Thursday, May 30, 2019


Started the day with a lower volume track workout. These intervals were supposed to be at goal mile pace ... I might have ran them a little fast (goal mile pace being 5:00 or :75 400s) ... overall enjoyed this though, great way to start the day, even my splits were kind of all over the place. 

4 x 200m 
Rest :60

Rest 3:00

3 x 300m 

Rest :60

Rest 3:00

2 x 400m 

Rest :60 

-Result = 
34, 38, 34, 39
55, 62, 55
73, 72 


Hit a crossfit class this morning, modified it slightly, but overall really enjoyed it, lungs felt good.

EMOM 30 (5 sets) of:
Min 1 - 15 Cal Bike
Min 2 - 15 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
Min 3 - 18 Calorie Row
Min 4 - 15 Cal Ski
Min 5 - 15 GHD Sit-ups
Min 6 - Rest

-Complete ... didn't miss any of the reps... the very last set of GHDs spilled over into the 6th minute, but overall enjoyed myself and moved through this consistently. Great way to start the day.



Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Workout 1 (1500)

Today was a solid workout... got a massive bicep pump. Had to modify a couple things, but still got a great workout out of this.

4 x 12,10,8,6
Rest 2:30

-Did not complete (did not attempt) ... did a couple reps to feel out my golfer's elbow... it felt terrible, so I cut these out

BB Bent Over Row
3 x 12,10,8
Rest 2:00

-Complete, across at 205#

Wide Grip Lat Pull-Down
3 x 12,10,8
Rest 1:30

-Complete, went 130#, 140#, 150#

3 x 12,10,8 (each arm)
Rest 1:30

-Complete, went 80#, 90#, 100#

3 Super Sets:
Seated Row x 12
DB Pull-Overs x 12
Rest 1:30

-Complete, 150# for rows, 35# for DB pull-over... have literally done these maybe twice in my life, a lot more there, looking forward to doing them again soon.

EZ Bar Curls
3 x 12
Rest 1:30

-Complete, across at 70#

3 Super Sets:
Incline DB Curls (alternating) x 12 reps (each arm)
Reverse EZ Bar Spider Curls x 12
Rest 1:30

-Complete, across at 2 x 25# DB and 50# EZ bar

3 Sets:
Alt DB Hammer Curls x 10 reps (each arm)
Rest :60

-Complete, 2 x 25# DB

3 Super Sets, rest as needed between exercises
Plank x :60
Russian Twist (20# )x 20 (each side)
Strict Toes-to-Bar x 10

-Complete, solid core finisher

Workout 2 (1830) 

4 x (3 x 400m)
:30 rest between reps
5 minute rest between sets

Goal = 5k pace for all reps (was shooting for 1:29 on all reps, which is between a sub 6:00 mile for a 5k)

-Result =
1:22 / 1:24 / 1:26
1:21 / 1:26 / 1:30
1:26 /1:25 / 1:28
1:24 / 1:26 / 1:26

Result from last year when I did this workout in July 2018:

1:36 / 1:40 / 1:34
1:33 / 1:36 / 1:36
1:36 / 1:37 / 1:35
1:35 / 1:36 / 1:28

-I was really happy with how much I improved over my times last year for this... which is interesting because I don't feel as fit as I did last year, but I think this is mostly mental because I have cut back on the hard CrossFit stuff to allow my back to rest... aerobically running I feel great, surprised myself with how well these went.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Had a decent workout today... it was mostly just a pump... but a lot different than the training I have been doing over the last 12 weeks ... the rest intervals and tempo got me big time... some hugely painful sets in there today. Overall a fun/different training session, but it enjoyed it.

Decline Bench Press
15-12-8-6 @ 60, 65, 70, 75% (165#, 175, 185, 200#) - 30x0 Tempo
Rest 2:30


Incline DB Bench Press
3 x 15, 12, 10 - 30x0 Tempo
Rest 1:30

-Complete, across at 2 x 55# ... very light, but the tempo rocked me.

Incline Hammer Strength Press
3 x 15, 12, 10
Rest 1:30

-Complete ... don't remember the loading, tough rest interval.

