Wednesday, August 29, 2018

9/1 & 9/2/18


Complete Rest / travel back to VA


Glad to be back home and get in a solid session. This left me feeling pretty wrecked. Great training. Looking forward to tomorrow.

4 sets x 3 reps @ 80% (200#) 
80% of your one rep max snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x3@30%, 1x3@40%, 1x3@50%, 1x3@60%, 1x3@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight.

-Complete, felt great. I felt very strong on these and got all the reps easily. 

Back Squat
4 sets x 4 reps @ 80% (340#)
80% of your one rep max back squat. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!

-Complete, these felt solid as well. 

Bench Press
4 sets x 6 reps @ 70% (185#) 
70% of your one rep max bench press.
Back Pull-Ups 
4 sets x 10 reps (one blue band) 

-Complete, felt strong here, felt like I could easily go for sets of 10 on the bench. 

Front load bulgarian split squats
3 sets x 10 reps (2 x 35# KB)

Kettlebell RDL's
3 sets x 15 reps (2 x 72# KB)
Single Arm DB Arnold Press (40# DB) 
3 sets x 15 reps

-Complete ... very tough accessory, especially the arnold press. 

Strict Toes to Bar
3 sets x 8 reps
Good Mornings
3 sets x 10 reps (95#)
Keep the weight light.
Dumbbell Bicep Curl (2 x 40#)
3 sets x 10 reps
Perform with the same weight as last time


Sunday, August 26, 2018


Didn't feel good this morning... was a bit of a grind. Had no chalk today and my hands were sweating quite a bit... was working out outside in San Diego... lots of sweat. Made the weights feel a bit heavier, but pushed through everything. Today was a mish-mash of two workouts... had to cut out some of the accessory due to time... but hoping to make it up on the first workout of next week. Glad to at least get this in, even if it wasn't under the best conditions.

Hang Power Snatch Over the Knee
6 sets x 3 reps @ 70% (175#)
70% of your one rep max snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x3@30%, 1x3@40%, 1x3@50%, 1x3@60%, 1x3@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Clean and Jerk
4 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (235#)
75% of your one rep max clean and jerk. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Front Squat
6 sets x 3 reps @ 75% (275#)
75% of your one rep max front squat. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x3@30%, 1x3@40%, 1x3@50%, 1x3@60%, 1x3@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Clean Pull
6 sets x 6 reps @ 75% (245#)
75% of your one rep max clean and jerk. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x6@30%, 1x6@40%, 1x6@50%, 1x6@60%, 1x6@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Rack Chins
3 sets x 10 reps
Barbell Roll Outs
3 sets x 10 reps



Complete Rest ... wanted to train ... but work did not allow it.


Today was the best workout I've had down here in SD... I was really happy that the regular gym was back open... that shit alternate gym was a disaster. Got to use regular rogue barbells and bumper plates and actually snatch... which was good. All the weights on snatch and back squat went up very easily. Sets of 6 on back squat felt like I could easily do sets of 10. Fun workout, excited to hit it tomorrow.

4 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (187.5#)
75% of your one rep max snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Back Squat
4 sets x 6 reps @ 75% (315#)
75% of your one rep max back squat. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x6@30%, 1x6@40%, 1x6@50%, 1x6@60%, 1x6@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Dumbbell Shoulder Press
4 sets x 10 reps
Perform with the same weight as last time

-Complete across at 2 x 45# DB

Back Pull-Ups
4 sets x 10 reps

-Shit-show... was 8,7,8,8 ... couldn't get unbroken sets of 10.

Tricep Kick-Backs
3 sets x 15 reps

-Complete with 2 x 20# DB

Single Arm DB Bench Press
3 sets x 10 reps

-Complete with 60# DB


Had to heavily modify the workout today... still out in SD, no access to a real gym. Had to throw together what I could with the shitty ass equipment I had access to. Not idael... but tried to get out of it what I could.

Snatch-Grip Strict Press
4 sets of 8

-Went 85# across ... kept this light and used as a mobility/position warm-up.

Power Jerk
6 sets x 3 reps @ 75% (235#)
75% of your one rep max clean and jerk.

-Went with 225# across because the gym didn't have change plates... could have gone up to 245# instead, but kept it lighter given I was wearing running shoes/no belt/no wrist wraps. Was throwing this weight around from the rack extremely raw... no chalk, barbells that don't spin whatsoever, quite a terrible feeling.

