AM Workout (0630)
-31:30 ... got out the door before work ... no court appearances this week for the first time since I got back from in Europe (mid-September). I am extremely happy to be able to take a little time to myself and not stress about immediately hustling to meet a client to go prepare for or go to court. Anyway, didn't push the pace here at all... these were the first steps I've taken since the marathon... overall felt REALLY good, just went casually and ended up running about a 7:50 pace ... enjoyed this and made me miss running ... but it took about 3 weeks to want to actually 'go for a run.' Great stuff, looking forward to lifting later.
PM Workout (1430)
This afternoon was a good workout ... TONS of holds/iso stuff ... the most I've probably ever done in one session. Overall got a good workout out of this, even though it didn't make me leave the gym feeling very taxed.
3 Sets NFT
6-8/arm @ 2121 Standing Landmine Press
rest 15sec
Reverse Quadruped Crawl 10m Slow Deliberate
rest 15sec
6-8 Single Arm Dumbbell Powell Raise 30X0
rest 60sec
3 Sets NFT
6-8/arm @ 2121 Standing Landmine Press
rest 15sec
Reverse Quadruped Crawl 10m Slow Deliberate
rest 15sec
6-8 Single Arm Dumbbell Powell Raise 30X0
rest 60sec
Shoulder Mobility
3-4mins Supine Shoulder Flexion With Thoracic Mobilization
-Complete ... 95# for landmine press / 10# for Powell raise
3-4mins Supine Shoulder Flexion With Thoracic Mobilization
-Complete ... 95# for landmine press / 10# for Powell raise
A1) Barbell Z Press
4141; 4-6reps x 1 sets; 3-5reps; x 2 sets; rest 75sec
A2) Single Arm Dumbbell Upright Row
2121; 6/arm; rest 75sec x 3
-Complete ... across at 5 reps with 95# for z press ... 20# DB for rows
-Complete ... across at 5 reps with 95# for z press ... 20# DB for rows
B1) Handstand Hold
30-50sec Unbroken; rest 60sec x 3
*extend your sets from last week
*if you need to break up the set into multiple sets to reach 30sec that is OK
*extend your sets from last week
*if you need to break up the set into multiple sets to reach 30sec that is OK
B2) Supinated Pull Up Isometric
30-50sec Unbroken; rest 60sec x 3
*if you need to break up the set into multiple sets to reach 30sec that is OK
*if you need to break up the set into multiple sets to reach 30sec that is OK
B3) Supine Toes to Bar
31X1; 8-12reps; rest 60sec x 3
-Complete ... felt easier than last week
-Complete ... felt easier than last week
C) 3-4 Sets NFT
30sec Sorenson Hold
30m Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Carry (TOUGH FOR YOU)
30sec Feet Elevated Ring Row Hold (make your body position this week more horizontal)
8-10 Diamond Push Ups 30X0
rest 90sec
30m Dual Kettlebell Front Rack Carry (TOUGH FOR YOU)
30sec Feet Elevated Ring Row Hold (make your body position this week more horizontal)
8-10 Diamond Push Ups 30X0
rest 90sec
*based on your energy levels and time restraints stop at 3 sets or complete 4.
-Complete ... did 3 sets ... used 2 x 53# KB for front rack carry
-Complete ... did 3 sets ... used 2 x 53# KB for front rack carry
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