Friday, May 31, 2013


65 minute run in the Boise foothills. It was mid-day, 75 degrees with a slight breeze. Perfect weather for running, today was a great day. Went about 30 minutes straight up hill, then 35 minutes of rolling hills. Legs felt a little shot, but lungs feel solid. Great day with my shirt off in the sun.

On a side note, logging into facebook and seeing the Northwest Regional (my old region) and the North Central Regional (which I should be competing at) going down this weekend is kinda tough, but Marine OCS is a once in a lifetime opportunity and a new adventure. I feel like I've 'been around the block' so to speak when it comes to Crossfit competitions, but I still love that stuff and will continue to do it. Wish I was competing, but sometimes life isn't fair and I'm extremely excited to go to some of the toughest military leadership training in the world in a few days.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Worked out at my sister's crossfit gym today. It was a fun day at a new gym that just opened up in April. Really nice people and a great facility; I had a great time. I just went ahead and did whatever was on their board, lower volume, but a great session.

Death By Strict Pull-ups for 15:00
-If you fail restart on the next minute
-Max effort set on the 15th minute

-9 reps, failed the 10th set
-Scored 8 pull-ups on the 15th minute

Rest 10 minutes then...

3 Rounds @ 2:00 Rest:
1 Power Clean + 6 Front Squats (225#)
200m Run

-Each interval took between 60-80 seconds, didn't get the exact times. Fun time and met some cool new people, great day.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Workout 1 (1000) 

6 Strict Press + 1 Dead-lift
2 Sets @ 115# + 405#
2 Sets @ 125# + 405#
2 Sets @ 135# + 405#

-Kept everything on the light side, not risking injury at all this week!

Rest 15 minutes then...

For time:
1000m Row
50 Wall-ball
40 T2B
30 Shoulder-to-Overhead (135#)
20 Burpees-over-bar
10 Lunges (135#)

~13 minutes, don't remember exactly. Solid metcon.

Workout 2 (1330)

Worked out at a more "traditional" gym (meaning not a crossfit gym) and had a decent session with a friend. Fun way to spend the afternoon. Did a bunch of different intervals at :30, :45 and :60 of various exercises. Was a nice change, had a good conversation and chilled.

Workout 3 (1745) 

Extremely relaxing hot yoga. Great stuff.

Monday, May 27, 2013


Today was a really fun day. I had some stuff planned, but upon arrival at the gym I realized every crossfitter in the world is doing 'Murph' today, so I figured I'd indulge.

For time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
-Wore a weighted vest that I think was 34#. I'm not sure, that thing was somewhere between 30# and 40#.

Time of 50:08. I've never done this workout with such a heavy vest, it was really fun. The last few rounds of the bodyweight stuff was horrible and that last mile run had to have been around 10 minutes. Great stuff though, fun day with a really nice dude from my gym back home.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Went on a 50 minute run in the Boise foothills. Lots of rolling hills and some crazy weather. Great stuff. Lungs and running both feel really good. This last week had three consecutive rest days; I'm tapering down for shipping out. This week will be a little higher volume than last week though, body feels recovered and ready for anything.


Complete rest.

Friday, May 24, 2013


Felt a little off after three days of abnormal food, alcohol and sleep, but I did a fun workout and got a nice run in some hot weather.

3 Sets @ 3:00 Rest:
12 Strict Pull-ups
24 Push-ups (Marine Corps Cadence) 

Rest 10 minutes then... 

For Time: 
10 Thrusters (95#)
15 Bar-facing Burpees
20 Thrusters (95#)
25 Bar-facing Burpees
30 Thrusters (95#)
35 Bar-facing Burpees

13.01. Tough on the lungs, very painful. Sets of 30/35 were just freaking awful. 

Rest 10 minutes then...

~3 to 3.5 mile run in 22:20. Legs were toast after 'Omar', but kept a relatively consistent pace throughout the run. 

5/21, 22 & 23

Complete rest. Lots of time with friends, beer and delicious food.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Today was awesome. Nothing crazy, but got some solid work in. Lungs are feeling legit.