6 sets x 1 rep
0:30s work, 1:00m rest. If it is too easy, add weight.

-Complete used 45# plate on this... great core finisher, abs were burning by the last few sets of this. Fun stuff.


AM Workout (0500)

Down in San Diego for some training and I woke up to go hit the gym early before everything started... apparently the gym is under renovation and everything was fucking closed. Went back to my room and hit a ROMWOD and read until class started at 0830... lame way to start my day after traveling across the country and only sleeping about 5 hours last night.

PM Workout (1600) 

Today was the worst session I've had since starting this cycle... went to this shitty alternate gym that the base has set up... no chalk allowed/piece of shit bars that are needlessly thick (more thick than a regulation mens barbell) and do not spin. Needlessly to stay these cleans felt much heavier than a typical 75%... I'm going to need to find another option to workout because these barbells are not going to cut it for the rest of the week.

Power Clean + Clean
4 sets x 2+1 reps @ 75% (245#)
75% of your one rep max clean. Do not do these touch and go. Focus on form.

-Complete. Worst lifting session ever. Did what I had to do and got it done though.

Front Squat
6 sets x 3 reps @ 75% (275#)
75% of your one rep max front squat. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x3@30%, 1x3@40%, 1x3@50%, 1x3@60%, 1x3%70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


3 Sets:
GHD Back Extensions x 10 reps
Landmine Renegade Row (135#) x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest as needed

-Complete, surprised the gym actually had a GHD, it was some off brand / off balance piece of shit, but made it work.

3 Sets:
Toes to Bar x 10 reps
Double KB front rack walks (2 x 45#)
3 sets x 30 reps
30 second slow walk with two kettle bells in the front rack position
Rest as needed

-Complete ... did not do strict TTB ... left my weight lifting shoes on and did kipping TTB. Wish the gym had heavier KB, but tried to do what I could.

Thursday, August 23, 2018


This morning was a bit of a rough start... I wasn't hungover per-se, but I was definitely lethargic, slightly dehydrated and sluggish getting into the gym this morning. Once I got moving I felt solid on everything though.

Alex's special warm-up

-Complete, this was a nice change.

Power Snatch + Snatch
4 sets x 2+1 reps @ 75% (187.5#)
2 power snatch + 1 snatch at 75% of your one rep max snatch. Do not do these touch and go, reset after each repetition. Focus on form.


Back Squat
4 sets x 6 reps @ 75% (315#)
75% of your one rep max back squat. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x6@30%, 1x6@40%, 1x6@50%, 1x6@60%, 1x6@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!

-Complete ... this felt much better than last time, sets of 6 at 315# felt much more manageable today.

Strict Press
4 sets x 10 reps (~95-105#)
Use the same weight as the last time this set and rep scheme appeared in the program for this movement.

-95# for one set, then 115# for 3 sets ... this felt WAY better than last time

Four Sets of:
750m Row
Rest 2 minutes

-Complete ... tried to maintain between 1:49-1:59/500m split on these, was nice to add this in and get a little sweat.

3 Sets:
KB Front Rack Walking Lunges x 12 reps
Rest as needed
L-Sit KB Overhead Press (Z-KB Press) x 8 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete ... used 35#s for the first set, then 44#s for the second set. Probably could have gone heavier here, but had to get out of the gym so got through these quickly.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Today was a solid session. It was nice to switch it up and get some conditioning in. Overall felt good on everything... part D (long chipper) didn't feel particularly great, but got through it.

AMRAP 15 (at a consistent skill-based warm-up pace)
2 Rope Climbs (15')
25 Ft. Handstand Walk
5 Right/5 Left Single Arm KB Front Rack Squats (35# KB)

-Complete ... don't remember the rounds, was a great warm-up.

Slow Snatch
4 sets x 4 reps @ 60% (150#)
60% of your one rep max snatch. This is a drill to help your snatch. Pay special attention to make sure you do not bump the bar out on extension, keep the bar close and focus on bar path.

