Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I didn't feel great today. I think it was the hard workout yesterday, a lack of sleep/rest, and not enough food yesterday. I pretty much did everything wrong from a nutrition/recovery standpoint. It really affected me today, but I still tried to go as hard as possible, but my time was not great in comparison to a lot of guys I usually compete with/beat. This is discouraging and has motivated me to clean up my diet a bit after my two vacations. Anyway, today looked like this:

Overhead Squat - 15-10-5-2-15 - 95, 135,165,185,135. - Was happy I got 135 x 15, this was a 15 rep PR. I decided to switch up the rep scheme today, started to go heavy and then decided to try a 15 rep max instead. Overall a good session. Looking forward to going heavy again soon.

Rest 5 minutes then...

AMRAP in 6 Minutes:

3 Dead-lifts (335#)
3 Muscle-ups

My reps: 5 rounds

I've been wanting to incorporate some more short/heavy AMRAPs into my strength training, this ending up being great. It did take a bit out of me prior to the WOD, this may have also contributed to my slow time.

Rest 10 minutes then...

4 Rounds for time:

50 Double-unders
25 Burpees
12 Power Cleans (155#)
200m Run

My time: 24.40. I felt like crap on this WOD. DUs are not my strong suit and the burpees were terrible. Overall a rough session. It's very discouraging to perform poorly/not at your best. Tomorrow is another day and I'm excited to get back in the gym.

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