Friday, October 23, 2020


Overall a good workout today... wasn't too taxing, but got in the lifting. Just wasn't up to the cardio, will move it around to another day. This is a taper down week for a mile TT come next weekend. 

Wall Sit with Band Hip Abductions x 20reps
Curtsy Step Down x 8/leg
Bird Dog with Cross Body Knee/Elbow Touch x 10/side
x 2-3sets

A1) Front Foot Elevated Front Rack Split Squat: 20X0; 6-8/leg; rest as needed x 3 - pre-fatigue reps
*2-4" Step for Front Foot
*Still keep the loads moderate to light
A2) Dual KB Sumo Deadlift: 20X0; 12-15 reps; rest as needed x 3

-2 x 35# KB to 1 45# bumper plate for 3 x 6/leg ... 2 x 53# for 3 x 12 on the SDL 
B) Back Squat: 30X0;; rest 15sec/2:30 x 3 sets
• Drop Sets - There are 3 total sets today and each will consist of 10 reps! You will perform 1 Back
Squat at a 30X0 tempo and then return the bar to the rack. Take 15sec to strip a little bit of weight
form the bar and then pick up the bar again and perform 2 more reps at 30X0 tempo. Repeat this
rack and and weight stripping 2 more times for the reps of 3 and 4. Then you will reload the bar
back to a heavy weight for a single rep during your 2:30 rest. Repeat the entire set again for a total
of 3 sets today.
• Tempo has slowed back to 30X0 this week, but there should still be ZERO pauses!

-275#, 255#, 235#, 185# / 305#, 275#, 255#, 205# / 335#, 305#, 275#, 225# ... overall happypy with how this went ... went without a belt for the first two sets and then belted up for the last set 

C1) Single Leg Barbell Romanian Deadlift: 21X1; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3
C2) B-Stance Barbell Hip Thrust: 20X0; 10-12/leg; rest 30sec between legs; rest 60sec before C1 x 3

-Across at 115# for 3 x 6/leg on the SLRDL and 3 x 10/leg on the thrusts 
D1) Barbell Windshield Wipers: 2020; 16-20 reps total; rest 60sec x 3
D2) Kettlebell Rack Split Stance Half Squat Isometric: 30-40sec/side; rest 30sec between sides; rest
60sec x 3

-Across at 135# for 3 x 16 and 2 x 35# KB for :30/side 

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