Friday, November 29, 2019


Complet Rest


This morning was a solid workout... got in almost all of the FBB stuff and added in the toughest crossfit I've done in a while. Overall fun, but I will probably feel this tomorrow. 

2 Rounds - CNS PREP
4 Burpee lateral bench jumps
4 Lateral Arc Slam Balls/side
3 Rounds - Build pace a little each round
10 Dual Russian KBS
Assault Bike .3/.2 Miles
rest 60sec
4 Rounds - Slow Down and Control
20 Ring Mountain Climbers
10 Banded Face Pulls 20X1 


A1) Single Leg Barbell Glute Bridge
20X1; 3-5/leg; rest 60sec x 3
*Loading heavier this week than last
A2) Adduction Bias Side Plank
30sec/side; rest 60sec x 3

-Complete ... used a 45# barbell for the bridges... great warm-up 

B) Deadlift From Blocks
4,4,3,2; rest 3mins
Barbell is set up just below knee - adjust blocks appropriately

-405# x 4, 435# x 4, 455# x 3, 475# x 2 ... felt very strong on these, got all the reps easily. 

C) Crossfit Conditioning 

4 RFT (30 min cap), Teams of 3: 
75/60 Cal Bike
45 Power Cleans (115, 135, 155, 175)
30 Power Snatch (115, 135, 155, 175)

-3 Rounds + 33 Power Cleans ... this was tough ... lots of reps and high intensity crossfit ... overall enjoyed it though. I got super light headed during the set of 155# power snatches and had to sit out for about :30-:60 ... this was fun not fun, but caught my breath and finished out the rest of the workout. 

D1) Back Extensions
4040; 5-7reps; rest 45sec
D2) Single Arm Dumbbell Torso Row 
30X1; 6/arm; rest 45sec x 3
D3) Seated Hammer Curl
3131; 6-8reps; rest 90-120sec x 3

-Complete ... used 50# DB for the rows, 2 x 20# DB for the curls... tempo rocked me. 




This morning was a decent workout... have 10/10 work stress right now, made it impossible to enjoy the gym or to focus... but forced everything in and got it done. 

4 Sets NFT
6-8/arm 3111 Half Kneeling Filly Press/arm
30sec KB Rack Split Stance Isometric/leg
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Prone Y’s on Bench - 6-8 reps (pause 2-3sec at top of each rep); rest 60sec x 3-4 sets
*If you are feeling more stable this week you can increase load slightly 

-Complete, 3 sets 

4040 Kang Squat x 2
3030 Split Stance Good Morning R x 3
3030 Split Stance Good Morning L x 3
2020 Back Squat x 4
rest 2mins x 3 sets

-Complete, 95#, 115#, 135# 

B) Back Squat
31X1; 4 Reps Every 3:30 x 4 sets
*Tempo speeds up this week a touch. shorter pause at the bottom. Reps increase again. Build from 2 weeks ago.

-Complete, 225#, 275#, 285#, 285# 

C1) Dumbbell Suitcase RNT Reverse Lunge
31X1; 6-8/leg x 1 set; 4-6/leg x 2 sets; rest 45sec
C2) Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press
30X1; 8,8,6 reps; rest 45sec
C3) Banded Tricep Extensions
1010; 10.10.10; rest 10sec/rest 90-120sec x 3 (30 total reps with 10sec between every 10 rep)

-Complete, 2 x 50# DB with 1 red band, Bench across with 70# DB, 1 green band for extensions

D) 4 Sets 
Row 250/200m
9 Pull Ups
7 Goblet Squats HEAVY
5 Strict HSPU
3 Strict Toes to Bar
1 Wall Walks
rest walk 90sec between sets

-Complete ... used 70# DB for Goblet Squats ... didn't time the rounds, just the 90 second rest interval 


This morning was a pretty decent workout... still on the road, but jumped into a CrossFit class. Knocked out the class workout and then got in the strength progression on the program I'm on. Changed a couple things slightly, but overall got in what I needed to and enjoyed myself. 

A) DB Push-Press
Build to a heavy set of 5 

-2 x 50#, 2 x 65#, 2 x 75#, 2 x 90# (fail - only got 4 reps) ... this is the heaviest I've ever gone on a double-dumbbell push-press ... was fun/different. 

