Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Really simple, but effective workout today. Got in the gym after a pretty long day at work... but tried to get as much out of this as I could. The gym was fucking packed with morons doing stupid shit... had to change around what I had planned out, but got a great workout anyway. This was my last hard workout of the week... will now be tapering down for the PFT on Friday.

1,2,3,4... etc
Strict Pull-ups
Rest :10 for each rep completed between sets (i.e. :10 for set 1, :20 for 2, :30 for 3 etc...)

-12 Reps + 10 reps of the 13th set ... this is the farthest I've ever gotten on this progression, pull-ups felt pretty solid.

Rest as needed

-315#, 365#, 385#, 405#, 425# ... got all these reps pretty easily, biceps were shot from the pull-ups, but overall had a good time doing these dead-lifts. It is nice to actually be doing this movement after taking so much time away from it.

EMOM 30:
Odd = 15 Calorie Row
Even = 15 Burpees

-Complete... no misses, finished that last set of burpees at 30:14 ... this is a pretty epic workout ... have been pretty stressed out, so it was good to just go somewhere else mentally and destroy myself with this kind of workout. First 10 minutes were rough and I was thinking to myself I didn't know if I could get all the reps... by the time I got to 20 minutes I committed to really getting all the reps. Those last 8 minutes were brutal... the name of this workout is very fitting... great stuff, really enjoyed getting after this today.

20 Minute ROMWOD

-Complete ... this felt amazing.

Monday, January 30, 2017


Complete Rest ... body is a lot more ripped up today than I thought it would be... I'm pretty much sore all over... especially in my shoulders. Definitely felt the need to take it easy today.

Saturday, January 28, 2017


Felt a little tired today... and kind of stressed because I think I have a small skin infection on my leg that will require antibiotics... but wanted to get in the gym and get a solid session in. Once I got warmed up I felt pretty solid on everything... conditioning was tough to do alone... brutal/long workout to do without any competition. Have never given that workout a go, it is a fun conditioning session, burpees slowed me down a lot, but I felt really solid on the pull-ups and lunges.

Four sets of:
Touch-n-Go Power Snatch x 5 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Increase load each set, working to the heaviest 5-rep set possible.

-135#, 155#, 165#, 175# ... felt very solid on these, didn't really push the loading, 2 minute rest interval was tough. 

Every 2 for 20 (10 sets), Touch-n-Go: 
High Hang Clean + Hang Clean + Clean 

-135# x 2 sets, 185# x 2 sets, 205# x 2 sets, 225# x 2 sets, 235# x 2 sets ... did these all as squat cleans... the first time I've done full squat cleans this heavy/at this volume in well over a year. Everything felt pretty solid, even if the loads were not too heavy. 

'Crossfit Games Open 16.1' 
25 Foot Overhead Walking Lunge (95/65#)
8 Bar-Facing-Burpees
25 Foot Overhead Walking Lunge (95/65#)
8 C2B Pull-ups

-8 rounds + 8 burpees ... this was solid conditioning, definitely made me sweat a lot ... different from the workouts I've been doing lately, but overall I enjoyed this. 

3 Sets, not for time:
DB Bench Press x 12 reps (2 x 60# DB)
Rest as needed
Weighted Supinated Grip Pull-ups x 5 reps (35# KB)
Rest as needed

-Complete ... nice pump

3 Sets, not for time:
Strict Dips x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Bent-Over BB Row x 8 reps (135#)
Rest as needed
GHD Hip Extension x 12 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete ... haven't been doing enough dips since at TBS... need to start incorporating these more.

100 Unbroken Tricep Rope Push-Downs

-Complete ... used 15# ... around rep 40 my triceps started burning... just finished this out and didn't put the rope down... huge tricep pump. Good finisher.

20 Minute ROMWOD



AM Workout (0800)

Had an okay workout this morning... had to go over to the main-side gym on Quantico... it was fucking packed. On top of that, it is essentially a basic bodybuilding gym with limited crossfit equipment. Overall I was still able to get a solid session in, but didn't like the vibe of the whole place, was tough to get 'in the zone' in such a weird space... I tried to push through that shit and go hard... but this definitely was the worse session I've had in a while. I wanted to add some more stuff on the end of the workout, but by 0930 when I was finishing up, there were literally lines of people for different equipment.... fucking ridiculous. 

