Workout 1 (1500)
Today was a solid workout... got a massive bicep pump. Had to modify a couple things, but still got a great workout out of this.
4 x 12,10,8,6
Rest 2:30
-Did not complete (did not attempt) ... did a couple reps to feel out my golfer's elbow... it felt terrible, so I cut these out
BB Bent Over Row
3 x 12,10,8
Rest 2:00
-Complete, across at 205#
Wide Grip Lat Pull-Down
3 x 12,10,8
Rest 1:30
-Complete, went 130#, 140#, 150#
3 x 12,10,8 (each arm)
Rest 1:30
-Complete, went 80#, 90#, 100#
3 Super Sets:
Seated Row x 12
DB Pull-Overs x 12
Rest 1:30
-Complete, 150# for rows, 35# for DB pull-over... have literally done these maybe twice in my life, a lot more there, looking forward to doing them again soon.
EZ Bar Curls
3 x 12
Rest 1:30
-Complete, across at 70#
3 Super Sets:
Incline DB Curls (alternating) x 12 reps (each arm)
Reverse EZ Bar Spider Curls x 12
Rest 1:30
-Complete, across at 2 x 25# DB and 50# EZ bar
3 Sets:
Alt DB Hammer Curls x 10 reps (each arm)
Rest :60
-Complete, 2 x 25# DB
3 Super Sets, rest as needed between exercises
Plank x :60
Russian Twist (20# )x 20 (each side)
Strict Toes-to-Bar x 10
-Complete, solid core finisher
Workout 2 (1830)
4 x (3 x 400m)
:30 rest between reps
5 minute rest between sets
Goal = 5k pace for all reps (was shooting for 1:29 on all reps, which is between a sub 6:00 mile for a 5k)
-Result =
1:22 / 1:24 / 1:26
1:21 / 1:26 / 1:30
1:26 /1:25 / 1:28
1:24 / 1:26 / 1:26
Result from last year when I did this workout in July 2018:
1:36 / 1:40 / 1:34
1:33 / 1:36 / 1:36
1:36 / 1:37 / 1:35
1:35 / 1:36 / 1:28
-I was really happy with how much I improved over my times last year for this... which is interesting because I don't feel as fit as I did last year, but I think this is mostly mental because I have cut back on the hard CrossFit stuff to allow my back to rest... aerobically running I feel great, surprised myself with how well these went.