Monday, December 31, 2012


I was surprised by how great I felt today. Solid session. It's great to be back.

Back Squat - 4 Sets of 5 @ 75% (300#)
-Felt solid, didn't go crazy on these, easing back into things.

Rest 5 minutes then...

For time:
10 to 1 - Squat Clean (115#)
1 to 10 - Wall-balls

-Unbroken in 10.50. Solid workout on the legs/lungs.

Rest 40 minutes then...

EMOM 15 minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
20 Double-unders

-Complete, solid training. Everything felt really good.

12/24 - 12/30

This was supposed to be a training week. On Monday morning I started feeling the symptoms of what became the worst flu I've ever had. I didn't really eat much and was extremely dehydrated for days. I lost weight, muscle and generally feel emaciated. Because of this illness I did not train for 8 days, the longest I've gone without exercise in years; I can't remember the last time I took this much time off from training. Anyway, I haven't taken a 'de-load' week in a while, so at an attempt at making some positive out of this, this could be considered a de-load week.

The first few days I was antsy/upset about not being in the gym. About day 4 I just stopped caring and wanted to be generally healthy again. Typically I'm a vibrant and energetic person. Having the task of moving from the couch to the bathroom feel daunting to the mind is a terrible feeling when typically  I feel like I can conquer almost any physical task. This whole week has put back into perspective what I love. I wasn't upset about not competing. I was upset about not training and simply being better than I was the day before. This week was a regression in my fitness and health, but it has, in a way, reinvigorated my mind to enjoy training and to enjoy and not take for granted every second that I get in the gym.


Complete rest. It's great to be home, spent the weekend with some of my best friends.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Today was awesome. I'm back home for Christmas and I got to go to my old gym and hangout with my old crew. I love Crossfit and the community it creates. Great people, great workout.

'12 Days of Christmas 2012'

1 Dead-lift (315#)
2 Muscle-ups
3 Power Clean (185#)
5 Burpee Box Jump (24")
6 KB Swing (2 pood)
7 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
8 KB Snatch (1.5 pood)
9 Back Squats (185#)
10 Turkish Get-ups (1.5 pood)
11 Walk-out Push-ups
12 GHD Sit-ups

-Solid work, 53.50 total time. A lot longer a workout than I usually do. I felt awesome for about 20 minutes and then gassed out tough. I drank five beers and ate taco bell yesterday AND I didn't eat anything prior to this workout. Overall very unideal conditions to workout! But I still had an amazing time and it was great to see everybody again!

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Complete rest.


Today was some solid training. Felt strong.

EMOM 10 Minutes: 5 Dead-hang Pull-ups
-complete, more of a warm-up

Bench Press - 8,8,5,5,3,3,3 (failed, got 2 reps) - 175, 175, 185, 185, 190, 200, 200#
-complete rest between sets, 5# each set more than last week (10# more than 2 weeks ago)

DB Floor Press 4 x 10 (2 x 60#) @ 60 seconds rest
-Failed last set at rep 9, solid work

Rest 10 minutes then...

EMOM 20 minutes:
-Odd minutes: 20 Cal Row
-Even minutes: 7 Ring-dips

-Solid day in the gym. Felt strong on the pressing and the conditioning was solid. Really hammering out my weaknesses and showing improvement. Great stuff. Excited to rest!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Today was a solid session. The lifting left me extremely taxed. I almost didn't do a met con. I had a longer one planned out, but cut it to a much shorter WOD. Overall a very great lifting session.

Every :30 for 6:00 minutes: 1 Power Snatch @ 70% (155#)

Rest 6:00 minutes

Every :30 for 6:00 minutes: 1 Power Clean @ 70% (235#)

Back Squat - 8, 5, 3, 2 - 70% (280#), 80% (320#), 85% (340#), 90% (360#) @ 3 minutes rest

Every :60 for 7:00 minutes: 2 Front Squats @ 70% (245#)

Rest 20 minutes then...