3 Sets:
Max Strict Pull-ups
Rest :60 

-22, 9, 7 ... felt solid on that first set... hopefully can get 23 on Friday.

Take 15 minutes to build to today’s heavy Strict Press 

-95# x 5, 135# x 5, 155# x 1, 175# x 1, 185# (FAIL) - 175# went up very easily... 185# stopped me in my tracks ... this sucks big time... have gotten a lot worse at this lift while at TBS. 

Back Squat 
Set 1 – 5 reps (225#) 
Set 2 – 3 reps (315#) 
Set 3 – 1 rep  (365#)
Set 4 - 1 rep  (375#)
Rest 2-3 minutes

-Complete ... no misses. 

On a 15 Minute Clock: 

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
6 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
9 Thrusters (95/65#)
12 Toes-to-Bar

Rest exactly 2 minutes, and then . . .

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
6 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
9 Thrusters (95/65#)
12 Toes-to-Bar

Rest exactly 60 seconds, and then . . .

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
6 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
9 Thrusters (95/65#)
12 Toes-to-Bar

-2 rounds
-2 rounds + 4 BBJO
-2 rounds + 6 BBJO ... this workout really tossed my salad ... toes-to-bar were ridiculously hard after the thrusters. Very solid conditioning, even if I didn't feel particularly great. 

3 Sets:
Plank x :70
Rest as needed
Arnold Press x 12 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete ... presses went 30#s for one set and then 35#s for two sets ... shoulder were just smoked by this point, so went on the lighter side.

PM Workout (1630)

Ever 5 for 20 (4 sets):
800 Yard Run

-2:40, 2:50, 2:51, 2:57 ... this was more rough than I thought it would be.




Had my final 'Land Navigation' exam today at TBS ... basically walked/ran around under a light road from 0700 to 1330 continuously over rugged terrain. This is deceivingly exhausting... coupled with the fact this was just a tough week overall here at this school. No 'training' today... just exhausting work.

Friday, January 27, 2017


Complete Rest ... worked about a 15 hour day today... it was totally exhausting. Probably needed the rest / time away from the gym anyway.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Had a pretty solid workout with my platoon today ... we broke up into two ability groups and I took the top 12 people in the platoon and we did a workout together. I got to facilitate the flow of the workout and overall it went really well, I got a decent workout out of it. It was in boots/utes and looked like this:

2 Rounds Through:

Station 1 
2 Rope Climbs (25 foot)
30 Toes-to-Bar 

Run 1000m 

Station 2 
20 Strict Pull-ups
40 Bench Dips
60 Push-ups 

Run 1000m

Took about 50 minutes to get everyone through, tried to push the pace on the runs to a moderate pace. Overall a solid way to start the day. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


AM Workout (0630) 

Had some group PT with my platoon this morning, it was individual effort session, which is better than going at the group's speed. This workout was for the length of a basketball court:

1 - shuttle run
2 - backwards shuttle run
3 - lunges
4 - broad jump
5 - bear crawl

For time:

-This took about 21 minutes ... wasn't too taxing, but blew up the legs a little bit.

~1 Mile cool-down jog


20 Minute ROMWOD

-Complete, hit this in my room right after PT

PM Workout (1630) 

Got in a quick rowing session because I had some time to kill... didn't feel particularly great, between the last few days of training and this morning, my legs were pretty shot. At least I got some more movement in.

10 Sets:
Row 500m @ 2k PR Pace
Rest :60

-Kept this around 1:49-1:59 for all the intervals ... wasn't very consistent ... kind of fell off towards the end.

4 Sets:
:30 Hollow Hold
:60 Rest

-Complete ... haven't done these in a very long time, tough on the core. 

Monday, January 23, 2017


This evening was a solid workout... Felt a little beat up from yesterday, but once I got rolling on everything I felt pretty solid. Dead-lifting felt heavy, but squatting and the overall volume yesterday left me pretty taxed. Still got a lot out of this, really fun/chiller bodybuilding session with my buddy in the gym at TBS.


-245# x 10, 335# x 10, 375# x 10, 415# (fail) x 4 ... felt my back rounding a bit on that 4th rep and just called it... probably could have gotten more reps, but played it safe.

EMOM 10:
Strict Weighted Pull-ups (44#) x 4 reps

rest exactly 2 minutes then when clock reaches 12:
1 Max Set of Strict Pull-ups

-Completed all weighted up
-12 unbroken strict pull-ups on the max-set ... was tough after 40 weighted pull-ups.