-Complete ... really nice to handle such a light weight and just focus on speed and position

Clean Pull
6 sets x 6 reps @ 75% (250#)
75% of your one rep max clean. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


For time*:
50 Wall-Balls (30/20#)
50 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
40 Box Jump Overs (30/24")
40 Box Jump Overs (24/20")
30 C2B Pull-ups
30 Pull-ups
20 Strict HPSU
20 Push-ups
10/8 Ring Muscle-ups
10/8 Bar Muscle-ups

*Penalty of 100m Run any time you break up any set

-26:40 ... breaks were during set of 20# WB (30/20) ... pull-ups (15/15) ... strict HSPU (8/6/6) ... Muscle-ups (5/5) and Bar MU (7/3) ... total of 6 penalty runs. I was happy to get the heavy wall-balls and C2B unbroken. Overall felt fit on this, but it was a little different going through this trying to avoid the penalty. Fun conditioning to add into our weightlifting program to maintain some of these higher skill movements.

Single Leg Cross Body RDL with KB (72# KB)
3 sets x 12 reps



-Complete ... felt amazing. 


Worked out in the afternoon today... between work/life stress I was not feeling great today... got through everything, but it wasn't a great training session. This was just tons of barbell work and my body has been feeling pretty beat up, but tried to stay focused on the bigger picture and just hit what the programming was giving me. Looking forward to feeling better tomorrow.

Iron Scap Protocol


Clean + Front Squat
4 sets x 3 reps @ 75% (245#)
(1 clean + 1 front squat) x 3 reps at 75% of your one rep max clean.

-Complete ... rough, legs didn't feel great today.

Push Press
4 sets x 6 reps @ 75% (205# = 75% of 275# ... PR from December 2014? Haven't tested since ... did a cluster two months ago at 260#?)
75% of your one rep max push press. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!

-Went 195#, 200#, 205#, 205# ... all of these sets were manageable, probably need to re-test my 1 RM Push-Press ... has been almost 4 years?

3 Sets:
Deficit Conventional Deadlift (2 x 40# bumper plate) x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Box Squats (to rogue bench, ~20") x 10 reps @ 60% (255#)
Rest as needed

-Went 301#, 321#, 321# for the deads... didn't push the loading too much, felt this a ton in my hamstrings with the deficit.


-Complete ... felt amazing


Complete Rest ... much needed. Body is generally feeling beat up from all the volume.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Today was a bit of a grind, but overall felt good on everything. Front Squats felt very easy.

Low Hang Snatch + High Hang Snatch
4 sets x 2+1 reps @ 75% (187.5#)
75% of your one rep max snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x3@30%, 1x3@40%, 1x3@50%, 1x3@60%, 1x3@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Front Squat
4 sets x 6 reps @ 75% (275#)
75% of your one rep max Front Squat. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x6@30%, 1x6@40%, 1x6@50%, 1x6@60%, 1x6@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Dumbbell Shoulder Press
4 sets x 10 reps
Try to add 2.5- 5lbs to whatever you did last time this set/ rep scheme appeared in the program for this exercise. If you're not feeling up to it, repeat the same weight as last time.

-Used 45#s today ... 5# more than last time

3 Sets:
Back Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Dumbbell Bicep Curl x 10 reps
Try to add 2.5- 5lbs to whatever you did last time this set/ rep scheme appeared in the program for this exercise. If you're not feeling up to it, repeat the same weight as last time.
Half Kneeling Medicine Ball Swiss Throws (14#) x 15 reps (each side)

-Complete ... used 40# for DB curls (same as last time - was still challenging) ... used the 14# ball because it was there, should have gone heavier, will do more weight next time. 

Monday, August 20, 2018


This morning was a lot of power reps ... snatches felt very easy, clean and jerks were a bit of a grind. The jerks were a lot, but got through them. Fun training, feeling a bit beat up, but overall I feel strong.

Power Snatch
6 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (187.5#)
75% of your one rep max power snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Power Clean and Jerk
6 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (231#)
(1 power clean + 1 jerk) x4 reps at 75% of your one rep max clean and jerk. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


3 Super-Sets:
Pendlay Row (135#) x 15 reps
Half Kneeling Single Arm KB Shoulder Press (35# KB) x 12 reps (each arm)
Side Plank x :30 (each side)


Sunday, August 19, 2018


Felt much better in the gym today than yesterday... ate some extra calories yesterday and I think it helped a bit.

Power Clean + Clean
4 sets x 2+2 reps @ 75% (245#)
75% of your one rep max clean. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!