Workout 1 (0900) 

Between the warm-up, cool-down and 4 hill intervals there was a total running time of 29:00. Went 100% on the intervals, 1:1 jog between intervals. Hills are fun. Iced my legs in the Boise River for 10 minutes afterward, man I love this city; it's such a great place.

Workout 2 (1100) 

Power Clean - 5,5,5 - Touch-and-Go
185#, 205#, 245#

Rest 5 minutes then...

For time:
Overhead Squat (135#)
Strict Pull-ups

9.41. Unbroken for the set of 21/9 OHS, went 7/8 for 15, the pull-ups had to be broken up a lot.

Rest 15 minutes then...

EMOM 20:
-Odd: Toes-to-bar x 10
-Even: Push-ups x 10

-Complete. Fun day in the gym.

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Today was awesome. Ran at about noon in the Boise foothills. 32:30 running through rolling hills. It was great to be back home running on the familiar trails with the familiar smells of a hot day in the high desert. Great stuff. It's so great to be home and relaxed. Two weeks until the adventure begins.


Complete rest. Hungover from last night's celebration. End of first year of law school.

Friday, May 17, 2013


Today was my last workout in Chicago for a while. I'll be back in late August. Anyway, I got in during the morning before my last final exam of my first year of law school. I found a workout I've been wanting to do for a while. It was a longer WOD, very challenging. 

10 RFT:
3 Dead-lifts (335#)
6 Over-the-bar Burpees 
6 Ring Dips
9 Toe-to-bar 

21.41. I was gunning for under 20, but it just wasn't happening. The ring dips were by far the hardest part for me, I was doing some singles toward the end. The only things unbroken were the dead-lifts and burpees. I got about half the T2B unbroken, then did some sets of 5/4 and 6/3. Fun workout, dead-lifts felt awesome. 

Rest 5 minutes then... 

-Easy 1 mile run home 


Much needed complete Rest. Body isn't sore, but definitely worn out.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Really solid and fun day of training today. Did the class WOD and then hit the track with a buddy; great stuff. Pressing felt terrible, I don't think I've done a strict press since January, metcons were awesome though.

Strict Press - 5,5,4,2,2 - 135#,135#, 135#, 145#, 145#

Rest 5 minutes then...

5 RFT:
15 Box Jumps (24")
200m Run

-8.10. Fun sprint.

Rest 40 minutes (walked to a local track)...

4 RFT:
400m Run
50 Squats

-11.10. This was brutal on the legs and lungs. Great training.

Rest 5 minutes then...

6 x 200m Run @ 2:00 Rest

-Complete, I was thrashed after this session. Really fun day outside on the track in some solid weather. Running felt really solid.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I found out yesterday I won't be competing for my team at the 2013 Regional. Kind of a shitty pill to swallow, but it's the reality of the situation. My military orders overlap with the competition and there is no way around it. It's been really fun doing the team training, it really made me enjoy training again. But I'll no longer be doing it. So I have a few more weeks to kind of just train however the fuck I want until OCS starts.

Needless to say, I'm pretty bummed. But going to Marine Corps OCS is a once in a lifetime opportunity and Crossfit competitions aren't going anywhere. And on the positive side, it worked out that I get to spend a little bit more time with my family this way. Anyway, today looked like this:

EMOM 20:
5 Minutes, every :30 - 1 Squat Clean (225#)
5 Minutes, every :60 - 3 Touch-and-Go Squat Cleans (225#)
10 Minutes: every :60 - 1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squats (245#)
-Complete, solid training.

Strict Pull-ups:
-1 RM (weighted): 88# Overhand
-1 RM (weighted): 88# Underhand
2 Sets: Max Reps @ 35# + Max Reps Unweighted
-9 + 5, 7 + 3
1 Set: Max Reps Unweighted

Monday, May 13, 2013


Today was awesome. I was still a little tight throughout my body, but once I started lifting I felt great.