3 Sets:
DB Rows x 20 reps (10 each arm) @ 106#
Rest as needed

-Complete... solid back and arm pump from these. Used a 106# (48 kg) KB.

3 Super Sets:
EZ Bar Preach Curls (50#) x 12 reps
Standing Hammer Curls (2 x 30#) x 12 reps
Rest exactly 60 seconds

-Complete ... kept the weights light and the rest interval short, very solid pump.

3 Sets:
25 Weighted Decline Sit-ups (35# plate - held off the body)
Rest is partner's set

-Complete ... tough on the hip flexors

2 Drop-Sets:
Seated Preacher Curl Machine x 8/8/8 (used ~125/90/50# for the drop sets)
Rest as needed

-Complete ... huge pump, solid finisher.

20 Minute ROMWOD


Saturday, January 21, 2017


AM Workout (0830) 

Despite a very tough week of training at TBS, binge drinking Friday night and suffering a wicked hangover yesterday, I felt surprisingly very fit on the workout this morning. Overall had a great session in the gym... it was fun to actually feel fit and attack the workout instead of simply going through the motions and beating myself up for not being able to train hard. Had a great time this morning, really solid way to spend my weekend liberty. 

(24 minute clock): 
Take exactly 10 minutes to build to today’s heavy Push Press,
followed immediately by…
Exactly 8 minutes to build to today’s heavy Power Jerk,
followed immediately by…
Exactly 6 minutes to build to today’s heavy Split Jerk

-Push-Press = 235#
-Push-Jerk = 255# 
-Split-Jerk = 275# ... heaviest I've gone overhead in a very long time, this was out of a squat rack in a bodybuilding gym, so didn't push it any further. 

Back Squat
Set 1- 5 reps @ (225#)
Set 2- 3 reps @ (315#)
Set 3- 1 rep @ (370#) 
Set 4- 10 reps @ (260#) 
Set 5- 10 reps @ (260#) 
Rest 2-3 minutes

-Complete, no misses, pushed the loads a little bit over last week, best squatting has felt in a while. 

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
30 Toes-to-Bar
15 Ground to Overhead (155/105 lbs)

Rest 2 minutes, and then…

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
30 Toes-to-Bar
15 Ground to Overhead (155/105 lbs)

Rest 2 minutes, and then…

For time:
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
30 Toes-to-Bar
15 Ground to Overhead (155/105 lbs)

-25 TTB
-14 Ground-to-Overhead

-I was pretty gassed out by that last interval, overall extremely solid conditioning. Great stuff. 

Three sets of the following complex:
20 Dumbbell Tate Press
20 Dumbbell Skull Crushers
20 Dumbell Floor Press
Rest 2 minutes

-Complete @ 2 x 15# DB ... rough ... first set unbroken, had to break up the sets of skull crushers on the second and thirds set with a short 10-15 second break. Really blew up my triceps. 

3 Sets: 
Plank x :60 seconds 
DB Side Lateral Raise (2 x 15# DB) x 10 reps 
Rest as needed 


PM Workout (1530) 

Had a decent session this afternoon, changed around what I had written out, but still got a lot out of this, felt solid on everything. 

EMOM 12: 
1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat 
Build over the course of 12 sets 

-135# x 3 sets, 165# x 3 sets, 185# x 3 sets, 205# x 3 sets ... felt really solid on these ... was surprised given the intensive shoulder stuff this morning. 

Every 3 for 30 (10 sets):
Row x 20 Calories 
Hand-Stand Walk x 30 feet 
Strict Pull-ups x 5 

-Complete ... all sets around 2:00-2:30 ... this was some steady cardio, nothing too taxing ... just good handstand practice, got a few of the sets of 30 feet unbroken ... haven't been doing this movement much at TBS, but glad I'm throwing it back in there as extra volume. 

In as few sets as possible:
200 Bicycle Crunches 

-Went 130/40/30 ... good burner. 


Complete Rest / hangover ... ended up drinking a bit last night ... was planning on working out today, but wasn't feeling up to it. I probably needed the rest after this week anyway... really looking forward to getting into the gym for some solid workouts tomorrow.


