Thursday, December 31, 2015

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Today was a bit of a random workout. We are back in Chicago and visited our friend at a gym here in Chicago. We just did whatever she was doing and it ended up being a really good cardio session. Lots of cardio this week... probably good to back off from heavy stuff a bit.

On a 36:00 Clock:

3 Minute AMRAP:
5 Hand Release Push-up
10 Box Jumps (24")
Rest 3:00

3 Minute AMRAP:
9 Shoulder-to-Overhead (95#)
6 Burpees
Rest 3:00

3 Minute AMRAP:
50 Foot Farmer's Walk (2 x 100# DB)
10 Wall-balls (20#)
Rest 3:00

3 Minute AMRAP:
Airdye Cals
3:00 Rest

3 Minute AMRAP:
50 Double-Unders
6 Snatches (95#)
Rest 3:00

3 Minute AMRAP:
Airdyne Cals
Rest 3:00

-Don't remember all the reps and stuff, but got a lot of intensity out of this. Was a little different / fun.

Rest 15 minutes then...

5 Sets of:
Airdyne - 90 Seconds @ 90%
Rest 60 Seconds


Straight into...

EMOM 10:
15 Second Front Rack Hold (315#)
5 Strict Pull-ups

-Complete ... this was really tough ... good training.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Today was a decent cardio session .... very 'crossfity' ... nothing heavy, but got a lot of good intensity out of this.

For Time:
30 Snatch (135#)
30 Clean and Jerk (135#)
30 Thrusters (135#)

-13:10 ... Splits were 3:35 for snatches, 8:50 for C+J ... all singles for those, thrusters were 6 sets of 5. Probably could have gone a little faster on the snatch and definitly on the CJ ... but despite this I got a very good workout out of this.

Rest exactly 10 minutes then...

3 Rounds, each for time:
40 Calorie Row
30 TTB
20 Calorie Row
10 TTB
Rest 2 Minutes


-Really gassed out on the row during the last set. All T2B were 18/12 and 10 unbroken. But overall this was really solid conditioning, great workout.




Today was a lower volume training session, lots of intensity though. Did the class workout at a local gym.

Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (8 sets) of:
Snatch, with 3 second pause above knee and 3 second pause in the bottom of receiving positon

-185# (75%) across ... all reps felt easy ... haven't done pause stuff lately, was a good change.

2011 Open 11.1
30 Double-Unders
15 Snatch (75#)

-7 Rounds + 10 DU ... not a PR ... quite a bit short of my PR of 8 rounds + 5 snatch ... but I felt pretty decent on the workout today ... finished and had more in the tank, but was overall happy with my effort, even if it was only about a 90% effort.

Saturday, December 26, 2015


Body is still feeling a little beat up from the workouts this week. Decided to cut out the volume today and just get in some cardio. Elbows/shoulders/triceps just too beat up to touch a barbell. I made up the workout on the spot and got a good workout from this. It wasn't too taxing, but definitly got my lungs going.

EMOM 28 (7 sets) of:
Min 1: 15 Cals Assault Bike
Min 2: 50 Double-Unders
Min 3: 12 Burpees
Min 4: 14 Alternating Weighted Lunges (40# Sand Bag)

-Complete, got all these reps, last couple sets were a push. Fun EMOM ... haven't done sandbag stuff in a very long time (years) ... so that was really fun and different to incorporate into the workout today.


Complete Rest ... lots of food.

Thursday, December 24, 2015


Had to do an anual '12 Days of Christmas' workout this year ... got it in with my girlfriend and a couple of buddies from back home. Had a great workout and got a lot of intensity out of today. Was a tough workout with the moderately heavy load on the bar. Moved through it pretty consistently though.