-Easy 1 mile run to gym 

Clean and Jerk - Max out 

Singels: 185#, 225#, 255#, 272# (LIFE TIME PR) 
-I missed 272# three times in a row, I was barely missing it. I had an O-lifting coach watching me and I felt as if he wanted me to make the lift more than I did because I was so close to nailing it. I have never put more than 270# overhead. I also suffered my worst injury ever last August and I basically couldn't max out my jerk at all for a number of months. My elbow is back in business and it feels amazing to PR and know that today is the strongest I've ever been! Great confidence booster. A lot of training sessions this year have been limited due to that injury. 300# overhead this coming year! 

Rest 5 minutes then...

1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45#)
30 Pull-ups

-6:49. I wasn't very happy with this, but whatever I PRed my fucking clean and jerk! I came off the rower in 3:30, finished with the thrusters unbroken by 5:25. I did the pull-ups 15/9/6. I butterflied the first ten, but my shoulders were gassed out from the thrusters and had to switch to regular kipping. Forearms and lungs burned after this. I wanted sub 6, but obviously I'm not capable of that right now. But overall a solid day of training. 

Rest 5 minutes then...

-Easy 1 mile run home


Much needed complete rest.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Today was a great session. Really fun team training session. Team training is really making crossfit fun again! I was a little tight today, but once I warmed up everything felt solid.

-Easy 1 mile run to gym

2013 Team Regionals Event 5
For time:
Dead-lifts (275#)
Box Jumps (30")

4.22. 21 and 9 were unbroken, went 5-5-5 on the set of 15 dead-lifts. I bounded the sets of 15 and 9 box jumps, should have bounded the set of 21, but didn't want to gas myself out. I will give this another go with unbroken bounding box jumps before regionals and see how it goes. I want to go sub-4 on this workout.

Rest 20 minutes then...

With a partner (male/female teams), 3 Rounds for time:
1000m Row
50 Burpees
50 Box Jumps (24")
800m Run

30.40. Solid metcon. I rowed 2600m of the rowing and partner did the majority of the burpees. Overall a fun training session with some great people.

-Easy 1 mile run home

Friday, May 10, 2013


Today was a solid session. Did some stuff on my own and then did the class workout, it was cool to jump in and workout with everybody.

3 Rounds @ 3:00 Rest:
2 Rope Climbs (15 ft)
50 Double-unders
10 Box Jumps (30")

Rest 5 minutes then...

Strict Snatch Grip Press - 5,4,4,3 - 95, 105, 115, 115#
Snatch Grip Push-Press - 5,4,4,3 - 135, 185, 185, 195#

Rest 5 minutes then...

5 RFT:
10 Thrusters (135#)
200m Run
10 Hang Power Clean (135#)


4 Rounds @ 60 seconds rest:
20 Hip Extensions
20 Hollow Rocks

Overall a great day in the gym, really fun, felt decent. Excited to train tomorrow!

Thursday, May 9, 2013


My body was still sore today, but once I got warmed up I felt really good. 

-Easy 1 mile run to gym 

For time:
30 Wall-ball
30 C2B Pull-ups
30 Pistols 
30 DB Snatch (70#)

-Rest 10 minutes then... 

For time:
20 Wall-ball
20 C2B Pull-ups
20 Pistols 
20 DB Snatch (70#)

-Easy 1 mile run home 

I don't remember my times on the WODs, but I felt great. Everything was unbroken but the set of 30 C2B. I went 19/5/3/3. I got the second set of 20 unbroken though. I can get the set of 30 unbroken at regionals! Lower volume day, everything felt good. I've been throwing around the 100# DB a lot, the 70# feels like nothing. Excited for some more hardcore/higher volume training tomorrow!


Complete rest. Body is toasted.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Today was another great day of training. Felt solid both sessions.

Workout 1 (1400) 

Airdyne, on a 22:00 Clock:
:30 100%
1:30 easy

Rest 5 minutes then...

3 Sets @ 3:00 Rest:
20 Flutter Kicks (4 Count Marine Corps cadence)
20 Hello Dollies (4 Count Marine Corps cadence)
20 Leg Lifts (2 Count)

Workout 2 (1730) 

OHS - Heavy Triples, take bar from ground
185, 185, 195, 205, 215# (f) - There is a lot more there, was crunched for time so had to go. Just lost the bar in front of me, my right shoulder has been giving me some shit lately. I really want to get 235# for a triple at regionals.