Had another land navigation event today... about 12ish miles of walking with a light load. Pretty taxing over the course of the day and everything else we've done this week.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Much needed complete rest

1/17 & 1/18

Went on a two-day field exercise here at The Basic School. It was a field ex all about patrolling... basically walked under a combat load with my machine gun for two days straight with very little rest. Also had very little real food... brought some protein bars and peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches... but mostly had MREs. Overall it was good training, but pretty physically demanding. It was tough only getting about 5 hours of sleep Monday and Tuesday and then 6 Wednesday night. Need some rest after this time in the field.

Monday, January 16, 2017


50 Minute Aerobic Run ... lots of rolling hills.

-Came in at 49:45 ... 8:45 mile pace, ~5.7 miles, 580 feet of elevation gain and loss. Overall a solid run, haven't done much dedicated running like this, didn't push the pace much at all given the high volume of training the last couple days. Great run overall, two days in the field coming up tomorrow. Really thankful for the holiday today... having two cups of coffee and then going for a run at 0800 really beats waking up for some bullshit time wasting formation at 0500.

15 Minute ROMWOD


Saturday, January 14, 2017


AM Workout (0730)

This morning was a solid cardio/gymnastics session. Everything we did was pretty fun and challenging. Made up all the programming for today in an attempt to compliment what we did yesterday, overall got a lot out of it.

10 Minutes to Establish 1 RM Weighted Strict Pull-up

-44# x 2, 66# x 2, 72# x 1, 82# x 1, 97# x 1 ... felt solid on these.

Strict 'Chelsea'-ish
EMOM 30:
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
14 Alternating Jumping Lunges

**If you fail to finish the reps within a round, take one minute off and then resume on the following minute

-Complete, no missed rounds or reps ... the last 10 minutes of this were very challenging, overall great conditioning.

Rest 10 minutes then...

3 Rounds, for intensity:
:20 Truform Runner @ 100% sprint
Russian Twists (20#) x 20 reps
Med-Ball Sit-ups (20#) x 20 reps

straight into...

3 Rounds, for intensity:
:20 Truform Runner @ 100% sprint
Russian Twists (20#) x 20 reps
Hollow Rocks x 20 reps

straight into... 

3 Rounds, for intensity:
:20 Truform Runner @ 100% sprint
Russian Twists (20#) x 20 reps
Flutter Kicks (4 count) x 20 reps 

-16:43 ... this was some very solid core work... and actually my first time using a Truform. Overall this was really tough and left me completely covered in sweat. Great stuff.

PM Workout (1530)

Every 3 for 30 (10 sets):
20 Calorie Row
25 Foot Hand-Stand Walk
10 Toes-to-Bar

-Complete ... each set was between 2:00 - 2:35 ... started really feeling this during the second half. Really good cardio / skill work ... was considering doing a little more volume, but this really thrashed me, I felt like I got an adequate workout from this. Overall this weekend was a very solid two days of training.

20 Minute ROMWOD


Friday, January 13, 2017


AM Workout (0730)

Had a super solid workout this morning ... higher volume session and I felt good on everything. Really happy to be able to train hard like this at TBS. Worked out with a guy I've never worked out with who has some crossfit experience, it was a really nice change to workout with someone else. We definitely got more out of this working out together. Great workout, great way to spend my Saturday morning.

Take 15 minutes to build to today’s heavy:
Push Press + Power Jerk

-185#, 205#, 225#, 235#

EMOM 12:
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
Build over the course of 12 sets

-135#, 135#, 165#, 165#, 185# x 6 sets, 195#, 195#

3 Sets:
Seated DB Strict Press x 8 reps
Rest as needed

-2 x 50# DB, 2 x 60# DB, 2 x 60# DB (fail - 8 reps) ... felt tough, shoulders were pretty much dead by the time I got here.

Back Squat
Set 1- 5 reps (245#)
Set 2- 3 reps (335#)
Set 3- 1 rep (355#)
Set 4- 10 reps (245#)
Set 5- 10 reps (245#)
Rest 2-3 minutes

-Just went off feel here, added 20# to each set over last week, except the single, which was only 10# more.

On an 18:00 Clock:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 2 minutes of:
10 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
10 Bar-Facing Burpees
Rest 4 minutes, and repeat for a total of three sets

These must be sprint sessions. Do not pace – instead, learn how it feels to hit the throttle and hold nothing back…then rest 4 minutes and do it again.

-2 Rounds + 5 Thrusters ... 2 rounds ... 1 round + 8 burpees ... ROUGH... very solid conditioning, tough on the lungs and legs.