“12 days of CrossFit”
12 Rounds for time of:
1 Squat Snatch, 175/125
2 Box Jumps, 30/24″
3 Push Press, 175/125
5 Hang Power Cleans, 175/125
6 Hand Release Push ups
7 Dead Lifts, 175/125
8 Burpees
9 KBS, 2/1.5-pood
10 Walking Lunges (10 each side)
11 Wall Balls (30/20)
12 Calorie Assault Bike
Round 1: 1 Snatch
Round 2: 2 BJ + Snatch
Round 3: 3 Push Press + 2 BJ + 1 Snatch
Round 4: 4 TTB + 3 PP +2 BJ + 1 Snatch..



Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Didn't feel particularly great today... posterior chain was really ripped up from yesterday and I was kind of generally tired getting into the gym today. I felt okay on the snatching, but felt decent on the conditioning parts. Overall got a really good workout out of this and was toasted by the end of today.

On a 30:00 Clock:

Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy single Squat Snatch

straight into...

Take 15 minutes to complete:
3,3,3,3,3 - Snatch Push-Press, Across

-Singles on Snatch:  185#, 185#, 195#, 205#, 215# (f), 215#, 225# ... this felt much harder than it should have, but wanted to get up to atleast 225# despite feeling fried on my pull from yesterday.
-Triples on Snatch Push-Press: 185# Across

Rest 10 minutes then...

On a 30:00 Clock:

5 Rounds for Time:
10 KB Shoulder-to-Overhead (2 x 53#)
10 Toes-to-Bar
10 Burpees

-9:37 ... tough little burner, felt kind of slow, but got through it.

at 20:00 on the clock:

10 Sets (10 mins) of:
20 Seconds @ 100%
40 Seconds rest

-Complete ... almost yacked on this... was extremely nauseous afterward ... very solid conditioning.



Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Today was a decent workout ... but I have to say I was pretty slow to get back into the gym ... I had a lot of guilt about all the drinking / lack of sleep over the last few days ... makes me just feel out of shape and generally terribly about myself as a person. But regardless of my own guilt, I felt decent once I got moving around in the gym.

Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy C+J 

-Singles: 205#, 225#, 245#, 265#, 275# ... didn't feel very strong, so didn't push the loading here, but was happy to hit 275#. 

2012 Regional Event 2
For Time:
2000m Row
50 Pistols (alternating)
30 Hang Cleans (225#)

-14:40 ... 2k row in 7:15, finished pistols by 10:15 ... cleans were 3 sets of 5 and then 3 sets of 3/2. This is the lightest the cleans have ever felt on this workout. This is one of my favorite workouts of all time, cool to see some progress here. This was a huge PR on the workout... last time this took me 18:01 during April of 2014 ... has been a while since I hit this workout, but I felt really solid on everything and was able to get through the cleans much quicker than I ever have before.

For Time:
50 Strict C2B PU

-6:55 ... biggest set was 5 reps, tried to avoid singles ... was tough.




Further Complete Rest / still hungover ... embarrasingly as it was to say it, still was hungover the entire day.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Active Recovery.

30 Minute Easy Recovery Run ... followed by about a 20 minute nature hike. Really nice run and hike through rolling hills in West Austin. Great way to start the day.

Friday, December 18, 2015


Dropped into a local crossfit gym in Austin. Just did the workout on the board. It happened to be a partner workout, my girlfriend and I crushed it and had the fastest time of the day.

For Time (one partner working at a time):
100 Push-ups
150 KBS (53/35#)
200 Air Squats
600m Run (Together)
200 Air Squats
150 KBS (53/35#)
100 Push-ups

-23:24 ... very aerobic, wasn't too taxing.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Was supposed to rest today... but decided to workout becuase I felt up to it. Also, doing more traveling/partying this weekend, so I wanted to get into the gym while I still can. I did the class workout and then added in some pull-ups afterward. This ended up being a lighter session on volume, but I got a very good workout out of it.

