Great workout today, enjoyed all the stuff on my program and the additional CrossFit conditioning. Fun day in the gym ... ready to rest tomorrow and attack next week's workouts.
2 Rounds - CNS PREP
5 Tall Box Jumps (land with straight legs - priority is catching your body in a tall position)
5 Slam Ball (POWER)
2 Rounds - CNS PREP
5 Tall Box Jumps (land with straight legs - priority is catching your body in a tall position)
5 Slam Ball (POWER)
3 Rounds - Build pace a little each round
15 Banded Russian Swings
15/12 Cal Row
rest 60sec
15 Banded Russian Swings
15/12 Cal Row
rest 60sec
4 Rounds - Slow Down and Control
8 Ring Body Saw
4-6 Single Arm Ring Row/arm 2111
-Complete ... great warm-up
8 Ring Body Saw
4-6 Single Arm Ring Row/arm 2111
-Complete ... great warm-up
A1) Single Leg Banded Glute Bridge
30X1; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3 (higher time under tension this week - increase resistence only if you are feeling strong)
A2) Kettlebell Side Plank
30-45sec/side; rest 60sec x 3
-Complete, across at 35# KB
-Complete, across at 35# KB
B) Deadlift From Blocks
4,4,4,4; rest 3mins
Barbell is set up just above knee - adjust blocks appropriately
-405# x 2 sets, 425# x 1 set, 435# x 1 set ... felt very easy, better than last week. Looking forward to full deadlifts soon
Barbell is set up just above knee - adjust blocks appropriately
-405# x 2 sets, 425# x 1 set, 435# x 1 set ... felt very easy, better than last week. Looking forward to full deadlifts soon
C1) GHD Hip Extension
51X1; 8,6,6; rest 45sec
C2) Barbell Row
30X1; 6-8reps; rest 45sec x 3
* Loop a towel or strap around the bar if you don't have an attachment.
* Loop a towel or strap around the bar if you don't have an attachment.
C3) Alternating DB Bicep Curl
30X0; 6-8/arm; rest 90-120sec x 3
-Complete ... 135# for the rows, 2 x 35# DB for the curls
-Complete ... 135# for the rows, 2 x 35# DB for the curls
3 RFT*:
400m Run
20 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20")
150 Foot Handstand Walk (6 increments of 25')
5 Ring Muscle-ups
*25:00 Cap
-Result = 2 Rounds + 20 BBJ ... 300 feet of handstand walking was a ton... getting this done in under 25:00 was just not a possibility for me. Everything else done at a consistent pace and the muscle-ups easily unbroken ... just getting through that much distance on my hands was difficult ... this is the third time I've handstand walked since February ... overall this is good training for me, despite not performing well (i.e. not finishing within the time cap)
E) Turkish Get Up
3/arm - unbroken; rest as needed x 4sets/arm
-Complete, used a 35# across
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