Monday, August 29, 2011


Today was a decent session in the gym. Ended up looking like this:

Back Squat 4 x 4 @ 300#

Rest 5 minutes...

30 Muscle-ups for time: 4:16. I've never done this workout for time. I was pleased with my time, I wanted to get under 5 minutes. Overall a good performance. I want to be sub 3:00 in the near future.

Rest 5 minutes then...

'Tabata This'

Squats: 18
Pull-ups: 8
Push-ups: 8
Sit-ups: 14
Row (cal): 9

Score: 57. This was some serious conditioning. I felt really good. I probably could have gotten more squats,push-ups and maybe sit-ups. I went hard on the row, there is no way I could have gotten more. I did every set legit, no mistakes, every 20 session was the same amount of reps. I had a good athlete to train with and we went really hard. A great workout. Excited for tomorrow.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


I was a little nervous to get back in the gym after a few days of boozing. I've been eating completely paleo (outside of alcohol) and I feel awesome. I really don't know why I get this post-booze regret, just part of my personality I guess. This week was my last week in my current house. The roommates and I have been enjoying our last days together thoroughly. Anyway, got in the gym with some nerves, left feeling awesome. Today looked like this:

Power Clean - 4,3,3,2 - 185, 205,225, 238

Snatch Balance - 135 x 5 x 3 - Technique work. Worked with an athlete that is a much better O-lifter than me. These are probably the first legit snatch-balances that I have done, he helped me a lot. Excited to do some of these again with some heavier weight.

Rest 10 minutes then...

5 Rounds for time:

400m Run
10 Thrusters (110#)
10 Pull-ups
10 KB Swings (53#)

My time: 17.22. Overall a great performance; all reps unbroken on all sets. Every set of thrusters I would just mentally say that I would complete just the next set unbroken. Ended up nailing all of them. Definitely outside my comfort zone, great stuff. Had two great athletes to train with. I went really hard with them and beat them both. I love crossfit. Good day.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011


AM Workout

Strict Press - 5,4,3,2,1 - 95,115,135,145,155 - tried for 165 for a single, failed about 3/4 of the way up. I think if my shoulders were more recovered (36 muscle-ups yesterday) I could have gotten it.

After the pressing I worked on HSPU technique work and tried some different stuff, wasn't too taxing.

Rest 10 Minutes then....

For time:

6 Rounds:
6 Dead-lifts (250#)
10 Bar-facing Burpees
200m Run

then finish with 30 Pull-ups immedietly after the 6th 200m run.

My time: 13.06. This was a decent time, fastest of the day so far. I was really sore in my legs today. But once I was warmed up and the clock started I went hard and felt good. A great session in the gym.

PM Workout (3 hours+ after AM)

Easy 3 mile run, nice active recovery. In the sun the entire time. Felt awesome to be outside in the sun. Did some pitcher planks afterward. Great day.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


No strength today, just some good conditioning. I wasn't very recovered from yesterday. I slept enough, but my calories were probably low for a two-a-day.

3 Rounds for time:

12 Muscle-ups
75 Squats

My time: 12:39. I didn't feel great, but overall happy about my performance.

Rest 5 minutes then....

For time:

50 GHD Sit-ups
500m Row
50 GHD Extensions

My time: 7.20. Good conditioning. Looking forward to some heavy lifting tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


AM Workout

I felt amazing today. The added rest has really helped me recover. I've really cleaned up my food since my vacation, it's really paying off.

7 Rounds @ 60 seconds rest:

7 Dead-hang pull-ups
7 Push-ups
7 Squats


Power Clean - Heavy Single - 241, 251 (missed 261 three times, basically a few heavy clean pulls). I was really happy about the 251 power clean. It was a huge PR.

Rest 10 minutes then...

10 Rounds for time:

5 Front Squats (135#)
10 KB Swings (70#)
20 Double-unders

My time was 14:30. This conditioning was awesome. I felt really good. The double-unders were by far the hardest part. I was really happy with my performance and really focused on speed. It was nice to be back in the gym after the added rest days. I look lean and feel great. Excited for tomorrow.