For time:
800m Run


5 Rounds:
15 Snatch (75#)
1 Rope Climb (18')


800m Run

-16:24 ... splits on 800s were 3:20 and 4:12 ... I paced the first one intelligently and then really dragged as on that second one. Snatches were UB, 10/5, 8/7 and two sets of 5/5/5 ... grip was really shot toward the end of this. Given that the rope climbs only took a matter of seconds, this was basically just 'Randy' with a few forced breaks to climb the rope. Finished the snastches at 12:12 and then hit the door. Rope climbs felt vey easy, haven't used my legs on the rope all year and I felt like I was just flying up the rope today. Fun cardio session, hopefully can get a solid lifting session in tomorrow!

Rest exactly 10 minutes then...

Every 2 minutes for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
12 Unbroken Butterfly C2B Pull-ups

-Complete ... wanted to do more of these, but was crunched on time. Was good to sneak these in while my grip was shot from the snatches though.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Today was a good workout, was fun to do a longer cardio workout in the heat/sun.

3 POS Power Clean (high hang, hang, ground)

-220#, 220#, 231#, 231#, 240#, 240#, 242# ... felt pretty good on these ... short / light, but fun.

EMOM 30 (6 sets) of:
Min 1 - :40 Airdyne @ 100%
Min 2 - 15 RKBS (2 pood)
Min 3 - 18 Calorie Row
Min 4 - 50 Double-Unders
Min 5 - 200m Run

-This was challenging, but reasonable ... spilled over on the runs into the airdyne during the second half, but never by more than 5 seconds. Good aerobic training.

3 Sets of:
20 Weighted Sit-ups (45# plate)
20 GHD Hip Extensions
Rest as needed


Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Worked out in the afternoon today ... was a little nervous getting in the gym because of all the weird food / alcohol I've been having while on vacation. But once I got warmed up and started the workout I felt great. Today was the best workout I've had in a while ... I felt really solid on everything and had a great time in the gym working out with my girlfriend.

For Time:
Power Clean (155#)
Straight into...
Hang Power Clean (155#)
Ring Dips (from muscle-up station)

-11:10 ... HSPU were 8/7 ... 5/4/1 and 5 ... ring dips 8/7 ... 10 ... 5 ... so only had to do 4 muscle-ups total. Intentionally paced out the HSPU based off of feel, I was overall happy with my effort/time with this workout.

3 Sets, not for time:
DB Strict Press x 8 Reps (2 x 50# DB)
75m Suitcase Carry (50# DB)
Rest 2:00


With a Partner:
20 x 200m (10 each, rest is partner's set)

-This took right around 16 minutes ... didn't reall pay attention to how long each interval was, just tried to get as much intensity as possible from this. Zero wind and perfect weather on a warm evening in Florida, felt great to run today.

Monday, December 14, 2015


This morning was a great session. I am finally getting over my sickness. Today was the first day I felt 'normal' in the gym. Didn't push the loading too much, but got a lot out of this morning. Was about 80 degrees and very sweaty.

On a 16:00 Clock:

Heavy Single - Snatch Push-Press

Heavy Single - Snatch Balance

Heavy Single - Overhead Squat

Heavy Single - Squat Snatch

-Short time domains on these movements, didn't push the loadings too much, but was overall happy with this.

2 RFT:
1000m Row
20 Pull-ups
10 Squat Snatch (135#)
20 T2B

-16:20 ... tough metcon in the heat ... really left me taxed.

2 Giant Sets, moving through at a continous pace:
10 Bulgarian Split Squats (5 right, 5 left) @ 2 x 35# KB
3 Strict L Pull-up
2 Strict Ring Muscle-up
2 Strict Weighted Pull-up (35#)
20 GHD Sit-ups
20 Hip Extensions

-Complete ... really good accessory work, left me a lot more taxed than I thought it would.



Sunday, December 13, 2015


Complete Rest ... body is decently sore from the workout on Friday ... still a little sick.


On vacation now ... just getting over my sicknes, but it is still lingering. Did the class workout at a local gym, wasn't too crazy, but was a good cardio session. Did this entire workout outside in about 75 degree weather, great way to start a Saturday.