B) Crossfit Metcon
4 RFT:
15 DB Push-Press (2 x 50/35#)
45/35 Cal Row
50 Double-Unders

-13:50 ... unbroken minus one missed double-under, kept the row at about 1200-1300 calories, splits on the rows were 1:57, 2:01, 2:05, 2:10 ... was trying to stay consistent under 2:00 on those, but obviously didn't happen... very aerobic workout, felt solid on it. 

C)Clean Grip RDL
2-3 Heavier @ 50X0 + 10-12 Lighter @ 1010; rest 2-3min x 4 sets
*Strip set - perform 2-3 reps at a moderately tough weight, immediately strip the load and perform 10-12 reps at the llighter load and quicker tempo

-Complete ... 315# for heavier sets, 155# for light sets

D1) Barbell Floor Press
31X1; 6-8reps; x 2 sets; 31X1; 4-6reps x 1 set; rest 45sec
D2) Incline Single Arm Dumbbell Prone Row
40X1; 4-6reps/arm; rest 90sec x 3 sets

-135# for set of 8, 185# for sets of 6 ... 55# DB for rows

E1) Single-Arm KB Romanian Deadlift
3010; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 2
E2) Standing Plate Oblique Twist
8-10/side; slow and controlled throughout range of motion; rest 60sec x 2

-Complete ... used a 72# KB for the DL, 45# plate for the twists 


Complete Rest / court all day


This morning was a decent workout. Changed some of the stuff, particularly the warm-up, and added some other stuff in. I am traveling for work... jumped into a class workout at a gym and then did my strength stuff afterwards... overall was a good session. 

A) Every 2 for 12 (6 sets) of:
Strict Weighted Pull-up x 3 reps

-62# x 3 sets, 72# x 3 sets ... these felt very good, got all reps easily 

B) For time:
22-16-12-8-2 DB Box Step-Overs (24/20" w/ 2 x 50/35#) 
11-8-6-4-1 Strict Ring Dips (from muscle-up station) 


C) Adduction Bias RNT Single Arm KB Rack Squat
22X1; 6-8/side; rest 60sec between legs x 2 sets/leg
*Positional Strength Work
*Building LOAD from previous weeks - Positional focus

-Complete, 1 red band w/ 44# KB 

D) Box Squat
21X1; 2,2,2,2,2; rest 2-3mins
*Increase load each set - make only last SET TOUGH
*Box Height is such that when seated thighs are parallel to floor

-Complete, went 275#, 295#, 305#, 315#, 325# ... didn't push the loading much, as I was feeling part B ... accumulated good reps though. 

E) Contralateral KB Rack RNT Step Up
31X1 6-8/leg x 3 sets; rest 60sec between legs
*Continue to prioritize the forward leg and NOT driving up off the back leg.
*Box height is just below the knee

-Complete, used 1 red band, no loading... just worked the positions and got in 8 reps each set... these have gotten a lot better for me, starting to feel much more natural. 


This morning was a fun/shorter workout. Looked extremely simple and not difficult on paper, but got a good amount of intensity out of this and got a solid tricep/shoulder pump out of the last part. 

3 Sets NFT 
4-6/arm @ 30X1 Tall Kneeling Landmine Press 
rest 15sec 
15m Crab Walk Slow Deliberate 
rest 15sec 
6-8 Dumbbell Side Plank Powell Raise 30X0 
rest 60sec
Shoulder Mobility 
3-4mins Overhead Squat With Thoracic Mobilization


A1) Barbell Z Press 
3111; 4,3,2; rest 45sec
A2) Dumbbell Cross Body Romanian Deadlift
31X0; 6-8/arm; rest 90sec x 3

-95# x 4, 115# x 3, 135# x 2 ... 75# DB for deadlifts 

B1) Parallette Handstand Push Up Negatives
61A2; 3-5reps; rest 30sec x 3 
*read the tempo as follows: 
6 Second Eccentric 
1 Second Come off Wall 
A - Assist yourself to the top of the rep again by kicking up 
2 Second hold at top of the rep
*If you don't feel confident on paralletes you can simply use the floor again for another week or use a slight deficit with weight plates
B2) Weighted Supinated Pull Up Negative
61A2; 3-5reps; rest 30sec x 3 
*read the tempo as follows: 
6 Second Eccentric 
1 Second Come off Bar 
A - Assist yourself to the top of the rep again by jumping up with the help of a box 
2 Second hold at top of the rep
*Perform at bodyweight if tempo is hard to manage.
B3) Windshield Wiper
30X1; 6-8/side; rest 90-120sec x 3 
*Add a dumbbell between your feet for added challenge