-Complete ... felt very strong on all these reps, got them all easily.

Front Squat
4 sets x 6 reps @ 75% (275#)
75% of your one rep max front squat. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x6@30%, 1x6@40%, 1x6@50%, 1x6@60%, 1x6@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!

-Complete ... also felt very strong here, tough, but not as challenging as the back squats yesterday.

GHD Back Extensions
4 sets x 6 reps
As a circuit with:
Strict Toes to Bar
4 sets x 10 reps


Double KB front load Step ups (2 x 35# KB w/ 20" box)
3 sets x 10 reps, each leg
As a circuit with:
Russian KB swings (88#)
3 x 10 reps


Saturday, August 11, 2018


Today was some great training. No PRs or max effort anything, just lots of tough reps at %s. Overall I felt fit on the handstand walking and snatching. Back squats were tough, but manageable.

20:00 Rowing*
*Every 5 minutes (including 0:00 and at 20:00) complete 60 foot handstand walk

-Complete ... kept this at an easier aerobic pace, rowed about a 2:05 500m pace consistently throughout this. Handstand walking was all done in 30 foot unbroken sets, except one set where I lost my balance. Overall getting much more comfortable with 30 foot intervals though. 

Power Snatch + Snatch
4 sets x 2+2 reps @ 75% (187.5#)
2 power snatch + 2 full snatch at 75% of your one rep max snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!

-Complete, felt great

Back Squat
4 sets x 6 reps @ 75% (315#)
75% of your one rep max back squat. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x6@30%, 1x6@40%, 1x6@ 50%, 1x6@60%, 1x6@70%.

-Complete ... these sets were rough, but got through them. 

Strict Press
4 sets x 10 reps

-Complete ... I was fucking smoked by the time I got here, went 95#, 95#, 105#, 105# belt-less... couldn't really push this more much.

3 Sets: 
Supine Pull-up x 10 Reps
Rest :30
Barbell Bicep Curl (75#) x 10 reps
(Try to add 2.5- 5lbs to whatever you did last time this set/ rep scheme appeared in the program for this exercise. If you're not feeling up to it, repeat the same weight as last time.)
Rest as needed



-Complete ... felt amazing on my hips/legs ... definitely feeling the volume.


Well today was a fuck-shit-ton of volume. Had to add in the accessory work I missed yesterday ... Workout took a little over two hours. Overall I felt fit on everything and had a great time in the gym. Looking forward to this upcoming week's training / not having to travel.

"Tall Snatch" or "Dead Hang Snatch"
4 sets x 3 reps @ 60% (150#)
60% of your one rep max snatch. With this drill, think extend hard while pulling straight up on the bar and then drop under the bar fast! Do not bump the bar out with your hips or dip down prior to extension.

-Complete ... this was really difficult to execute properly. This was great technical work though, forces you to drop under the bar with a lot of speed and intensity. Hope we get to do some more work on this over the coming weeks.

Clean Pull
2 sets x 3 reps @ 90% (300#)
90% of your one rep max clean. Sets leading up to working weight should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%, 1x4@80% . This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Every 10 for 30 (3 sets) of:
400m Run
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20")
10 Muscle-ups
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20")
400m Run

-6:40 ... this was great training, fairly consistent sets, all MU unbroken. The second set of BBJO was rough on each interval... that last one really sucked, but tried to push it. Great interval work.

4 Sets:
Bench Press
4 sets x 10 reps @ 60% (155#)
Rest as needed
Strict Handstand Push Ups x 10 reps 
Rest as needed

-Complete... bit of a shit-show... this was really tough after part C ... Bench Press ended up being 10/10/8/9 ... HSPU went 10/8/7/7. Rough training, huge tricep/chest pump. 

3 Sets:
Strict Weighted Pull-ups (20#) x 12 reps
Rest as needed
GHD Back Extension with Double KB Row (2 x 35#) x 12 reps
Rest as needed
Half Kneeling Halos w/ (35# KB) x 10 reps (5 Clockwise and counterclockwise)
Rest as needed


3 Sets:
Good Mornings (keep the weight light - used 85#) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
GHD Back Extension x 6 reps
Rest as needed


3 Sets:
Hip Thrusts (135#) x 10 reps
Rest :30
Russian KB swings (80#) x 10 reps
Rest :60

-Complete ... big glute pump 

8/16 and 8/17/18


Complete Rest / Travel for a case


My flights got kind of fucked up and I didn't get into the gym until about 4:30 PM today... it was a rough day in the gym. Got in the big barbell lifts and got out of the gym quickly. Didn't feel great, but still hit all my lifts. Will get in today's accessory stuff over the next few days.

