's all about to me. Just going for something new, something better, achieving something new. Today was awesome. I've been competing for 10 months, finally got on a podium. More top 3 finishes to come! From event 1 and 2 my lungs straight hurt. Its been two hours since the last event and my lungs still hurt. All aerobic capacity, haven't hurt like this since the last time I did Fran. Overall a great day, podium tastes good! (so does the money and swag and I got).

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