Today was a decent workout... not too taxing ... just TONS of tempo work. The short metcon at the end was 'CrossFit'-ish and enjoyable. Got this in after a day of court, left me feeling refreshed.
3 Sets NFT
20sec/leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold
rest 15sec
Reverse Plank Bridge 20sec
rest 15sec
Tuck L-Sit 20sec on Parallettes
rest 15sec
50' A Skips
rest 60sec
Hip Mobility x 4mins
90/90 KB Flow and Holds
20sec/leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold
rest 15sec
Reverse Plank Bridge 20sec
rest 15sec
Tuck L-Sit 20sec on Parallettes
rest 15sec
50' A Skips
rest 60sec
Hip Mobility x 4mins
90/90 KB Flow and Holds
A) RNT Clean Grip RDL
3131; 8,7,6,6 rest 2-3mins
-185# x 8, 235# x 7, 255# x 6, 255# x 6 ... this tempo was ROUGH. For someone who can deadlift 500# I was extremely surprised how difficult sticking to that tempo with 255# was. This is probably the exact style of variation I need in my training... tough stuff.
-185# x 8, 235# x 7, 255# x 6, 255# x 6 ... this tempo was ROUGH. For someone who can deadlift 500# I was extremely surprised how difficult sticking to that tempo with 255# was. This is probably the exact style of variation I need in my training... tough stuff.
B1) Barbell Floor Press
3011; 6-8reps; rest 75sec x 3
B2) Dual Dumbbell Prone Row
3021; 8-10reps; rest 75sec x 3
-Complete ... 155# for the floor press, 2 x 55# DB for the rows ... again the tempo here rocked me... that 3 second eccentric on the bench blew me up and was very humbling.
-Complete ... 155# for the floor press, 2 x 55# DB for the rows ... again the tempo here rocked me... that 3 second eccentric on the bench blew me up and was very humbling.
C1) Split Stance Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
5010; 6-8/leg; rest 75sec x 2
C2) 1/2 Turkish Get Up
5/arm; slow and controlled throughout range of motion; rest 75sec x 2
-Complete ... 2 x 55# for the DB DL ... 53# KB for the 1/2 get-ups.
-Complete ... 2 x 55# for the DB DL ... 53# KB for the 1/2 get-ups.
D) 10mins Continuous Work Grinder
3 Wall Walk
30sec Goblet Wall Sit 53/35
5 KB Snatch/arm 53/35
7 DB Bench Press (2 x 55# DB) 30X0 Tempo
250m Row
-3 Rounds ... I was in the middle of that last row somewhere during the 10:00 mark ... finished it out and got off the rower around 11 minutes ... nice conditioning ... wall-sits / wall-walks rocked me.
30sec Goblet Wall Sit 53/35
5 KB Snatch/arm 53/35
7 DB Bench Press (2 x 55# DB) 30X0 Tempo
250m Row
-3 Rounds ... I was in the middle of that last row somewhere during the 10:00 mark ... finished it out and got off the rower around 11 minutes ... nice conditioning ... wall-sits / wall-walks rocked me.
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