Clean and Jerk
4 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (235#)
75% of your one rep max clean and jerk. Sets leading up to working weight should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!

-Complete ... this was off of my all-time PR of 315 lbs ... not sure if I'm going to be able to sustain this number going into heavier %s... this felt much more difficult than it should have today. Although, this could have been because I worked out in the afternoon after a long day of travel.

Front Squat
4 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (275#)
75% of your one rep max front squat. Sets leading up to working weight should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!



This morning was some solid training. Added in a little conditioning as the accessory work called for some KB Snatches, this was a nice way to get a little cardio in. It wasn't anything too taxing, but it was good to move. Overall a good day in the gym, had a solid pump by the end of it.

4 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (187.5#)
75% of your one rep max snatch. Sets leading up to working weight should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Back Squat
2 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (315#)
75% of your one rep max back squat. Sets leading up to working weight should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%. This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Every 6 for 18 (3 sets) of:
400m Run
20 KB Snatches (53/35#) - 10 right, 10 left
60 Double-Unders

-2:53 ... went with some negative splits on these, pushed this at about 80-85% intensity, good aerobic work.

Single Arm KB Row
3 sets x 20 reps (10 each arm) w/ 88# KB


3 Sets of:
Dumbbell Bicep Curl
3 sets x 12 reps (2 x 40# DB)
Rest :60
Bent Over Rear Delt Flyes on incline bench
3 sets x 20 reps (2 x 10# DB)
Rest :60



Had a solid workout this AM. Nothing too crazy; this was overall a lower volume session. My legs are finally kind of starting to recover from the last week of training. Happy for the low volume day, looking forward to training tomorrow.

Power Snatch
3 sets x 6 reps @ 70% (165#)
70% of your one rep max power snatch. Focus on making a fast and firm movement from extension to overhead!


Power Clean
3 sets x 6 reps @ 70% (220#)
70% of your one rep max power clean. Focus on making a fast and firm from extension to when the bar makes contact with your shoulders, fast elbows!

-Complete ... did the first set at 242# (100 kg)... had this fucked up on the bar, I was concerned why it felt so heavy, second and third set felt great with the proper weight.

Press In Snatch
4 sets x 8 reps @ 25-30% (65-75#)
25-30% of your one rep max snatch.

-Used 65# across, great mobility work. This was my favorite part of the training session.

Bench Press
3 sets x 10 reps @ 60% (155#)


3 Super-Sets:
Back Pull-ups x10 reps
Diamond Push-ups x 10 reps
Rest :90

-Complete ... back pull-ups were tough, very different/new for me. Great variance and a fun challenge.




Another fun day in the gym this morning... had an early morning... walked through the gym doors at 0500... overall a fun day in the gym, nothing too taxing, just some tough work.

Full Clean
4 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (245#)
75% of your one rep max clean. Sets leading up to working weight should be as follows... 1x4@30% (95#), 1x4@40% (135#), 1x4@50% (165#), 1x4@60% (200#), 1x4@70% (230#). This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!

-Complete ... all warm-ups were TnG... working sets were quickly dropping between singles.

Front Squat
4 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (275#)
75% of your one rep max front squat. Sets leading up to working weight should be as follows... 1x4@30% (105#), 1x4@40% (145#), 1x4@50%(185#), 1x4@60% (220#), 1x4@70% (255#). This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


4 Sets:
Snatch Grip GHD Back Extension x 10 reps
Perform weighted with only an empty barbell, 45/35lb.
Rest as needed
Strict Toes to Bar x 10 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete ... Sn Grip GHD extensions were a new movement for me... burned my glutes, strict T2B were 6/4 each set.

3 Sets:
Suitcase KB Carry (80#) x :60 (:30 seconds each side)
Rest :30
Side Planks
3 sets x :60 (:30 each side)


Friday, August 10, 2018


First day of new weightlifting program... overall had an awesome workout and really enjoyed the structure of the workout. I am really excited to get after this program. Frankly I was beat up as hell from the last week of workouts... particularly from Thursday and yesterday... but once I got into the gym and got warm I felt pretty solid on everything.