SuperSet of 3 x 15,12,10:
Close Grip Bench Press
Cable Chest Fly
Rest 1:30

-Complete ... failed on the reps here, went 10,10,8 at 135# (not 15,12,10) ... don't remember the weight on the flyes

Superset of:
3 x 12 Seated DB French Press
3 x 15 Rope Tricep Push-Downs
Rest 1:30

-Complete, with 70# DB and 90# push-downs

Superset of:
3 x 15 EZ Bar Skull Crushers
3 x 12 Bench Dip
Rest 1:30

-Complete, 55# EZ bar

5/26 & 27

Complete Rest / travel

Friday, May 24, 2019


Saturday morning crossfit class at Crossfit Central.

We had a fun time doing this. Overall a very simple class, got some good cardio out of it, nice sweat, nothing too taxing. Great WOD to get in while on vacation.

3 Sets, with a partner, with 2 x 53/35# KB:
10 KB Deadlifts
20 Ft Farmer's Carry
200m Run
10 Double KB Swings
20 Ft Front-Rack Walk
200m Run
10 Alternating KB Strict Press
20 Ft overhead KB Walk
200m Run

10 D-Ball to Shoulder (80/60#)
400m Run
10/7 Cal Assault Bike

-Not sure what my score was, just went through this at a consistent pace

Monday, May 20, 2019


Today was a decent workout considering how fucked up and tired I am. Flights got totally fucked yesterday and I spent about 16 hours traveling from San Diego to Washington DC ... terrible day... fucked up sleep and not the best food... but pushed through it and at least got in the gym today. 

Pressing Prep
1-2 sets x 10-15 reps @ 40-60%
Perform Upright Rows @ 40-60% intensity for 1-2 sets of 10-15 reps.


Strict Press
1 set x 1 rep
Find a new one rep max.

-95# x 5, 135# x 5, 155# x 2, 175# 1 ... didn't go up from there... have been consistently hitting up to 195# the last few years... but just not fucking around with my back. This felt tough enough for the day. 

Strict Press
1 set x max reps @ 55%
Drop set, AMRAP at 55% of your one rep max strict press from today

-95# x 20 reps ... possibly more there, but 20 was tough 

3 Super-Sets:
Incline DB Bench Press x 15 reps (2 x 60# DB)
Strict Pull-ups x 10 reps


Lat Pull-Downs
3 sets x 15 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets. 

-Complete, across at 110#

3 Super-Sets:
Hammer Strength Chest Press x 20/15/10 
Wide Grip Cable Row x 20/15/10

-Complete ... don't remember the numbers, but this was tough, got a huge pump 

Dumbbell Front Raises
3 sets x 15 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets.

-Complete, 2 x 15# DB 

Dumbbell Side Raises
3 sets x 15 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, at the given rep range.
3 x Durante Core (10 hollow rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)


3 Sets:
Tricep Kick-Backs x 20/15/10 (2 x 25# DB)
BB Curls x 10 after each set (60#)
Rest :60



Complete Rest / travel back to DC


Today was an okay workout... always sucks when traveling/sleeping in hotels/working remotely... but got in what I could...

Bench Press Prep
1 set x 15 reps @ 50-60%
Perform Face Pulls @ 50-60% intensity for 1 set of 15 reps.


Bench Press
1 set x 1 rep
Find a new one rep max.

Went 135# x 8, 185# x 4, 205# x 2, 225# x 2, 245# x 1, 255# x 1, 265# x 1 

Bench Press
3 sets x 10 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing at the given rep range in all 3 sets.

-205# x 9, 205# x 8, 195# x 9

Tricep Rock-n-Rolls
3 sets x 10-12 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets.

-Complete, 3 x 12 with 2 x 40# DB 

Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises
2 sets x 10-12 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, within the given rep range.

-Complete, 3 x 12 with 2 x 30# DB


Have been on an extremely stressful work trip... difficult to get much intensity out of today... just not with it mentally today. Worked all day, got in the workout later in the day. Aerobically I felt fine, but just didn't get my workout today... too much work stuff just crushing the fun out of everything. 

Run Max Meters for 25:00

Rest 5:00

5 x 100m 
Rest :90 

-Complete ... didn't run 'max meters' ... just went for a 25:00 easy run, then got in the 100s on an estimated route ... overall happy to get in some movement, even if it wasn't at super high intensity. 