PM Workout (3+ hours after AM)

6 x 200m Run @ 120 seconds rest. (ran 27-29 each time)

Rest 5 minutes....

7 Minute AMRAP:

7 Toes to Bars
7 HR Push-ups
7 Box Jumps 24"

Scored 8 Rounds. Good afternoon session. Overall a great day.


Complete rest.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Today was more of an active recovery session, not 100%.

2 Rounds, not for time/easy:

200m Run
5 Box Jumps 24"
5 Burpees
5 Wall-balls

Rest 5 minutes then...

Clean and Jerk (135#) x 30

Time: 2.48. This isn't a PR, I figured I wouldn't today. I had a few celebratory beers last night, didn't feel great. The max clean and jerk and thrusters yesterday didn't leave me feeling fresh. I'm happy I got in the gym and got some movement in. Excited for tomorrow.


Today was awesome. I was in a local competition. Guys from British Columbia, Oregon, Washington and some from California came out. It was a very great experience. I was really happy with how I did. The events were:

0800 - Max Clean and Jerk - Scored 220 lb.

0900 - Two Rounds: 800m run, 800m sandbag run (40#)

1000 - 3 Minute AMRAP: 10 Box Jumps 24", 20 Double-unders

1400 - 5 Rounds for time:

5 Clean and Thrusters (115,125,135,145,155 - increases each round)
7 Toes to Bar
9 Hand-Release Push-ups
11 KB Swings (53#)

Overall a great day. I could write a lot more about the day, but I'm short on time. It was a learning experience and it was great to compete. I love crossfit.

8/18 & 8/19

Complete rest.


Clean and Jerk, front with split - Medium Single - Worked up 205 for a few reps.


3 Rounds, 1 minute rest between rounds of...

1:30 of each exercise, for reps:

Renegade Row (40#)
GHD Sit-ups
Two-for-One Medicine Ball Cleans
Calorie Row

My score was 260. Great conditioning. Overall a good day.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I didn't feel great today. I think it was the hard workout yesterday, a lack of sleep/rest, and not enough food yesterday. I pretty much did everything wrong from a nutrition/recovery standpoint. It really affected me today, but I still tried to go as hard as possible, but my time was not great in comparison to a lot of guys I usually compete with/beat. This is discouraging and has motivated me to clean up my diet a bit after my two vacations. Anyway, today looked like this:

Overhead Squat - 15-10-5-2-15 - 95, 135,165,185,135. - Was happy I got 135 x 15, this was a 15 rep PR. I decided to switch up the rep scheme today, started to go heavy and then decided to try a 15 rep max instead. Overall a good session. Looking forward to going heavy again soon.

Rest 5 minutes then...

AMRAP in 6 Minutes:

3 Dead-lifts (335#)
3 Muscle-ups

My reps: 5 rounds

I've been wanting to incorporate some more short/heavy AMRAPs into my strength training, this ending up being great. It did take a bit out of me prior to the WOD, this may have also contributed to my slow time.

Rest 10 minutes then...

4 Rounds for time:

50 Double-unders
25 Burpees
12 Power Cleans (155#)
200m Run

My time: 24.40. I felt like crap on this WOD. DUs are not my strong suit and the burpees were terrible. Overall a rough session. It's very discouraging to perform poorly/not at your best. Tomorrow is another day and I'm excited to get back in the gym.

Monday, August 15, 2011


I didn't feel great today. All the alcohol and wedding cake from Saturday didn't make me a more fit person. But I'm glad I went hard on the WOD today. I set a PR for 'Badger.' I also ripped up my hands pretty good on the pull-ups.

Squat Clean 5-5-5 - 175, 185, 195


3 RFT:
30 Squat Cleans (95#)
30 Pull-ups
800m Run

My time: 27.45. I've never done this workout under 28. I've done it in the 28-32 range a couple times prior. Today was a PR and a good effort. Overall a good day in the gym. Excited to get back to Seattle and do some more lifting.