-Complete, all sets unweighted, went 3 HSPU, 5 Pull-ups, 16 WWs each set 

C) 3-4 Sets NFT
20m KB Mixed Rack Overhead Carry R 
20sec Archer Ring Row Hold R 
15reps Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53 
20m KB Mixed Rack Overhead Carry L 
20sec Archer Ring Row Hold L 
20 Bench Dips 20X0 (loaded with DB between legs) 
rest 90sec
*based on your energy levels and time restraints stop at 3 sets or complete 4.

-Complete, 3 sets ... those bench dips rocked me... we did them unweighted and they were still extremely difficult ... the time on tension on this programs always rocks me. 

Saturday, November 23, 2019


Complete Rest


This morning was a solid sesh ... still on vacation and worked out in the country club's gym again ... had to scale a couple things due to lack of equipment, but still got a solid workout in. 

2 Rounds - CNS PREP
5 Burpee Tall Box Jump
5 Vertical Med Ball Toss (max height)
3 Rounds - Build pace a little each round
12 Dual KB Cleans
Run 150m
rest 60sec
4 Rounds - Slow Down and Control
10 Windshield Wipers/side
6 Ring Face Pulls 2112 


A1) Single Leg Barbell Glute Bridge
21X1; 6/leg; rest 60sec x 3
A2) Star Plank
30sec/side; rest 60sec x 3

-Complete ... used a blank barbell for the bridges ... star planks rocked me 

B) Deadlift From Blocks
5,5,4,3; rest 3mins
Barbell is set up just below knee - adjust blocks appropriately

-Complete ... went 315# x 5, 365# x 5, 375# x 4, 385# x 3 ... could have gone heavier in a gym with chalk/an environment more appropriate to make noise ... but anyway, got these in with no belt/no wraps/no chalk ... still got a good effort out this, was limited by my grip 

C1) Jefferson Curl with KB
3131; 5-7reps; rest 45sec
C2) Single Arm Dumbbell Torso Row 
30X1; 6/arm; rest 45sec x 3
C3) Incline Bench Dumbbell Curl
3131; 6-8reps; rest 90-120sec x 3

-Complete, 20# KB for the curls, 50# DB for rows, 2 x 25# for the tempo curls 

D) 15mins Continuous Work Grinder

2 Turkish Get Up R
8 Single Arm KB Clean and Push Press R (begin at the top of the last rep of TGU)
20m Single Arm KB Overhead carry R
12 Forearm Plank to Tall Plank
2 Turkish Get Up L
8 Single Arm KB Clean and Push Press L (begin at the top of the last rep of TGU)
20m Single Arm KB Overhead carry L
6 Renegade Rows

-Complete, 3 rounds + 8 KB Clean and Press ... used 30# KB for all KB exercises, 2 x 65# DB for the renegade rows ... fun conditioning piece, not too taxing, got a solid pump.


Worked out in a small gym at a country club... similar to a large hotel gym, but it had free weights. Got in what I needed to and got a solid workout out of this. Had to modify a couple things slightly (rope climbs, ring push-ups) but still got a great workout/pump out of this. 

4 Sets NFT
6-8/arm 3111 Half Kneeling Dumbbell Arnold Press/arm
30sec DB Goblet Squat Isometric 
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Prone Y’s on Bench - 8 reps (pause 3sec at top of each rep); rest 60sec x 3-4 sets
*extending range of motion this week - similar low loads

-Complete ... used 35# for Arnold press / 50# DB for the goblet hold

3030 Sumo Stance Good Morning x 5
3030 Back Squats x 4
30X0 Alternating Back Rack Curtsy Lunge 3/leg
rest 2mins x 3 sets

-Complete, went 45#, 95#, 105# ... never done curtsy lunges before ... nice variation 

B) Back Squat
42X1; 3 Reps Every 3:30 x 4 sets 

-Complete ... went 225#, 245#, 265#, 275# ... heavier than last week, but went in running shoes/no gear today ... tempo squats are feeling MUCH better

C1) Suitcase RNT Reverse Lunges 
40X1; 6-8/leg; rest 45sec x 3
C2) Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press 
41X0; 4-6/arm; rest 45sec x 3
C3) DB Skull Crushers
2020; 10-12reps; rest 90-120sec x 3