On a 10:00 Clock:
Build up to a heavy-ish Dead-lift Triple:
-Hit 405#, felt really easy.

Rest 5 minutes then...

Partner WOD, Male Female Team
2 Rounds:
20 Partner Dead-lifts (225#)
-3 teams of 2, each team finishing a round before the next team starts

Rest 5 minutes then...

Partner WOD, 3 Males Complete:
100 Back Squats (135#)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-Overhead (135#)
100 Front Squats (95#)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-Overhead
100 OHS (65#)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-Overhead (65#)

Rest 10 minutes then...

Bench Press + Strict Pull-ups Supersets:
10,5,5,5,5,12 - 135, 185 x 4 sets, 135# - 5 strict pull-ups after each set

Overall a solid and fun day in the gym. It was cool to train with all 6 members of our team together, good camaraderie time.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Took a few extra rest days last week and it really helped. I felt awesome today. Had a solid session in the morning and had the best workout I've had in months in the afternoon. Somehow we got all the best dudes in our gym, a group of about 8-10 dudes and just went hard. I wish I could do that everyday, so much fun and such a high intensity training environment.

AM Workout (1200) 

Airdyne, on a 20:00 Clock:
1 Minute Easy
1 Minute 85% 

Rest 5 minutes then...

3 Sets @ 2:00 rest:
20 Push-ups (4 count, Marine Corps cadence) 

PM Workout (1700) 

Back Squat - 10 Sets of 3 Reps
295, 295, 345 x 6 sets, 295, 295# 
-These felt great, feeling strong. 

6 Sets:
Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk 
165, 185, 205, 215, 235, 245# 
-Cleans feel strong, jerk felt okay, at least no elbow pain. Wanted to keep going up, but was time constrained. 

Rest 10 minutes then...

EMOM 20:
-Odd: 3 Muscle-ups + 3 Ring Dips
-Even: 3 Ground-to-Overhead (185#)

-Complete. Great training. Tore my right wrist terribly around minute 15:00, probably the worst I ever have. It was worth it, great training session with the bros. 


Complete rest.

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Felt great today, no longer sick. Had a team training session, went hard, it was fun.

-1 Mile easy run to gym

With a partner: 
100 T2B
100 Lunges (95/65#) - Front Rack
20 Wall-walks 
100 Back Squats (115/85#) 
100 Burpees 
-Then 1 mile partner run 

-While parter A works, partner B runs 100m and vice versa. 
-Didn't get the time, but went hard. 

Rest 20 minutes then... 

3 Prowler Pushes - 1 City Block @ 5 minutes rest - went 175, 265, 290#. I was able to get every single interval without stopping, everyone else was breaking them up. I was happy to be able to make this sled my bitch. Great effort, haven't felt burning in my legs like that in a long time. Great morning training session, now time to study ALL DAY. Yay for law school finals. 

5/2 & 5/3

5/2 - Complete rest. I've come down with some kind of sickness, probably from the lack of sleep this last weekend. Took a 3 hour nap today.

5/3 - Further rest, trying to get rid of this illness. Another 3 hour nap today.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Today was the best training session I've had in a while. Great group of people and a great workout.

Power Clean -  3RM
Touch-and-go Sets:
205, 225, 245#
Dropping Sets:
255, 260, 265# (f) - missed the second rep on the last set

Rest 15 minutes then...

500m Row
50 Double-under
40 KB Swings (53#)
30 Wall-ball (11 ft target)
20 T2B
10 Muscle-ups

Rest 3 minutes...


500m Row
50 Double-under
40 KB Swings (53#)
30 Wall-ball (11 ft target)
20 T2B
10 Muscle-ups

Rest 3 minutes then...

For time:

500m Row
50 Double-under
40 KB Swings (53#)
30 Wall-ball (11 ft target)
20 T2B
10 Muscle-ups

15 WB, 6 T2B, 11:07. Solid workout, huge effort.

Rest 10 minutes then...

Death by Strict Pull-ups
Score: 8th minute, failed at 9