Saturday, August 13, 2011


Today was some good conditioning. I'm visiting my home town and got to workout at my old gym. It was a team workout today and it went well.

In a team of three, with one athlete at a time doing the movements, complete for time:

3000m Row
100 Wall-Balls
3 Prowler Pushes (300m total, 145#)
150 KB Swings (53#)
30 Sand-bag Get Ups (45#)
400m Run

Time: 31.45. Overall a good effort. I was with a female and an older guy that just started Crossfit a few weeks ago. Our team came in first. It was a good effort and a great workout. It was awesome to go back and talk to everybody and workout. Excited to hit it again on Monday with everybody.


Active rest; wake boarding/tubing/on the lake.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


AM Workout

I felt pretty good today. My legs were a little tight and my shoulders were more than a little sore, but after my warm-up I felt awesome.

Front Squats - 5-5-5-5-5-5 (185, 205, 215, 225, 235, 255) - the last two sets were challenging, I was happy I nailed the last set.

Push Press - Heavy Single - 195, 205, 215 - the 215 was a 10 lb PR. It was a struggle, but the rep was legit. I was really happy with this.

Rest 15 minutes then...

Metcon, for time:

5 Muscle-ups
10 Dead-lifts (245#)
15 Sit-ups
100m Sprint
5 Muscle-ups
10 Dead-lifts (245#)
15 Sit-ups
100m Sprint
5 Muscle-ups
10 Dead-lifts (245#)
15 Sit-ups
200m Sprint
5 Muscle-ups
10 Dead-lifts (245#)
15 Sit-ups
200m Sprint

My time: 8:50. I got all the dead-lifts unbroken and the muscle-ups went really fast. My time was the best of the day, we'll see if I get number 1 by the end of today. I loved today; good strength session and a great metcon.

PM workout (3+ hours after AM)

AMRAP 20 Minutes:

200m Hill Run with Sand Bag (40#)
8 x Hang Power Clean (155#)
250m Row

5 Rounds and 8 PC

Overall a good afternoon session. I felt pretty good. The sand bag runs were by far the worst part of this workout.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Today was a good workout, a little discouraging, but good.

Back Squat - Heavy Single - 328, 352, 362 (miss) - I got about 80% of the way up and bailed on the weight. I wish I could have tried again. I was fried though, the two-a-day yesterday rocked me. If my legs were fresh I could do more. Excited to PR again soon. Today was a 2 lb PR, but this really wasn't a significant enough gain to make me stoked. I definitely felt better than I did last week, which is good.

Metcon, for time:

20 Burpees
15 Power Clean and Jerk (155#)
200m Run
15 Burpees
12 Power Clean and Jerk (155#)
400m Run
10 Burpees
9 Power Clean and Jerk (155#)
600m Run

My time: 15.15. I had two solid athletes to train with, really pushed it. Solid WOD. Excited for much needed rest tomorrow.

Rest 10 minutes then....

Tabata sit-ups with plank as rest followed by 90 second plank hold.

Monday, August 8, 2011


AM Workout

Today was a good session.

Overhead Squat - Heavy Single

On these my heaviest prior was 185 for a single. I wanted to go up to 200+. I got to 175 x 5 then went for 198 x 3. I nailed the 198, then failed on 207 for a single. I couldn't even nail the jerk solid overhead; I was just too fried from the 198 triple. I was happy with this though, 198 for 3 was a huge PR. I'm feeling a lot stronger overhead, but I've still got a long way to go.

Metcon, for time:


Wall Balls
Box Jumps, 24"
KB Swings 53#

This workout was brutal. I would compare the pace to a 5k run, not a sprint but really fast. My time was 20.12. The fastest time being just under 20. I wanted to beat it, but I don't think I could have done anything faster. I had a great athlete to train with today who kicked my ass on OH squats. Overall a great day in the gym.