3 Sets:
Plank x :75
Side DB Lateral Raise x 10 reps (2 x 20# DB)
Rest as needed


20 Minute ROMWOD


PM Workout (1400) 

Had a solid afternoon session... trained with the same guy again, got a really good workout in. I felt really solid on the rowing... legs were a little shot on the squat cleans, but overall tried to push everything as much as I could. Definitely have had times in my life where I would have cruised through part A much quicker... but I'm okay with that... I'm really just happy to actually get to workout on my accord. 

9 Dead-lifts (185/125#)
7 Bar Muscle-ups
5 Squat Cleans (185/125#)

-4 Rounds + 3 dead-lifts ... bar MU were UB ... 4/3 ... 5/2 ... 5/2 ... dead-lifts were UB then 3 sets of 5/4 and squat cleans were all singles ... tough after the squats and thrusters this morning.

Twenty Sets of:
250m Row (at PR 2k pace)
Rest :30

-Tried to keep a 1:39/500m pace, but I dropped off quite a bit on the second half. All of these were between 1:38 and 1:46 ... overall really solid cardio, lungs felt great.

150 Bicycle Crunches in as few sets as possible

-Went 100/30/20 ... burner.


6 Mile Ruck ... about 70ish lbs of gear? This was by far the easiest hike I've done at TBS ... it was kind of a joke. I didn't have to carry my machine gun, so switching back to the M16 for a ruck was an extremely nice change. 6 Miles was too short a distance to challenge me at all, overall not that great of training... But this hike was for the failures of previous hikes to remediate the training... so the standards were lower overall (load, pace, no crew served weapons) in order for them to 'pass' this distance in training. Anyway, this was the extent of my activity today... getting ready for some higher volume over workouts over the next couple days given that I have the weekend off.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Active Rest ... no scheduled active recovery ... but ended up doing a lot of physical activity today. Had about 3 hours of combat patrolling in the morning and then some more random walking around in the afternoon ... definitely wouldn't categorize today as 'complete rest' ... body is feeling very sore from the last couple days of training ... definitely need some recovery time.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


AM Workout (0700) 

Did some group PT as a platoon this morning ... wasn't too taxing, but at least we moved around a bit.  Run wasn't very fast, as we slowed it down a lot once the weaker people started falling out of the formation ... looked like this:

1.5 Mile formation run in boots/utes


3 Sets:
30 Push-ups
Rest 1-2 minutes


1.5 Mile formation run in boots/utes


3 Sets:
40 Sit-ups
10 V-ups
Rest 1-2 minutes


1 Minute Plank Hold

20 Minute ROMWOD


PM Workout (1730) 

Got in the gym this evening for a bodybuilding back and arms workout. Overall got a lot of good intensity out of this, really enjoyed working out by myself and getting in some good lifting and a solid pump.

Rest as needed

-225# x 10, 295# x 10, 345# x 10, 395# x 8, 405# x 6 ... felt really solid here, haven't been deadlifting much, but this was some great strength training... I really miss lifting heavy.

EMOM 10:
Strict Weighted Pull-ups (44#) x 3 reps


3 Sets:
DB Row x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest as needed

-Used 97# KB across ... haven't done these in a while, but felt very solid.

3 Super-Sets:
EZ Bar Preach Curls (60#) x 10 reps
Standing Hammer Curls (2 x 35# DB) x 10 reps
Rest 2:00


3 Super-Sets:
Wide Grip Cable Curls (35#) x 12 reps
Reverse Grip Cable Curls (25#) x 10 reps
Rest 2:00

-Complete ... great finisher on the biceps and forearms.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Today was overall a some decent activity, nothing too crazy. Then did a Crossfit class in town in the evening.

Ran the Marine Corps 'Double Obstacle Course' today around 1400 ... got 3:07 ... 10 seconds slower than my original PR, but it was cold as shit and I wasn't feeling too great today. When I finished I wish I had gone a little faster, but overall still a solid score.


-185#, 195#, 215#, 225 (fail - 2 reps), 225# (fail - 2 reps) ... didn't feel particularly strong today, tried to go as hard as possible though.

AMRAP 15 Minutes:
10 Push-Press (95/65#)
10 Front Rack Lunges (95/65#)
10 Bar-Facing-Burpees

-9 Rounds ... a big burner on the lungs and shoulders ... felt a lot like an 'Open' workout ... very good cardio, not too taxing though.