'Bartlett' (partner)
7 RFT, with a partner, one partner working at a time:
Long Run ... lots of hills... total running time of 54:50 ... unknown total distance, but lots of elevation change. Went on an awesome run in the Boise foothills, one of my favorite routes of all time. It was sunny and nearly 80 degrees when we ran at 0800... really awesome way to start the day.
One Arm Dumbbell Row
2 sets x 10-15 reps
Feel free to throw in a couple drop sets.
-2x12 with 2x100# DB
Barbell Curls
2 sets x 6-12 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.
-2x12 with 75# EZ BAR
Barbell or Dumbbell Shrugs
2 sets x 8-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.
-2x15 with 2x100# DB
Active Recovery. 4 Mile Easy Run.
-38:44 ... a bit of rolling elevation, took it very easy and got a nice sweat. Very nice restorative way to start the day.
Active Recovery. 3-4 Mile Easy Run ... didn't time this, but just went out for an easy/moderate run of unknown distance and time. Overall enjoyed this, good way to start the day with some easy movement.
~7.7 Mile Run
-Total time of ~77 minutes ... kept a fairly consistent pace here, had a good time getting this in... definitely didn't feel great, all the booze/sun/vacationing hasn't left me with great recovery ... overall had a good time and really happy to get this in.
Complete Rest / bit of a hangover from yesterday... very sore in my legs and chest from the crossfit yesterday.