Monday, July 19, 2021


Had a really fun/pumpy/recovery workout. I "rested" the last two days by not exercising... but I was at a bachelor party for the weekend and drinking/abnormal sleep/travel had me feeling a bit tired... this workout made me feel great though. Fun session and partner workout with my wife. 

Seated Unsupported EZ Bar French Press 
3 sets x 12-15 reps
Aim to reach failure, within the given rep range. 

-55# x 15, 65# x 15, 75# x 12 

Parallete Push Ups w/ 1 second pause at bottom 
3 sets x max reps


Single Arm Dumbbell Row 
3 sets x 10-15 reps

-100# DB for 3x10/arm 
Seated Dumbbell Side Raises 
2 sets x 10-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-Complete, 2x15# DB for 2x15
Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-Complete, 2x15# DB for 2x12
Barbell Curls
2 sets x 6-12 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x12 with 65# 
Dumbbell Shrugs
2 sets x 8-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x100# DB for 2x15

With a partner, for time:
1000 Meter Ski
30 Strict Pull-Ups
120 Russian Kettlebell Swings (72/53#) 
30 Strict Pull-Ups
1000 Meter Ski

-Complete, this took about 13-14 minutes... can't remember the exact time ... we broke up the reps evenly, went 250s on the ski, 5s on the pull-ups and 12s on the KBS. 

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