Sunday, May 19, 2019


Had a much better workout this morning than yesterday... did my pressing stuff and then added in some back mobility stuff which helped relieve my pain a lot.

Pressing Prep
1-2 sets x 10-15 reps @ 50-75%
Perform Face-Pulls @ 50-75% intensity for 1-2 sets of 10-15 reps.


Incline Bench Press 
1 set x 1 rep
Find a new one rep max.

-135# x 8, 185 # x 3, 205# x 1, 225# x 1, 240# x 1 ... well I looked this up and apparently this is a 35# PR... I have never really inclined much in my life, last year I built up to a single at 205#. I assume this will help me jerk more eventually? Overall fun to improve at something, even if it is an accessory lift. 

 Pallof Press
3 sets x 8-10 reps
3x8-10 facing each way. 2 second hold at extensions.

-Complete, 1 black band 

Shoulder "I"s
3 sets x 20 reps
Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/cables. Example video starts at "I"s.
Cat Camel
3 Sets x 8 reps 


Shoulder "Ys"
3 sets x 20 reps
Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/cables. Example video starts at "Y"s.
3 Sets 
Side Plank x :60 (:30 each side) 


Shoulder "T"s
3 sets x 20 reps
Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/cables. Example video starts at "T"s.
3 Sets x 10 reps (5 each side)
Bird Dogs 

Friday, May 17, 2019


Today was a super lame day... I was very excited to get after this workout... probably too excited... first time cleaning in 12 weeks and I bit off more than I could chew. Got through all 10 sets of cleans without issue, but then began warming up for the squats and tweaked something with 135# on the bar... super frustrating and difficult to deal with mentally... had to modify the squatting and cut out the wall-balls from the conditioning. I'm going to take even further time off from crossfit. I was really hoping that I'd be recovered from this injury in time for a tough training cycle over the summer months... but will just have to continue modifying shit and let my back rest further. 

Every 2 for 20 (10 sets):
3 power cleans 
Build over the course of 10 sets to a heavy triple, not tng 

185# x 2 sets, 205# x 2 sets, 225# x 2 sets, 245# x 2 sets, 265# x 1 set, 275# x 1 set ... these were all within my comfort zone... last rep at 275# got a little difficult/ugly and was probably where I hurt myself again.

Back Rack Lunge
4 sets of 10 reps (5 each leg)

-Across at 135# ... couldn't push this at all due to pain. This was supposed to be back squatting, but just couldn't do it.

 For time:*
200/140 calorie assault bike 
200/140 calorie ski erg 

*every 5 minutes, including at 0:00 perform:
100 double-unders 

-39:08 ... this was some pretty insane cardio, really enjoyed it. DU and Ski erg hurt my back, but the intensity and difficulty of this workout took my mind off it.




Complete Rest

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Today was a solid, albeit short, session. Felt very strong on everything; glad my golfer's elbow wasn't too bad today. It basically only hurt in my left arm, didn't have too modify too much, only the supinated grip pull-ups. Anyway, got this in, looking forward to the coming week in the gym.

Bench Press Prep
1 set x 15 reps @ 50-75%
Perform Face Pulls @ 50-75% intensity for 1 set of 15 reps. You will find "Bench Press Prep" at the start of every Bench Press dominant day in Hybrid Push Only. The goal of integrating these movements into our warm up exercises is to increase activation in muscle groups that improve scapular stability, which is extremely important while performing heavy pressing movements. Improving scapular stability will mean healthier, stronger, more stable shoulders and bigger pressing numbers!


Bench Press
1 set x 1 rep
Work up to your opening attempt as if you were doing a push-only powerlifting meet.

-135# x 8, 185# x 4, 205# x 2, 225# x 2, 245# x 1 - 'opener' was 245#, felt very easy and went up quickly. 

Pull Ups
3 sets x 12-15 reps
Come as close to failure as possible without actually failing, within the given rep range. If you cannot do body weight, do banded pull ups. If body weight is too easy, add weight.

-Complete 15, 15, 10 unweighted

Rack Chins
3 sets x 15-20 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets. Add weight if it's too easy, break up the sets if it's too difficult.

-Modified to 3 x 10 with 120# close-grip supinated lat pull-downs ... didn't aggravate my elbow as much and was a good lat pump. 

