Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Today's workout was pretty awesome. I'm stoked to be back training with my training partner, but fuck this gym in Chicago is packed with people. I had to cut out the muscle-ups and my transitions got all kinds of fucked up with people in the way. It's a really shitty way to train. I loved having that huge gym in Idaho to train however I wanted. We got through the workout, but I didn't get as much intensity as possible and I can't really compare my times to athletes who had the opportunity to do this workout without obstruction. Whatever, got the most out of the session that I could, on to tomorrow.

Three sets, not for time, of:
Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 45-60 seconds
Double-Unders x 50 reps
L-Sit x 30 seconds

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep @ 90-95% (195-210)
-3 minutes @ 195#
-2 minutes @ 200#
-1 minute @ 205#
-These felt really solid, wish I would have put a little more on the bar.

For times (against a running clock):
Row 500 Meters
10 Power Snatches (155/105 lbs)
20 Toes to Bar

When the clock reaches 8:00, complete the following…

Row 500 Meters
15/10 Muscle-Ups
30 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105 lbs)

When the clock reaches 16:00, complete the following…

Row 500 Meters
20 Toes to Bar
40 Handstand Push-Ups

When the clock reaches 24:00, complete the following…

Row 500 Meters
25 Burpees Over the Erg
50 Ring Dips

-The first part took about 4 minutes, 3 TnG snatches then fast singles, unbroken T2B. Huge transition from one side of the gym to another due to space issues.
-From there things got fucked up, people doing box jumps under the only rings in the gym, cut out the MU and did 10/5/5/5 S2O, did not get the time.
-17 HSPU
-~33 minutes total time, so 9 ish minutes on the last part, but I was waiting for people to move and stuff. So this time is kind of irrelevant. Ring dips felt tough after all the prior work.

-Overall a kind of retarded day in the gym. Attempted to make the most of it though.

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