This morning was a solid workout... got in almost all of the FBB stuff and added in the toughest crossfit I've done in a while. Overall fun, but I will probably feel this tomorrow.
2 Rounds - CNS PREP
4 Burpee lateral bench jumps
4 Lateral Arc Slam Balls/side
2 Rounds - CNS PREP
4 Burpee lateral bench jumps
4 Lateral Arc Slam Balls/side
3 Rounds - Build pace a little each round
10 Dual Russian KBS
Assault Bike .3/.2 Miles
rest 60sec
10 Dual Russian KBS
Assault Bike .3/.2 Miles
rest 60sec
4 Rounds - Slow Down and Control
20 Ring Mountain Climbers
10 Banded Face Pulls 20X1
20 Ring Mountain Climbers
10 Banded Face Pulls 20X1
A1) Single Leg Barbell Glute Bridge
20X1; 3-5/leg; rest 60sec x 3
*Loading heavier this week than last
*Loading heavier this week than last
A2) Adduction Bias Side Plank
30sec/side; rest 60sec x 3
-Complete ... used a 45# barbell for the bridges... great warm-up
-Complete ... used a 45# barbell for the bridges... great warm-up
B) Deadlift From Blocks
4,4,3,2; rest 3mins
Barbell is set up just below knee - adjust blocks appropriately
Barbell is set up just below knee - adjust blocks appropriately
-405# x 4, 435# x 4, 455# x 3, 475# x 2 ... felt very strong on these, got all the reps easily.
C) Crossfit Conditioning
75/60 Cal Bike
45 Power Cleans (115, 135, 155, 175)
30 Power Snatch (115, 135, 155, 175)
-3 Rounds + 33 Power Cleans ... this was tough ... lots of reps and high intensity crossfit ... overall enjoyed it though. I got super light headed during the set of 155# power snatches and had to sit out for about :30-:60 ... this was fun not fun, but caught my breath and finished out the rest of the workout.
D1) Back Extensions
4040; 5-7reps; rest 45sec
D2) Single Arm Dumbbell Torso Row
30X1; 6/arm; rest 45sec x 3
D3) Seated Hammer Curl
3131; 6-8reps; rest 90-120sec x 3
-Complete ... used 50# DB for the rows, 2 x 20# DB for the curls... tempo rocked me.
-Complete ... used 50# DB for the rows, 2 x 20# DB for the curls... tempo rocked me.
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