Dumbbell Side Raises
2 sets x 10 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, at the given rep range.
2 sets x 'Durante Core' (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)

-Complete, 2 x 35# DB for 2 x 10 

Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises
2 sets x 10 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, at the given rep range.
2 sets x 'Durante Core' (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)

-Complete, 2 x 35# DB for 2 x 10


Today was a pretty great track workout... lots of volume ... overall felt pretty decent on everything. I was tired today... not excited to get to the track, but in the evening after work got this in. Glad I did, really enjoyed myself. 

3 sets of: 
Rest :90

Rest 4:00 

3 sets of:

Rest :90 

Rest 3:00 

3 sets of:

Rest :90 

Rest 3:00 

3 sets of:

200m Run
Rest :90
-Result = 

2:02, 2:04, 2:04
:29, :32, :35
1:49, 1:53, 1:52
:32, :32, :32 

Monday, May 13, 2019


AM Workout (0530)

Jumped into another CrossFit class. It was very low volume cardio. Overall a nice sweat / way to start the day. 

3 RFT:
1000m Run
150 Double-Unders
6 Rope Climbs (15')

-26:12 ... outside of my shoe coming untied during the second 1000, everything was at a consistent pace, overall felt aerobically good. 



PM Workout (1430) 

Overall didn't have a great workout this afternoon... I felt good, but had really bad golfer's elbow in both elbows... probably from the rope climbs this morning... overall frustrating, but aside from the pull-ups, everything went well. 

Pull Ups
3 sets x 12-15 reps
Come as close to failure as possible without actually failing, within the given rep range. If you cannot do body weight, do banded pull ups. If body weight is too easy, add weight.

-Complete, went 3 x 10 unweighted... went easy on these due to severe golfer's elbow

Rack Chins
3 sets x 15-20 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets. Add weight if it's too easy, break up the sets if it's too difficult.

-Did not do these ... just cut them out due to golfer's elbow pain being much worse with a supinated grip. Really glad my PFT is over and I can relax on training this movement pattern for a bit. 

Lat Pull-Downs
3 sets x 15-20 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets. If you do not have access to a Lat Pull-Down machine do 3 extra sets of Rack Chins.

-Complete, 120# x 20,15,15

Seated Dumbbell Curls
3 sets x 15-20 reps
15-20 reps per arm. Come as close to failure as possible without actually failing, within the given rep range.

-Complete, 2 x 35# DB for 3 sets of 15 per arm 

Shoulder "I"s
3 sets x 20 reps
Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/cables. Example video starts at "I"s.


Shoulder "Y"s
3 sets x 20 reps
Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/cables. Example video starts at "Y"s.


Shoulder "T"s
3 sets x 20 reps
Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/cables. Example video starts at "T"s.



AM Workout (0630) 

Jumped into a CrossFit class, wasn't too taxing, but it was fun to move and get some snatching in. 

Every 3 for 21 (7 sets):
1 Power Snatch + 2 Hang Power Snatch (TnG) 

-176#, 176#, 186#, 186#, 198#, 198#, 208# ... overall felt strong on this, was fun to snatch. 

On a running clock: 

at 0:00... 

3 RFT:
15 Deadlifts (185/125#)
15 Toes-to-Bar

-2:30 ... tried to go unbroken, had to break up that last set of T2B into 8/7. Overall fun/short burner on the forearms.

at 10:00 begin...

10 Rounds, with a partner, alternating complete rounds:
10/8 Cal Row
10 Burpees-over-the-erg


PM Workout (1100) 

This was a super chill session... tapering down right now for a 1 RM next week.

Bench Press
5 sets x 3 reps @ 60% (160#) 
60% of you one max rep bench press. 


Bench Press
2 sets x 10-15 reps @ 50% (135#)
 10-15 reps at 50% of your one rep max bench press. 

-Complete, 2 x 15 reps with 135#

Dumbbell Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, within the given rep range. 

-Complete, 2 x 10 reps with 30# DBs 

Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, within the given rep range.

-Complete, 2 x 10 reps with 30# DBs 

20 Minute Foam Rolling



Complete Rest / back to work


Currently traveling to visit family. Have been having a ton of fun, to include alcohol and food. Didn't feel particularly great when I woke up this morning, but got out the door and got some activity in. It was good to move and sweat before going HAM at brunch.