For time:
KB Thrusters (2 x 53#)

-7.30. Rough WOD. Thrusters were terrible and I felt really slow on the burpees. The lifting just crushed me and I didn't feel good for the conditioning. Great day in the gym. I'm excited to train tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Today was a great session in the gym. This was the best metcon I've done in a long time. It hurt like only certain workouts can. Such a great feeling.

10 Minutes: Hand Stand Walking practice.
-Went well, getting these down.

10 Minute AMRAP (for quality reps, not necessarily 100%)
HSPU + L-Pull-up ladder (1,1,2,2....)
-Got through 8 HSPU. HSPUs felt awesome, all HSPUs unbroken. These are getting SO much better.

Split Jerk, Behind Neck, Singles Pyramid - 1,1,1,1,1,1 - 225, 225, 255, 225, 255#
-Had to go lighter on these. I was just trying to assess where my elbow feels with heavy-ish weight overhead. No pain, but I definitely didn't feel strong, especially with the 255#.

Rest 10 minutes then...

Chose to do the Invictus Competition challenge that was put out today. I loved it!

4 minute AMRAP:
500m Row
10 Burpee Box Jumps
20 Toe-to-bar
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (115#)
40 KB Swings (53#)
50 Double-unders

Rest 3:00

6 minute AMRAP:

500m Row
10 Burpee Box Jumps
20 Toe-to-bar
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (115#)
40 KB Swings (53#)
50 Double-unders

Rest 3:00

For time:
500m Row
10 Burpee Box Jumps
20 Toe-to-bar
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (115#)
40 KB Swings (53#)
50 Double-unders

-15 S2O
-1 KB Swing

-This was completely painful. Really quality intensity. I was trashed afterward. Great stuff. Super solid session in the gym and I felt great. Stoked to train tomorrow!

Monday, December 17, 2012


Today was a solid session.

Snatch - all sets at 60 seconds rest. 
3 x 1 @ 80% (165#)
2 x 1 @ 85% (175#)
2 x 1 @ 90% (185#)
5 x 1 @ 80% (165#)

-Rest 10 minutes then... 

10 RFT:
2 Power Cleans (225#)
2 Front Squats (225#)
30 Double-unders

11.11. Solid metcon, missed a few double unders toward the end. I got all the squats unbroken, all sets of power cleans were unbroken except rounds 7 and 10. Tried to push it hard, felt strong today. Really excited to train tomorrow! 


Complete rest.


Considered active recovery today, decided to take the day off.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Today was a great workout. I felt great. My body was totally destroyed after this session.

Bench Press - 8,8,5,5,3,3,3 - 170, 170, 180, 180, 190, 195, 195#
-all sets felt good, 5# more on each set than last week.

3 Sets:
8 DB Incline Bench Press (2 x 60#) + 8 DB Flat Bench Tricep Extension (2 x 30#)
-Solid training, fried my triceps

Dead-lift - 2 Reps every :45 for 7:30 (22 reps total) @ 80% (370#)
-solid training, not maximal, felt light

Rest 10 minutes then...

EMOM 10 minutes:
-Even minutes: 3 Muscle-ups
-Odd minutes: 15 Burpees
-Complete, awesome effort

Rest 10 minutes then...

On a 15 minute clock, for total reps:
2:00 - ME Calorie Row
1:00 Rest
4:00 AMRAP:
-15 Push-ups (HR)
-10 T2B
1:00 Rest
4:00 AMRAP:
-15 Jump Squats (45#)
-10 Pull-ups
1:00 Rest
2:00 - ME Calorie Row

-Don't remember the AMRAPs, but the calorie rows were 56 + 44. My push-ups sucked after the benching and muscle-ups. Pull-ups felt solid. Great effort today, such a solid session. I love days like today.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Much needed complete rest.


Another very great day in the gym. My legs were decently sore from yesterday, but once I got warm they felt good.

Every :45 for 5:15 (8 reps) - Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch @ 70% (145#)

Snatch Grip Dead-lift - 5 x 3 @ 100% + 30# (235#)

Rest 10 minutes then...

