AM Workout (0930)
This morning was a solid session.... fun track workout, it was nice to switch up the style of workouts and not just the same distance over and over. Overall fun way to start the day.
-Result =
-35, 36
-80, 83
-4:01, 3:59
PM Workout (1800)
Overall decent workout this evening... cut out the cardio and shifted it to tomorrow.
Wall Sit with Band Hip Abductions x 20reps
Curtsy Step Down x 8/leg
Bird Dog with Cross Body Knee/Elbow Touch x 10/side
x 2-3sets
Wall Sit with Band Hip Abductions x 20reps
Curtsy Step Down x 8/leg
Bird Dog with Cross Body Knee/Elbow Touch x 10/side
x 2-3sets
A1) Front Foot Elevated DB Suitcase Split Squat: 20X0; 8-10/leg; rest as needed x 3 - pre-fatigue
• 2-4" Step for Front Foot
• Still keep the loads light
A2) Kang Squat: 8-10reps; rest as needed x 3
A1) Front Foot Elevated DB Suitcase Split Squat: 20X0; 8-10/leg; rest as needed x 3 - pre-fatigue
• 2-4" Step for Front Foot
-2 x 25# to 1 45# bumper plate for the split squats and 95# across for the Kang Squats
B) Back Squat: 5551; 4,3,2; rest 2:30
• Longer Tempo this week than last - attempt to hit similar loads as last week with the longer
tempo and fewer reps. Go up if you feel good.
B) Back Squat: 5551; 4,3,2; rest 2:30
• Longer Tempo this week than last - attempt to hit similar loads as last week with the longer
-205# x 4, 225# x 3, 250# x 2 ... tough tempo
C1) Death March: 30X1; 5-7 steps/leg (10-14reps total); rest 60sec x 3
C2) Barbell Glute Bridge: 20X1; 10-12reps; rest 60sec x 3
C1) Death March: 30X1; 5-7 steps/leg (10-14reps total); rest 60sec x 3
C2) Barbell Glute Bridge: 20X1; 10-12reps; rest 60sec x 3
-2 x 35# for the death match; 135# across for the glute bridges
D1) Ring Mountain Climbers: 2020 x 16-20reps alternating; rest 60sec x 3
D2) Single Arm KB Rack Wall Sit: 20-30sec/arm; rest 60sec x 3
• TOUGH loading - Aim for an unbroken 20-30sec set at the heaviest load you can for each arm
D2) Single Arm KB Rack Wall Sit: 20-30sec/arm; rest 60sec x 3
• TOUGH loading - Aim for an unbroken 20-30sec set at the heaviest load you can for each arm
-3 x 20 on the mountain climbers, 3 x :30/each arm with a 35#
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