Tuesday, June 12, 2012


 AM Workout (1000)

I was a little tight throughout my body today, but once I got warmed up I was able to go hard.

Bench Press 5,5,5,5,5 - 165, 185, 185, 185, 185#
-after last set immediately strip down the bar to 135# and do max reps. Score: 9 reps

Rest 10 minutes then...

10 Rounds for time:
10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
-200m Run after even rounds
-25 Double-unders after odd rounds

22.40. This was a rough workout. I almost tore my hand toward the end, so I backed off on the intensity of the pull-ups for the last two rounds. The push-ups felt harder than the pull-ups after the bench press. Overall a solid workout, my chest-to-bar pull-ups felt really good. Only missed one double-under.

Rest 5 minutes then...

EZ-bar Curl (85#)
EZ-bar Skull Crusher (85#)
-even rounds - narrow grip
-odd rounds - wide grip
 -45 seconds rest between each round, no rest between last 3 rounds

 Yes I did bicep curls and skull crushers today. And they were awesome. I need to work on my pressing strength and this is exactly what I need to do. It felt good to be 'pumped' up hardcore after this workout. I haven't felt like that in a while. Overall a solid and great workout. This is exactly the 'off-season' strength work that I need.

PM Workout (1630)

I didn't really plan on training twice today, but ended up committing to a second WOD at another box. It was cool to go hang out and meet new people and do the WOD off their board. It was the 'Hope' workout. After the 100 C2B pull-ups this morning I was not stoked. Hands tore for sure, but screw it.

On a FGB Clock:
Power Snatch (75#)
Box Jumps (24")
Thruster (75#)
C2B Pull-ups

221. I was trying to go as hard as possible, but I was getting less than 10 pull-ups per round. Everything else felt pretty solid though. I would be interested to do this fresh and see how I do. Overall a solid day of training.

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