10 Push-Press (95#)
10 Front Squat (95#)
20 Box Jumps (24")

8 rounds even. This WOD felt like 15 minutes of box jumps. My legs were really shot from yesterday. My push-press was really fast, unbroken every set and zero elbow pain. I didn't want to do this WOD because of the squats and this is the third day in a row I've squatted, but I wanted to assess the elbow. Super stoked it didn't hurt.

Rest 10 minutes then...

-Complete, all sets unbroken.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Today was a very productive day in the gym. I felt really good. My body is responding to the extra rest/lower volume/more food that I thought I needed. It's a lot different to feel like you're dragging ass through a workout vs. attacking the hell out of your workout. Definitely makes training a lot more enjoyable/makes me a happier person. Anyway, today looked like this...

5 Sets: 3 Pos. Snatch (low to high) @ 75% (155#) @ 90 sec. rest

EMOM 10 minutes: 1 Hang Clean + 1 Clean from floor @ 75% (235#)

Every :30 for 4 minutes (9 reps): Back Squat @ 85% (340#)
Rest 2 minutes then...
EMOM for 5 minutes (5 reps): Back Squat @ 90% (360#)

5 Sets: 3 Front Squats (3 sec. pause on rep 1) - Went 225, then 4 sets at 245#
-Had to go much lighter than usual on these, after the above work my legs were thrashed.

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:
KB Swings (2 pood)

7.00. Had to break up the set of 20 swings 10/10. Burpees were SLOW. My body was toasted from the lifting and I just felt slow and aerobically taxed. Got the work done and tried to go as hard as possible. Great lifting session, stoked to train tomorrow.

Monday, December 10, 2012


I felt great after two days off. Workout went well, felt a little gassed on the metcon, it was tough.

5 RFT:
7 Dead-lifts (275#)
30 Squats

11.03. On the last set of HSPU I tried to go unbroken and failed the 6th rep. I lost some time on that, but overall I was happy with my performance. The air squats gassed me out pretty good, dead-lift felt light and easy. 

Rest 20 minutes then...

 EMOM 20 minutes 
-Odd minutes: 10 Push-ups
-Even minutes: 10 Toes-to-bars

-All sets unbroken and fast. Solid training. I'm really focusing on my form on my push-ups, already feel stronger on them. External rotation of the shoulders is really helping. 


Further complete rest; considered active rest. Decided to just rest more.

Friday, December 7, 2012


I had a great workout today. I programmed for myself again, solid session.

Bench Press - 8,8,5,5,3,3,3 - 165, 165, 175, 175, 185, 190, 190# @ 2 minutes rest

DB Bench Press + DB Pull-over (on bench)
2 sets at 2 x 70# DB + 40# DB
2 sets at 2 x 80# DB + 40# DB (failed 5th rep on final set)

Rest 10 minutes then...

5 Back Squats (225#)
10 Renegade Row (2 x 50# DB)
10 KB Swings (53#)
10 Box Jumps 24"

-6 Rounds exactly. This was basically 20 minutes of renegade rows. The first round took me 1:30, my split times suffered drastically after the first round. Everything else went pretty smoothly aside from the renegade rows. This was good training for my push-ups.

Rest 5 minutes then...

I did about 10 sets of Bulgarian ring dips with a 2 count turn out at the top. Started at sets of 5 then went to 3 and finished with some sets of singles. Solid finisher. Overall a productive day in the gym, zero joint pain which was a nice change.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Today was a decent session. I got to program for myself and had the gym to myself. It was a nice change. Kept things simple but the intensity high.

Overhead Squat - 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 (f), 2 (f), 5 - 135, 165, 185, 205, 225, 235, 185#

-This was supposed to be heavy sets of five, but my right shoulder was not having the last few sets. I went down to 185# for a solid set to finish things off. I haven't done an OHS since August and I felt that today. These really taxed me. I think 235# is technically a 2 RM PR.

Rest 10 minutes then...

KB Thruster (2 x 53#)
C2B Pull-ups

-Didn't time this, but went as hard as if I were timing it. Great intensity. This WOD was brutal. I had to break up the sets a lot more than I thought I would.