Hang Snatch from Below the Knee
4 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (187.5#)
75% of your one rep max snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%.

-Complete ... warm-up sets took a while, fun stuff, below the knee is always tough ... all sets TnG

Back Squat
3 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (315#)
75% of your one rep max back squat. Sets leading up to working weight should be as follows... 1x4@30%, 1x4@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x4@60%, 1x4@70%.


Hang Pull Snatch Below the Knee
2 sets x 4 reps @ 100% (250#)
100% of your one rep max snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 2x4@90%.


Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
4 sets x 10 reps
Perform the same weight for each set.

-Complete, across at 2 x 40# DB

3 Sets of: 
Chin-ups (supinated) x 10 reps 
Rest :30
Barbell Bicep Curl (55#) x 10 reps 
Rest :90

-Complete... nice pump 

GHD Sit Ups
2 sets x 20 reps
If possible, do it weighted with a 5kg plate.

-Complete, with 5kg plate



Thursday, August 9, 2018


This morning was a great workout... really tough from start to finish. 300 feet of handstand walking in a workout is probably the most I've ever done? Broke up all of these into 20 foot increments, only had to break up one of them. My legs were extremely sore, this made the cleans and all the running much more difficult.

For time:
20 Foot Handstand Walk
10 Squat Clean (205/145#)
40 Foot Handstand Walk
8 Squat Clean (225/155#)
60 Foot Handstand Walk
6 Squat Clean (245/165#)
80 Foot Handstand Walk
4 Squat Clean (265/175#)
100 Foot Handstand Walk
2 Squat Clean (285/185#)

-22:38 ... was trying to get under 20:00 on this, but it just didn't happen. Great conditioning/handstand work.

Rest about 10 minutes then...

For time:
1600m Run
40 C2B Pull-ups
800m Run
30 Toes-to-Bar
400m Run
20 Bar Muscle-ups
200m Run
10 Ring Muscle-ups
100m Run
5 Rope Climbs (15')

-27:12 ... Mile run was 6:40 ... that was the only running split I remember ... C2B were 25/10/5 ... T2B were 21/9 ... Bar MU were 9/6/5 ... Ring MU ... 6/3/1 ... RCs were not very quick, but got through them. This was a fun/challenging workout, great pulling work.

Rest about 10 minutes then...

AMRAP 10, with a partner, alternating complete rounds:
5 DB Dead-lifts (2 x 50/35#)
5 DB Hang Power Cleans (2 x 50/35#)
5 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead (2 x 50/35#)
5 DB Squats (2 x 50/35#)

-Complete ... don't remember our rounds, 15-16 ish? Not too concerned about it, got a lot of intensity out of this, great finisher.


Complete Rest / legs are extremely sore ... can't remember the last time they were this sore.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


This morning was a great workout, this was the best I've felt since getting back from XC camp. Finally feeling like my normal self again. Had a solid workout, looking forward to resting tomorrow and training hard on Saturday.

20 Double Unders, 2 Kipping Handstand Push-ups
20 Double Unders, 4 Kipping Handstand Push-ups
20 Double Unders, 6 Kipping Handstand Push-ups

-3 Rounds + 20 Double-unders ... all sets unbroken, this was good training for transitions and getting into reps on the wall quickly, something I always need to work on. Would like to re-test this in the near future.

For Max Reps:
:90 of Muscle-ups
Rest :60
:60 of Muscle-ups
Rest :60
:30 of Muscle-ups

-5/1 ... for a total of 31 reps ... last time I tested this I got 32 (December 2017). I will take 31 today given I haven't been training this movement much, overall happy with this effort. Looking forward to hitting 20 unbroken muscle-ups this season.

5 Rounds, each for time:
30 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
30 Bench Press (95/65#)
15/12 Cal Assault Bike
Rest 1:00

-5:21 (went 100% on the last set of bike cals, hit it in about :30)

-This was a really fun workout. All WB unbroken, each bike was about 60-62 RPM on the first set 68-75 on the second set ...  I was surprised by the amount I had to break up the bench press, was a challenge to get through each set, this was were I lost time over each set. Fun stuff, great conditioning.

