Today was another tough workout... only because of massive tempo work... if these workout were done at 'my own pace' the weights would be much heavier and the sets would have been completed much quicker... BUT these crazy tempos are a great change of pace for me, a new challenge and are making training fun.
3-4 Sets NFT
6-8/arm 3111 Half Kneeling Kettlebell Press/arm
30sec Wall Sit
3-4 Sets NFT
6-8/arm 3111 Half Kneeling Kettlebell Press/arm
30sec Wall Sit
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Prone Y’s on Floor - 12 reps (pause 2sec at top of each rep); rest 60sec x 3-4 sets
-Complete, 35# KB
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Prone Y’s on Floor - 12 reps (pause 2sec at top of each rep); rest 60sec x 3-4 sets
-Complete, 35# KB
3331 Good Morning x 3 reps
3131 Kang Squat x 3 reps
3111 Back Rack Reverse Lunge x 4 reps alternating (2/leg)
rest 90sec x 3 sets
-Complete ... 95# x 1 set, 135# x 2 sets
3131 Kang Squat x 3 reps
3111 Back Rack Reverse Lunge x 4 reps alternating (2/leg)
rest 90sec x 3 sets
-Complete ... 95# x 1 set, 135# x 2 sets
B) Back Squat
42X1; 5 Reps Every 3:30 x 4 sets
-Complete, across at 225# ... this is the roughest 225# has been squatting... can probably squat this 30+ times in a row... but that tempo got me.
-Complete, across at 225# ... this is the roughest 225# has been squatting... can probably squat this 30+ times in a row... but that tempo got me.
C1) Goblet Loaded Curtsy Step Down
40X1; 6-8/leg; rest 45sec x 3
*box height just below knee height
*box height just below knee height
C2) Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press
2121; 6-8reps; rest 45sec x 3
C3) Banded Tricep Extensions
20X0; 16-20reps; rest 90-120sec x 3
-Complete ... didn't use a KB goblet for the step-downs... just stuck to the tempo and did them unweights; 70# DB for the presses, 1 green band for the tricep extensions.
-Complete ... didn't use a KB goblet for the step-downs... just stuck to the tempo and did them unweights; 70# DB for the presses, 1 green band for the tricep extensions.
D) 4 Sets
6-8 Strict Pull Ups 30X0
40 Double Unders
10-12 Ring Push Ups 30X0
Assault Bike 60sec @ 85% Effort
rest walk 75sec between sets
40 Double Unders
10-12 Ring Push Ups 30X0
Assault Bike 60sec @ 85% Effort
rest walk 75sec between sets
* Pull up scaling option: jumping pull up negatives with controlled 3 second descent or use a band for assistance
* Triple the number of double unders as singles if you do not have this skill - accumulate volume in your warmup for practice if you wish
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