4 Sets of:
10 Strict Pull-ups (2 sets overhand, 2 sets underhand)
Rest 2 minutes


For Time:
800m Run
30 Alternating DB Snatch (50#)
30 Box Jumps (24")
400m Run
25 Altnernating DB Snatch (50#)
25 Box Jumps (24")
200m Run
20 Alternating DB Snatch (50#)
20 Box Jumps (24")
100m Run

-13:50 ... fun little WOD, went by really quickly and unbroken. Always love to get some running in. Wish the gym had a heavier DB ... but 50# was the 'Rx' weight anyway, but wanted to do with heavier if I couldh have. This is probably a good workout for me to do given that I'm sick, wasn't too taxing.

On a 4 Minute Clock (2 sets) of:
:45 Left Side Plank
:15 Rest
:45 Right Side Plank
:15 Rest

-Complete ... felt great on my QL ... glad I snuck this in.

Friday, December 11, 2015


Despite being sick, today was a pretty decent training session. Just getting over this sickness and when I got to the gym and started warming up I didn't feel great. I was really tired/coughing not feeling like working out ... but once I got rolling I felt solid on the lifting ... but on the conditioning piece I felt a little flat, especially on the heavy cleans. Overall was a good time in the gym though ... was 5# away from my PR power snatch, which was really surprising given all the weight I've cut / modifications I've had to do because of injury. Anyway, today looked like this:

For time:
Airdyne Cals

-8:20 ... good little warm-up.

Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy 1 Rep Power Snatch

-Singles: 205#, 215#, 220#, 225#, 230# ... felt good here, was really surprised.

Every Minute on the Minute for 5 Minutes:
5 Unbroken Touch and Go Power Snatches (165#)

-This was brutal ... much harder than I thought it was going to be.

1,1,2,2,3,3 ...
Power Clean (205#)

-Round of 9 + 4 PC ... this was a brutal conditioning workout to come back to ... didn't feel great, but tried to push it as much as I could.

4 Sets of:
Anchored Sit-ups with barbell overhead (at a bench press station) x 10 reps

-45#, 75#, 95#, 95# ... have probably done these once or twice in my life, just threw them in at the end to switch it up, always a challenge.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Active Recovery.

-Wouldn't consider today training per-se ... but got my HR up a little bit. This was a very easy workout overall, even though I went all out on the conditioning piece. Just about over this sickness... lots of coughing today, but no more body aches which is good. Anyway, the little workout I did today looked like this:

2.5 Mile Untimed Easy Run

Rest 1 hour (coached a CF class)


10 RFT (one partner working while other rests ... 5 rounds each):
50 Double-unders
30 Ab-mat Sit-ups
10 KBS (2 pood)
*While one partner works on the 10 RFT, other partner rows for max distance total

-22:30 + ~4000m ... easy aerobic workout, was good to get moving around though. Looking forward to feeling better and a proper training session tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Further Complete Rest. 

Getting slightly better... a little less congested ... but still very tired / sick. Haven't been keeping track of my food at all the last few days, mostly because I've been sleeping/resting and not really eating much. 


Further Complete Rest.

Deathly illness continues ... tried to rest most of the day.

Monday, December 7, 2015


Further Complete Rest.

Again, was wanting to train today, but my sickness isn't getting any better. Slept a lot last night and took a few naps today.

Saturday, December 5, 2015


Complete Rest ... was going to train today, but had to call it a day and take rest.

Started getting a sore throat last night ... ended up waking up today decently sick.

Meals for the Day:

1030 - 1 Rx Bar

1430 (cheat) - Eggs, Sausage, Potatoes, Jalapeños, Mixed Fruit + leftover indian food (chicken/rice/bread/curry)

1800 - 1 Quest Bar

1930 - Chickpea Pasta, Chicken, Spinach

2030 - 1/2 Quest Bar, Almond Butter