-Complete ... 50# DB + 1 purple band for C1, 75# DB for C2, 2 x 25# for C3 ... big pump 

D) 4 Sets 
Run (on treadmill) .25 mile
9 Deficit Push Ups
7 Strict Pull Ups
5 BJSD 24/20"
3 Burpees
10 Lat Pull-Downs (130/80#)
rest walk 90sec between sets 

-Complete ... great finisher, fun conditioning/pump




Thanksgiving 5k

-20:33 (6:35 mile pace) watch time ... don't have the chip time yet, but the clock was right around 20:30 as I rolled through the finish line. Overall a great race, didn't push anything too hard, this is the second run I've been on since the marathon, overall enjoyed myself. My time last year on this course was 22:05 (7:07 mile pace). Much less perceived effort and ran much faster this year ... Great way to start the day. I've been very consistent over the last few years ... most of my 5ks have been around 20:30 with the exception of last year (when I was just Olympic weightlifting at the time).


Today was an okay workout... didn't have much energy or desire to get in the gym, forced myself and knocked out what I could. Life/work stress has been 10/10. In retrospect I am glad to have gotten at least something in ... I cut out the conditioning piece, which was part D... maybe will get it in another day. 

3 Sets NFT
30sec/leg Single Leg Hip Thrust Isometric (hold at top)
rest 15sec
Feet Elevated Thoracic Bridge 20sec (sub reverse plank)
rest 15sec
Single Leg L-Sit on Parallettes x 15sec/side
rest 15sec
50' Kareoka/side
rest 60sec
Hip Mobility x 4mins
KB Cossack Flow and Holds


A) Clean Grip RDL
3-4 Heavier @ 4010 + 8-10 Lighter @ 2010; rest 2-3misn x 4 sets
*Strip set - perfrom 3-4 reps at a moderately tough weight, immediately strip the load and perform 8-10reps at the llighter load and quicker tempo

-295# for the sets of 3-4, 155# for the sets of 8-10 ... this was tough... this was the biggest posterior chain pump I've gotten in a very long time ... light weights, but those tempos were brutal. 

B1) Barbell Floor Press
30X0; 8-10reps x 2 set; 6-8reps; x 1 sets ; rest 75sec
B2) Incline Dual Dumbbell Prone Row
31X2; 6-8reps x 2 sets; 4-6reps x 1 set; rest 75sec

-Complete ... used 155# for sets of 8-10, 175# for set of 6-8 ... rows went across at 3 sets of 8 with 2 x 50# DB (didn't have heavier DBs for the set of 4-6)

C1) Split Stance KB RDL
2010; 8-10/leg; rest 75sec x 2
C2) Half Kneeling Kettlebell Windmill
5/arm; slow and controlled throughout range of motion; rest 75sec x 2

-Complete ... 72# for the RDL, 35# for the windmills 


This morning was a solid session ... lots of positional work ... not too taxing ... overall enjoyed this session. Looking forward to another workout tomorrow. 

3 Sets NFT - Single leg focus FBB Warm Up
40X1 x 6-8 reps/leg Curtsy Step Down
rest 30sec
10m Monster Band Walk Forward and Backward
rest 30sec
Theraband Clamshell Side Plank Thrust x 10-12/side
rest 60sec
3-4mins Lower Body Mobility
2mins/Side Deep Lunge with Band Distraction


A) Adduction Bias RNT KB Rack Squat
21X1; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec between legs x 2 sets
*Positional Strength Work
*Building LOAD from previous weeks - Positional focus.

-2 x 35# KB and 1 red band

B) Box Squat
21X1; 3,3,3,3,3; rest 2-3mins
*Increase load each set - make only last set TOUGH
*Box Height is such that when seated thighs are parallel to floor

-275#, 295#, 315#, 335#, 335# ... last two sets were tough, happy to putting up bigger numbers on this. 

C) Dual KB Rack RNT Step Up
31X1 6-8/leg x 3 sets; rest 60sec between legs
*Continue to prioritize the forward leg and NOT driving up off the back leg.
*Box height is just below the kneed

-2 x 35# KB and 1 red band

D) 3-5 Sets Increasing Effort Per Set
5 DB Front Squats
4 Alternating DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges/leg (8 total)
3 DB Thrusters
rest 15sec
15 BJSD 30/24"
rest 15sec
Row 60sec with Damper Setting at 10
rest walk 2mins

-Complete, 3 sets, used 2 x 50# DB ... called it at 3 sets due to time constraints ... got a solid workout out of this regardless 


Today was a good workout ... not too taxing and a massive pump, which is always fun. 

