Workout 1 (1000)
6 Strict Press + 1 Dead-lift
2 Sets @ 115# + 405#
2 Sets @ 125# + 405#
2 Sets @ 135# + 405#
-Kept everything on the light side, not risking injury at all this week!
Rest 15 minutes then...
For time:
1000m Row
50 Wall-ball
40 T2B
30 Shoulder-to-Overhead (135#)
20 Burpees-over-bar
10 Lunges (135#)
~13 minutes, don't remember exactly. Solid metcon.
Workout 2 (1330)
Worked out at a more "traditional" gym (meaning not a crossfit gym) and had a decent session with a friend. Fun way to spend the afternoon. Did a bunch of different intervals at :30, :45 and :60 of various exercises. Was a nice change, had a good conversation and chilled.
Workout 3 (1745)
Extremely relaxing hot yoga. Great stuff.
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