~7 Minute easy warm-up jog

Every 3 for 15 (3 sets) of:
~200m Hill Sprint

-Complete, between :33-:38 each interval

~7 Minute easy cool-down jog

Friday, May 10, 2019


Today was a decent workout... didn't really sleep much last night... currently traveling, but got pretty much everything in. Had to change incline press to some flat pause bench press, but overall was still a good workout. Low volume overall, left me feeling refreshed.

Bench Press Prep
1-2 sets x 10-15 reps @ 50-75%
Perform Face Pulls @ 50-75% intensity for 1-2 sets of 10-15 reps. You will find "Bench Press Prep" at the start of every Bench Press dominant day in Hybrid Push Only. The goal of integrating these movements into our warm up exercises is to increase activation in muscle groups that improve scapular stability, which is extremely important while performing heavy pressing movements. Improving scapular stability will mean healthier, stronger, more stable shoulders and bigger pressing numbers!


Bench Press (250, 245, 245 last week)
3 sets x 2 reps
Try to add 5 or 10lbs to whatever you did last time this set/ rep scheme appeared in the program for this exercise. If you're not feeling up to it, repeat the same weight as last time.

-Complete, 245# across, will shoot for 250# across next week, this felt very good. 

Pause Bench Press, 3 seconds at bottom 
3 sets x 1 rep

-Complete, across at 225# 

Dumbbell Side Raises
3 sets x 8-10 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, within the given rep range.
Russian Twist 
3 sets x 25 reps (12# med-ball)

-Complete, across with 2 x 30# DB for 3 x10

Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises
3 sets x 8-10 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, within the given rep range.

-Complete, across with 2 x 30# DB for 3 x10 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Today was not a great workout... but got in what I could. I was coming off a stressful 3-day travel/court trip. Hit the track and got it in, but I felt so shitty I didn't even time the intervals, only the rest. I knew I would be running slow and not up to my typical standards. Got a sweat out of this, tomorrow is another day.

A. Track Workout 

6 Sets of: 
Rest :45

-Complete, did not time the 700s, just got them all in.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Today was an okay workout... not very great. I think all the CrossFit conditioning yesterday has left me fried. Overall happy to get this in, was a lower volume session that didn't tax me too much. Left the gym with a pump and feeling good. 

Bench Press Prep
1-2 sets x 10-15 reps @ 50-75%
Perform Upright Rows @ 50-75% intensity for 1-2 sets of 10-15 reps. You will find "Bench Press Prep" at the start of every Bench Press dominant day in Hybrid Push Only. The goal of integrating these movements into our warm up exercises is to increase activation in muscle groups that improve scapular stability, which is extremely important while performing heavy pressing movements. Improving scapular stability will mean healthier, stronger, more stable shoulders and bigger pressing numbers!

-Complete, 2 x 12.5# DB for 2 sets of 10 

Bench Press
3 sets x 3 reps (240, 235, 230 last week = attempts should be for 235+ across) 
Try to add 5 or 10lbs to whatever you did last time this set/ rep scheme appeared in the program for this exercise. If you're not feeling up to it, repeat the same weight as last time.

-235#, 235# (fail - needed a spot on the 3rd rep), 225# ... had to drop down to 225# for the last set... the first set at 235# was a struggle, then went on to miss the 3rd rep on the second set. Dropped the weight down to get in good reps. 

Strict Press
3 sets x 3 reps (160 across last week) 
Try to add 5 or 10lbs (for at least 1 of the 3 sets) to whatever you did last time this set/ rep scheme appeared in the program for this exercise. If you're not feeling up to it, repeat the same weight as last time.

-Complete, across at 165# 

Half Kneeling Single Arm Kettlebell Press
3 sets x 8-10 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 5 sets. 8-10 reps per arm.

-Complete, 3 x 10 with 50# KB

Land-Mine Twists
3 sets x 8-15 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets.

-Complete, 3 x 15 with 90# 

Monday, May 6, 2019


Parts A and B were a CrossFit class I jumped into, C - G were the actual workout I was supposed to do today. Got everything in, overall a great training session. Felt strong and fit.

20 Minutes to build up to a heavy set of 6

-135#, 245#, 335#, 365#, 385#, 405#, 427# ... all of these sets felt very good, much more there. Overall happy to pull 427# for a comfortable 6.