3 Sets NFT 
6/arm @ 40X1 Half Kneeling Landmine Press 
rest 15sec 
Tall Plank Banded Lateral Crawl 7m/side Slow Deliberate 
rest 15sec 
6-8 Dual Standing Plate External Rotations 30X0 
rest 60sec
Shoulder Mobility 
3-4mins Bench Shoulder Flexion With Thoracic Mobilization (Lat Pullover)


A1) Barbell Z Press
3131; 5,4,3; rest 60sec
A2) Single Arm Dumbbell Cuban Press
3121; 4-6/arm; rest 90sec x 3

-Complete, used 95# x 5, 95# x 4, 110# x 3 for the press ... 25# DB across for the Cuban Press 

B1) Handstand Pushup Negatives
51A3; 4-5reps; rest 45sec x 3 
*read the tempo as follows 
5 Second Eccentric 
1 Second Come off Wall 
A - assist yourself to the top of the rep again by kicking up 
3 Second hold at top of the rep
B2) Weighted Pronated Pull Up Negative
51A3; 4-5reps; rest 45sec x 3 
*read the tempo as follows 
5 Second Eccentric 
1 Second Come off Bar 
A - assist yourself to the top of the rep again by jumping up with the help of a box 
3 Second hold at top of the rep
*Perform at Bodyweight if tempo is hard to manage.
B3) Reverse Crunch
30X1; 8-12reps; rest 90sec x 3

-Complete ... surprisingly challenging

C) 3-4 Sets NFT
10 Dumbbell Deadlift @ 20X0 
30m Dual Kettlebell Overhead Carry (TOUGH FOR YOU) 
30sec Supinated Grip Body Row Hold 
20 Banded Tricep Extensions 10X0 
rest 90sec
*based on your energy levels and time restraints stop at 3 sets or complete 4.

-Complete, 4 sets with 2 x 70# DB DL, 2 x 44# KB For the OHC ... 1 black band for the push-downs ... massive pump from this circuit 


Complete Rest

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Great workout today, enjoyed all the stuff on my program and the additional CrossFit conditioning. Fun day in the gym ... ready to rest tomorrow and attack next week's workouts. 

2 Rounds - CNS PREP
5 Tall Box Jumps (land with straight legs - priority is catching your body in a tall position)
5 Slam Ball (POWER)
3 Rounds - Build pace a little each round
15 Banded Russian Swings
15/12 Cal Row
rest 60sec
4 Rounds - Slow Down and Control
8 Ring Body Saw
4-6 Single Arm Ring Row/arm 2111 

-Complete ... great warm-up 

A1) Single Leg Banded Glute Bridge
30X1; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3 (higher time under tension this week - increase resistence only if you are feeling strong)
A2) Kettlebell Side Plank
30-45sec/side; rest 60sec x 3

-Complete, across at 35# KB

B) Deadlift From Blocks
4,4,4,4; rest 3mins
Barbell is set up just above knee - adjust blocks appropriately

-405# x 2 sets, 425# x 1 set, 435# x 1 set ... felt very easy, better than last week. Looking forward to full deadlifts soon 

C1) GHD Hip Extension
51X1; 8,6,6; rest 45sec
C2) Barbell Row
30X1; 6-8reps; rest 45sec x 3
* Loop a towel or strap around the bar if you don't have an attachment.
C3) Alternating DB Bicep Curl
30X0; 6-8/arm; rest 90-120sec x 3

-Complete ... 135# for the rows, 2 x 35# DB for the curls 

D) Conditioning (added in)
3 RFT*: 
400m Run 
20 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20") 
150 Foot Handstand Walk (6 increments of 25') 
5 Ring Muscle-ups 

*25:00 Cap 

-Result = 2 Rounds + 20 BBJ ... 300 feet of handstand walking was a ton... getting this done in under 25:00 was just not a possibility for me. Everything else done at a consistent pace and the muscle-ups easily unbroken ... just getting through that much distance on my hands was difficult ... this is the third time I've handstand walked since February ... overall this is good training for me, despite not performing well (i.e. not finishing within the time cap) 

E) Turkish Get Up
3/arm - unbroken; rest as needed x 4sets/arm

-Complete, used a 35# across 



Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Active Recovery Day 

6 Mile Hike with a 20# pack ... this was the easiest Marine Corps Hike I've ever been on ... in previous trainings I would use a 100#+ pack and carry a machine gun ... today's hike was chill as hell ... fun way to get out of the office and spend some time with my fellow Marines... albeit a bit embarrassing, out of an entire Battalion doing this hike no one fell out... which tells me this was not nearly challenging enough and this BN CO needs to push his people more the next time we do anything like this. Anyway, fun morning, looking forward to lifting tomorrow. 