PM Workout (4+ hours after AM)

Stadium Stairs - 5-4-3-2-1, 5 burpee chaser after each interval. 2 minutes rest between each set.

Rest 5 minutes then...

For time: 7,6,5...1...5,6,7 - Dead-hang pull-ups with 7 push-up chaser after each set of pull-ups. Took me about 8 and half minutes. This afternoon session was overall good, not too taxing, the stadium was great though. Excited for the crossfit competition I'm in in two weeks.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


I was still sore in my quads today, but the rest yesterday really helped. I felt awesome today. I didn't lift, just a solid metcon. It looked like this:

400m Run
80 Double-unders
400m Run
70 Air Squats
400m Run
60 Box Jumps 24"
400m Run
50 HR Push-ups
400m Run
40 Sit-ups
400m Run
30 Pull-ups
400m Run

My time was 22.12. This workout was great. I got all the air squats unbroken, this really separated me from the group. I killed this workout and had an awesome athlete to train with. Overall a great day.


Complete rest. I feel extremely sore today.

Friday, August 5, 2011


I'm extremely sore in my legs and upper back today. Because of this I decided to lay off the heavy liting today and just do a conditioning WOD. It was a modified version of the last workout t he games this year. After a very long warm-up, it looked like this:

For time:

20 Calorie Row
30 Wall Balls
20 Toes to Bar
30 Box Jumps
20 SDHP (110#)
30 Burpees
20 Push-Jerk (135#)
400m Sand Bag Run (40#)

Time: 13.10. Overall a good workout, got the soreness out of my legs for sure. Looking forward to getting some heavy weight on the bar tomorrow.

Rest 5 minutes then:

Tabata sit-ups with plank hold as rest. Immediately followed by 60 second plank.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I was still feeling my 'post-vacation guilt' today. I didn't feel great when I got in the gym. I didn't feel good on the lifting, but I felt great on the metcon. My back squat single was not near my PR, 15 lbs off to be exact. If i hadn't been dehydrated and partying all weekend I probably could have gotten a PR. This is extremely frustrating, but its entirely my fault for the decisions I've made. I'm extremely excited to be back in 100% physical shape again, I need to get back into my 'zone.' Anyway, today looked like this:

KB Turkish Get-up Super-set with Floor Jumps (on knees on floor, then explode into a squat)
3 Supersets - 44 lb x 6, 53 lb x 6, 72 lb x 4 - with half rep floor jump chaser

-Back Squat Pyramid - 3-2-1-2-3 - 285-315-335-315-285

- Front Squat - 3 x 3 @ 220 lb

Rest 10 minutes then....

6 Rounds for time:

6 x 135 lb Thruster
6 Pull-ups
200m Run

This metcon took me 10:40. This is a fairly fast time in comparison to other good athletes in the gym. I went 100% and was exhausted by the end. I stuck to my plan of getting all the the thrusters unbroken and I ended up doing great. Overall a good day, wish I would have felt stronger though.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I took 5 days off. This week was my 'light' week; followed by de-load of 5 days. This was needed. I've really been pushing the volume of lifting and conditioning. I've been feeling awesome in the gym this entire strength cycle. I was a little nervous to get back in after a 5 day vacation. A few of those days were spent at the 2011 Crossfit Games. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life. Anyway, my new strength cycle is starting now. It's going to be a little different than the last 6 or 7 weeks, but I'm excited for it.

3 Position Snatch work - slow pull to mid thigh, slow to hang, then 1 hang power snatch - 4 x 5 - 115 for 2 sets, 135 for 2 sets

Behind the Neck Jerk, with Split - Heavy Single, worked up to 195, felt easy.

Conditioning, for time:

1000m Row
85 Butterfly Sit-ups
85 Box Jumps, 24"
85 Burpees

-partition reps as needed. I did 4 sets, one of 25 and three of 20 of each exercise. My time for the workout was 15.15. Overall decent conditioning. It was nice to get back into the gym after 5 days.