This morning was a really solid workout. This was the most fit I've felt in a long time. Aerobic capacity is coming back in a big way, I felt great today and had a ton of fun.
With a partner, at an aerobic conversational pace, AMRAP 10*:
Partner 1 - Handstand Walk 30 Feet (2 x 15' length)
Partner 2 - Cals on Bike
*Switch each time a 30 foot handstand walk is complete
-Complete ... not sure how many rounds we got, but it was a lot, got all the 15' feet sets unbroken.
Snatch + Overhead Squat (1+5 x 5)
1 Squat Snatch + OVHS
Work up to a heavy in 5 working sets
-135#, 155#, 175#, 195#, 205# ... didn't push the loading much here, just focused on good positions.
Snatch Grip Deadlift (3x3 @105% (275#))
Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes (6 sets):
20/15 Calorie Row
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20")
20 Toes-to-Bar / 20 C2B Pull-ups (alternate each round)
Rest until 40:00 then...
3 RFT, with a partner:
30 Cal Ski Erg
-Result =
-2:42 (T2B)
-3:03 (C2B)
-3:13 (T2B)
-3:14 (C2B)
-3:52 (T2B)
-4:02 (C2B) ... gassed out on this towards the end, but got all the sets unbroken ... rowing and burpees slowed down over the course of the 30 minutes, but I got my goal of getting all the C2B and TTB unbroken. Great training.
-7:42 ... went 15/15 on each part unbroken with my partner, we got through this quickly, felt great on the HSPU
3 Sets of, each arm, of:
8 KB Rows + 8 KB Hang Snatch + 8 KB Strict Press (44#)
Rest as needed
GHD Plank Hold x :45 seconds
Rest as needed
PM Workout (1830)
6 x 500m
Rest 2:00
-Result = first one was used as a warm-up and I rowed a 1:47 ... all the others were 1:37-1:39 (goal 2k pace) ... I felt a bit beat up between yesterday and this morning, but overall happy I got this in.
Snatch Grip Deadlift (3x3 @105% (275#))
Every 5 minutes for 30 minutes (6 sets):
20/15 Calorie Row
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20")
20 Toes-to-Bar / 20 C2B Pull-ups (alternate each round)
Rest until 40:00 then...
3 RFT, with a partner:
30 Cal Ski Erg
-Result =
-2:42 (T2B)
-3:03 (C2B)
-3:13 (T2B)
-3:14 (C2B)
-3:52 (T2B)
-4:02 (C2B) ... gassed out on this towards the end, but got all the sets unbroken ... rowing and burpees slowed down over the course of the 30 minutes, but I got my goal of getting all the C2B and TTB unbroken. Great training.
-7:42 ... went 15/15 on each part unbroken with my partner, we got through this quickly, felt great on the HSPU
3 Sets of, each arm, of:
8 KB Rows + 8 KB Hang Snatch + 8 KB Strict Press (44#)
Rest as needed
GHD Plank Hold x :45 seconds
Rest as needed
PM Workout (1830)
6 x 500m
Rest 2:00
-Result = first one was used as a warm-up and I rowed a 1:47 ... all the others were 1:37-1:39 (goal 2k pace) ... I felt a bit beat up between yesterday and this morning, but overall happy I got this in.
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