3 Sets:
DB Side Lateral Raise (2 x 20# DB) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
1 Round 'Durante Core' (10 Hollow-Rocks, 10 V-ups, 10 Tuck-ups, :10 Hollow Hold)
Rest as needed



Hit up the class again for another workout this week; squatting was great, metcon was pretty relaxed. Overall some good activity, nothing crazy.

Front Squat
Rest as needed

-135#, 225#, 275#, 300# ... last set of 9 was rough... not the prettiest reps I've ever done, but happy to hit 300# for a set of 9.

AMRAP 18 (Alternating between each movement. If you break up the reps on a movement, your partner must do 2 burpees):
25 KBS 32/24 Fx: 24/16
20/17 Cal Row
15 Overhead Squats 115/80 Fx:95/65
10 Hang Power Snatches 115/80 Fx:95/65
5 Bar Facing Burpees

-4-ish rounds ... don't exactly remember. Overall some good activity, but not too taxing. Got all my sets unbroken.


-Complete... felt great after the squatting. 

Monday, August 6, 2018


This morning was a decent workout... I didn't feel particularly great on anything... but got through it.

Split Jerk
Rest as needed

-235#, 235#, 255#, 255#, 265# ... did these all TnG out of a rack.

Barbell Z Press
Rest as needed

-95#, 115# x 3 sets ... rough ... not sure exactly why this is so much harder than regular strict press ... but this kicked my ass.

4 RFT:
25/20 Cal Row
15 DB Box Step-Overs (24/20" with 2 x 50/35#)

Rest 5:00

3 RFT:
400m Run
15 Toes-to-Bar
9 Power Snatch (135/95#)

-Result =
-11:34 ... rough on the biceps/grip ... getting these sets unbroken was a bitch... my biceps have been perpetually sore since Saturday.
-11:04 ... this was much more manageable than the first conditioning piece ... felt better here.


Beginning of last 'transition' week. Just going to hit some class workouts and have fun this week. Olympic lifting cycle starts in 7 days. Had an early court appearance followed by a real shit day at work, didn't feel great in the gym this evening after the long day.

15 Minutes to Establish 3 RM TnG Power Clean

-135#, 135#, 185#, 225#, 245#, 265#, 280# (fail - 1 rep) ... lost my hook grip on 280# and just dropped it, called it there. I'm still a bit beat up from the workouts on Friday/Saturday ... especially in my posterior chain/biceps ... didn't feel 100%, but gave it what I had given the circumstances.

6 RFT:
5 Strict C2B PU
20 Double-Unders
3 Power Cleans @ 195# (75% of Part A)

-8:12 ... strict C2B got rough, but overall fun/different/low stress workout.

4 Sets:
DB Hammer Curl x 10 reps (2 x 50# DB)
Rest :90

-Complete ... fun finisher, solid pump


Complete Rest / very sore throughout body

Saturday, August 4, 2018


This morning kicked my ass... part B was terrible. This is the least fit I've felt in a while... I was extremely sore in my biceps/forearms/posterior chain from yesterday... today was primarily upper body pressing, but still didn't feel great.

3 Rounds, not for time:
Ring Muscle-ups x 10 reps
Handstand Walk x 60 feet
Double-Unders x 75 reps (unbroken sets)

-Complete ... felt very warm after this, sets of 10 ring MU were easy. Handstand walks were all 30/30 except one set that I messed up.

Every 3 for 24 (8 sets):
15/12 Calorie Bike
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
8 Strict HSPU 

-This was a shit-show... much harder than I thought it would be ... HSPU were 8/8/8/0/5/4/4/4 ... ROUGH. Tried to give myself 20-30 seconds of rest here so cut the HSPU short... I am excited to re-test this when I am in better shape. Doing this coming off XC camp was a bitch and a half.

Teams of 3
200 Bench Press (135/95#)
*Every time you break perform 10 strict pull-ups 

-Complete ... this took about 15 minutes, was a fun way to get together with the people we were training with and just have fun. Great stuff. My sets were 20/15/13 bench press with unbroken pull-up sets ... overall rough, my partners benched a lot more of the reps than I did.

3 Sets:
DB Skull Crushers x 10-12 reps (2 x 25#) @ 2 second down tempo
Rest as needed
Banded Overhead Tricep Extensions (red band) x 15 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete ... this was brutal on the triceps ... banded extensions were WAY harder than I thought they would be. Great finisher. 