Rest 5 minutes then...

Sit Ups
Calorie Row

-Didn't record the sit-ups or calories, just went for intensity. Quality training.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


My body is a little beat up. I've got some pain in my right wrist and my left elbow. Other than these minor inflammations I'm feeling decent. No lifting today, I'm lowering my training volume this week.

3 Rounds:
1 minute Row (80% effort)
1 minute Plank
1 minute Hand-Stand (against wall)

-Complete, solid warm-up.

Rest 5 minutes then...

Dead-lift (225#)

8.04. This is a huge PR. This past year my times were consistently between 12-14 minutes. This is my first sub-12 minute Diane. At regionals I didn't even get through the set of 15 HSPU. I gave myself 2 no-reps today. I got to the wall for the set of 9 at 6:00 minutes. It's kind of rough to figure that 9 HSPU took me two minutes, but that last set is a struggle for me. I can't wait to be able to do this unbroken! I'm making progress on my HSPU, it's just frustrating how long it takes! Other aspects of my fitness improve drastically faster. Overall happy with the day and effort I put out. I didn't feel very good. I'm taking this week to really let my body rest and recover. I haven't taken a full on de-load in a long time and I think it's necessary.


Further complete rest. Body is still feeling this weekend.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Complete rest.


Today was a great day. I was sore throughout my arms and chest, but felt decent on the WODs today. I placed much higher today than yesterday.

Event 4
3 RFT:
400m Run
30 Burpees
15 Snatch (135#)

16.05. 6th place. I was happy to place this high in this WOD. It was brutal. I paced the running and burpees and tried to link the snatches as much as possible. Very solid effort.

Rest 90 minutes then...

Event 5:
3 RFT:
90 Double-under (must rest in between sets as much as the set took you)
-Athletes can choose to do reps of shoulder-to-overhead (135#) in the rest intervals, each completed rep is 1 second off the total time. I missed two of the 270 double-unders. I chose not to do any shoulder-to-overhead until the last rest interval. I busted out two unbroken sets of 10. I came in 8th place with a total time of 5.03. Interesting workout, not necessarily a real test of fitness, but I was happy to have a game-plan, stick to it and place well in a 'tricky' workout like this. This definitely has to be gamed to place well.

A really fun day. I felt much better about today than yesterday. I got my confidence back today, the 24th or 26th finish yesterday was not a good feeling. I know my weaknesses and I'm working them, it just takes time. Overall happy about my performance. Outside of my push-ups giving out in a 20 minute AMRAP, I gave a very consistent performance over the weekend.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Today was a pretty fun day. Went to a competition a few hours away from Chicago. Not too many athletes, only 26. There were supposed to be more but because of a venue change many athletes canceled. The ones that did show up were for the most part very talented. Steep competition and a tough environment. I really liked it.

Event 1
'Nasty Girls' (Variant)
15 Front Squats (135#)
7 Muscle-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (135#)

My time was ~8.40. Took 11th overall in the event. I was keeping a very solid pace until the 3rd round. The last set of muscle-ups rocked me, really had to break them up. I'm glad I got the first set of MU's unbroken, I think that's the most unbroken muscle-ups I've ever done.

Rest 90 minutes then...

Event 2
3 Minutes to establish a 1 RM Strict Press
-Opened with 165#, then went 175# (PR tie), then set a 10# PR with a 185# strict press. I was extremely stoked about this, especially since my elbow has been injured and I haven't been pressing at all.

-Tied for 11th in the event.

Rest 30 minutes then...

Event 3
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
10 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
20 Squats

9 rd + 15 squats. I took 24th of 26. This is probably the lowest I've placed in a workout in a long time. My push-ups just went out and were not there. It didn't help that I got a TON of no reps because I wasn't touching my nipples to the floor, I've never seen the 'nipple standard' before (was making contact with my upper chest/above the nipple area). At the end of first day I ended up 15th of 26th. Not very solid, but I'm still very happy about my PR strict press, PR max muscle-ups and the stiffness of the competition.

Overall a fun day with some great people.