AM Workout (0945)
Didn't really push the loading this morning... still a bit sore/fatigued from Saturday's 12 hour evolution... overall though, happy to get back in the gym and move, even if under lighter loads.
Wall Sit with Banded Hip Abductions x 20reps
Curtsy Step Down x 8/leg
Bird Dog with Cross Body Knee/Elbow Touch x 10/side
x 2-3sets
A1) Front Foot Elevated KB Front Rack Split Squat: 20X0; 8-10/leg; rest as needed x 3 - pre-fatigue
• 2-4" Step for front foot
• Still keep the loads moderate to light, but you can increase a little from last week
A2) Sumo Stance Romanian Deadlift: 30X0; 8-1 0reps; rest as needed x 3
-2 x 35# KB for 3 x 8 to 45# bumper plate ... across at 125# for the RDLS for 3 x 8
B) Back Squat: 30X0; 3.3.3; rest 20sec/2:30 x 3 sets
• Cluster Sets - There are 3 total sets today and each will consist of 9 reps! You will perform 3 Back
Squats at a 30X0 tempo and then return the bar to the rack. Rest 20sec and then pick up the bar
again and perform 3 more reps at 30X0 tempo. Repeat this rack and reset 1 more time for a total
of 9 reps and the completion of this set. After 2:30 rest you will repeat the entire set again.
• Tempo has slowed back to 30X0 this week, but there should still be ZERO pauses!
-215#, 265#, 285# ... only used a belt on the last set... overall felt good
C1) Split Stance Romanian Deadlift: 21X1; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3
C2) Theraband Barbell Hip Thrust: 10X0; 6.6.6; rest 15sec/rest 60sec x 3
• This is an 18 rep Cluster Set
-135# for both movements .... 3 x 6/leg on the deadlifts
D1) Windshield Wiper: 2020 x 16-20 reps total; rest 60sec x 3
D2) KB Front Rack Quarter Squat With Pulse: 30-45sec rest 60sec x 3
• TOUGH loading - Aim for an unbroken 30-45sec set at the heaviest load you can.
-135# for 3 x 16 on the WW... 2 x 35# for 3 x :30 on the squats... was brutal on the quads/glutes
10 Lateral Hops (over Paralette)
10 Russian KBS (72#)
20 Steps Dual KB Front Rack March (2 x 72#)
10 Knees-to-Elbows
21/16 Cal Ski
5 Burpee Box Jump 24/20"
7 Hand Release Push Ups
15sec Ring Row Hold
.5 Mile Assault Bike
20 Walking Lunges
2 Wall Walks
10sec Wall Facing HS Hold at top of last rep of Wall Walk
-Complete ... don't remember the exact rounds on this, but just flowed through this at an 80% effort ... got a big sweat.
PM Workout (1830)
Got in this missed cardio from Saturday... didn't really want to do this, but got it in and got a lot of quality intensity out of this.
8 sets of:
Burpees 45sec @ 90% Aerobic Pace: rest walk 45sec
AB 45sec @ 90% Aerobic pace; rest walk 45sec
Ski 45sec @ 90% Aerobic Pace; rest walk 45sec
-Complete ... went 15 burpees every round, kept the bike above 70 RPM, kept the ski below 1:49/500m pace ... felt very consistent.
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