Friday, August 3, 2018


Just getting back into things at home; letting my body rest and doing some easier workouts over the next week as I transition into a new program. Hit the class workout today and then added in some accessory. Overall a fun/low volume day. 

Rest as needed

-155#, 245#, 335#, 385#, 415#  ... 415# for 9 was tough, but manageable, probably a little more there, but didn't push things super hard given I'm coming off a bunch of a high volume running. 

5/3 Bar Muscle-ups
10 Hang Power Snatch (95/65#)
10 Burpees

-6 Rounds + 4 Bar MU 

3 Sets:
20 KB Cross Body Dead-lifts (10 each leg) @ 88# KB
Rest as needed
GHD Plank Hold x :60 
Rest as needed



-Complete ... felt amazing. 


Further Complete Rest

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


Complete Rest / travel back to DC ... overall feel pretty good for just having ran about 30 miles in 5 days ... definitely not used to that.


2 Miles super easy pace. Both knees had a bit of stiffness in them today... all the volume over the last few days has definitely caught up to me. Got through this easy warm-up jog, the kids at the camp went on to conduct a 1 mile relay race and this was their cool-down.

Overall I've had a complete blast the last week. Hanging out with high school kids has been really hilarious. This week has been a great de-stressor, this was the least amount of work/client interaction I have done since starting up in criminal defense and it was very mentally relaxing and restorative.


Had a bit of knee pain when I woke up this morning... yesterday was a tough day of running for me. Didn't feel it anymore after I started moving on the run. Did 6-Miles Easy … this was flat on a beautiful road outside of Sun Valley … had never done this run before, but it was great. I was feeling tired and beat up this morning… didn’t push the pace at all, finished in 50:17. Really beautiful run up to some hot springs, we all got in after, great way to start the day. I am feeling pretty small from all this running… really looking forward to getting my hands on a heavy barbell soon.


AM Workout (0730)

7 Mile Run in 57 minutes … tons of hills … huge mile climb right off the bat to start into some rolling hills. This was an amazing run … ran with the fastest guys here … or at least tried to. I gassed out about halfway and fell back, but got a ton of intensity out of this. I felt quite fit, which was really nice given the elevation and hills. I couldn’t train like this year round, but I really enjoyed this today. Had a blast getting this in.

PM Workout (1600)

6 Sest:
:30 up hill (extremely steep grade – up a ski slope at Galena)
About :60 rest (jog down the hill back to the start) 

-This took about 10-ish minutes, not totally sure. This was a burner… had a ‘Fran’ cough afterward … tried to keep up with these kids, but they were rocking me, great stuff, fun second session.


AM Workout (0700)

37 Minute easy run in Sun Valley … ‘Trail Creek’ ~4-5 miles, not sure … lots of rolling hills, really great way to start the day.

PM Workout (1630)

47 Minute moderate/hard run … ran with the varsity level guys team here for the first time since arriving at camp … this was a good challenge … got a lot of intensity out of this. Really fun run with some large hills.


First day at a camp… had a very stressful day (~8 hours of unexpected driving) … but got through this and got to Sun Valley to begin the running camp… today is the easiest day of the camp, hit a 30 minute easy run, fun/easy introduction to camp.


Active Recovery - ~5 Mile hike near Stanley ID. This was a great way to start my day, but wasn’t too taxing.


Complete Rest


AM Workout (1000)

35 Minute easy run in the Boise foothills. This was a really fun morning… got out the door around 10 AM with my wife and had an amazing run. It was great to feel good on the hills and progress through this run. We did this three years ago and it was really difficult for my wife then… really stoked to see her improvement with running and especially with running hills.

PM Workout (1630)

Hit the Crossfit class at the local gym back home, this was a super simple workout, but was fun to get in prior to heading off for vacation.

EMOM 12:
Odd = 16 DB Snatch, alternating (70/50#)
Even = 50 Double-Unders (heavy rope)

-Complete … heavy rope double unders were by far the worst part of this… can’t believe how much harder they are than regular DU.

AMRAP 20, with a partner, partners alternating complete full rounds:
12 Calorie Row
12 KBS (53/35#)
12 Goblet Squats (53/35#)
12 Push-ups

-Complete … do not remember the rounds at all, but got a good sweat out of this with my wife.