Today was a solid workout... I was extremely surprised by how much better the tempo squatting felt... I felt like I was in much better positions and the perceived exertion was much lower with higher weights... great stuff. Fun day in the gym, got a pump and enjoyed myself. 

3-4 Sets NFT
6-8/arm 3111 Half Kneeling Dumbbell Press/arm
30sec Goblet Squat Isometric Hold
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Prone Y’s on Floor - 10 reps (pause 3sec at top of each rep); rest 60sec x 3-4 sets
*similar loads to last week

-Complete ... 30# DB ... 44# KB Hold

Good Morning; 4141; 4 reps
8 Alternating Back Rack Forward Lunges
Kang Squats; 4141; 4 Reps
rest 2mins x 3 sets

-Complete ... 95#, 115#, 135# 

B) Back Squat
42X1; 4 Reps Every 3:30 x 4 sets 

-2 sets at 235#, 2 sets at 255# 

C1) KB Rack Curtsy Step Down
40X1; 6-8/leg; rest 45sec x 3
*box height just below knee height
C2) Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press (Top Down)
3131; 6/arm; rest 45sec x 3
C3) Close Grip Parallette Tricep Push Up
20X0; 12-15reps; rest 90-120sec x 3

-Complete ... step downs were unweighted... but still WAY better than flats week ... 2 x 55# for the DB Bench Press ... was getting 12 push-ups each set... going to failure there, having to do 9/3 by the last set. 

D) 4 Sets 
3 Weighted Strict Pull Ups
7 BJSD 24/20"
5 Strict Pull ups 30X0
7 No Push Up Burpees
9 Push Ups
60 Double-Under
rest walk 90sec between sets

-Complete ... used a 53# KB for the weighted pull-ups ... didn't time the rounds, just went for intensity ... overall a solid conditioning piece that didn't leave me too taxed. 

Monday, November 18, 2019


Today was a decent workout... got to sleep in today, which was awesome. Worked out over lunch and had a good time. Tempo work continues to kick my ass ... overall enjoyed this, got a big pump out of this, especially the last little conditioning piece, the tempo ring push-ups coupled with the bear crawl gave me a massive chest/shoulder/tricep pump, fun stuff. 

3 Sets NFT
30sec/leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold
rest 15sec
Reverse Plank Bridge 30sec
rest 15sec
Tuck L-Sit 30sec on Parallettes
rest 15sec
50' B Skips
rest 60sec
Hip Mobility x 4mins
90/90 KB Flow and Holds 


A) RNT Clean Grip RDL
3131; 7,6,5,5 rest 2-3mins

-185# x 7, 235# x 6, 285# x 5, 305# x 5 

B1) Barbell Floor Press
41X1; 6-8reps x 1 set; 4-6reps; x 2 sets ; rest 75sec
B2) Dual Dumbbell Prone Row
40X2; 6-8reps; rest 75sec x 3

-Floor Press went 155# x 8, 165# x 6 x 2 sets
-Rows across at 2 x 55# DB

C1) Staggered Stance Contralateral Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
3010; 8-10/leg; rest 75sec x 2
C2) Kettlebell Windmill
5/arm; slow and controlled throughout range of motion; rest 75sec x 2

-DLs went 65# across
-KB Windmills went 35# across ... this was tough mobility work for me... especially on my left side. 

D) 10mins Continuous Work Grinder
20m Bear crawl
10 Dual KB Clean 53/35
20m Farmers Carry (as heavy as you want on the KB or DB)
AMRAP Ring Push Up @ 4040 Tempo (stop as soon as you lose tempo or position and move to the next station)

-Complete ...4 rds + 20m bear crawl ... push-ups went 10,8,5,4 ... really tough with that tempo, massive pump.