5 RFT:
200m Run
10 Thrusters (135/95#)
Rest 1 minute between rounds

-11:11 (4:00) = 7:11 total work ... all sets unbroken, this was a fun sprint workout, had a good time.

3 Sets x 12-15 Reps 
Come as close to failure as possible without actually failing, within the given rep range. If you cannot do body weight, do banded pull-ups. If body weight is too easy, add weight.

-Complete, went 12/12/10 unweighted

Rack Chins
3 sets x 15 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets. Add weight if it's too easy, break up the sets if it's too difficult.

-Complete, went 8/8/8 ... not a ton in my arms after parts A-C

Lat Pull-Downs
3 sets x 15 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets. If you do not have access to a Lat Pull-Down machine do 3 extra sets of Rack Chins.

-Complete, 90# across 

Dumbbell Curls 
3 sets x 15 reps 
15 reps per arm. Come as close to failure as possible without actually failing, at the given rep range. 

-Complete, 2 x 35# DB across 

Tricep Extensions
3 sets x 15 reps 
Air to reach failure, at the given rep range. These can be any form of cable pull-downs or banded pull-downs. If needed, you can substitute for overhead dumbbell tricep extensions. 

-Complete, went 25# across for 15, each arm, single-arm overhead DB tricep extensions 


AM Workout (0630) 

Hit up a CrossFit class this morning. Was a little bummed about not snatching more, but overall I was happy with how I felt. Metcon was fun and simple. Overall a nice way to the start the day, not too taxing. 

Every 3 for 21 (7 sets) of: 
1 Squat Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats (unbroken) 

-135#, 165#, 185#, 205#, 205#, 215#, 225# (failed the first snatch) ... overall felt pretty good on this... the added overhead squats were pretty taxing. Bummed I missed the snatch at 225#, but I was pretty fried by that point. 

AMRAP 12: 
*300 DU Buy-in
20 DB Snatches (50/35#)
10 DB Push-Press (50/35#) - 5 right, 5 left
5 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups

-3 Rounds + 21 reps ... overall happy with how I felt on this, moved through it at a consistent pace. Probably could have gotten 4+ rounds if I turned it on, but I just remained at a constant pace and moved through this. Overall enjoyed it.

PM Workout (1500) 

Had a decent bench press session in the afternoon... overall it was low volume, but still got a solid pump out of it, good accessory stuff.

Bench Press Prep
1-2 sets x 10-15 reps @ 50-75%
Perform Bent Over Side Raises@50-75% intensity for 1-2 sets of 10-15 reps. You will find "Bench Press Prep" at the start of every Bench Press dominant day in Hybrid Push Only. The goal of integrating these movements into our warm up exercises is to increase activation in muscle groups that improve scapular stability, which is extremely important while performing heavy pressing movements. Improving scapular stability will mean healthier, stronger, more stable shoulders and bigger pressing numbers

-Complete, 2 x 10# Plate for 2 x 10 

Bench Press
4 sets x 5 reps (225 x5, 225x4, 215x5x2 last week) 
Try to add 5 or 10lbs to whatever you did last time this set/ rep scheme appeared in the program for this exercise. If you're not feeling up to it, repeat the same weight as last time.

-225# x5, 225# x 5, 225# x 4, 225# x 4 ... this was a big disappointing. First two sets went well, then on the third set I didn't have a spotter and didn't attempt the fifth rep... on the last set I got a spot, but missed the 5th rep. I am very close to 5x5 at 225#, something I've wanted to do for a long time. Overall I am happy with how much I improved, but was really hoping to get all the reps here, missed two, but this is fine considering this AM session.

Push Ups
3 sets x 10-30 reps
Use body weight, do not go to failure. Should be able to still do 3-5 more reps each set.

-Complete, 3 x 25 reps 

Shoulder "I"s
3 sets x 15 reps
Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/cables. Example video starts at 
3 sets of Side Plank x :60 (:30 each side)


Shoulder "Ys"
3 sets x 15 reps
Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/cables. Example video starts at “Y”s.


Shoulder "T"s
3 sets x 15 reps
Can be done prone with dumbbells or standing with bands/cables. Example video starts at “T"s.
