Thursday, September 28, 2017


Had something different planned today... but was a bit hungover from the wedding rehearsal dinner last night. Modified everything on the spot, got a nice partner workout in with a really good friend of mine and then went to brunch with all my best male friends. Great way to start off my wedding day.

7 Strict Pull-ups


With a partner, one partner working at at time:
80 Calorie Row
60 Bench Press (135#)
60 Toes-to-Bar
60 Calorie Row
40 Bench Press (155#)
40 Toes-to-Bar
20 Bench Press (185#)
20 Toes-to-Bar

-I think this took us right around 20 minutes? Don't really remember

3 Rounds:
Barbell Row (135#) x 10 reps
Reverse Curls (75#) x 10 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete ... short little pump finisher, had to get it in.


Complete Rest / travel to Chicago

Wednesday, September 27, 2017


5 Mile Run.

-Out in 25:30 as a group, came back in at 44:00 ... so the splits were out in 25:30 and back in 18:30 ... this was the first time I've pushed the group run we do at all ... it was a nice change to get a little intensity out of it. Went at about a 85% effort and felt surprisingly good. I have a ton of room for improvement on running, but it has been entirely on maintenance as I gain some strength back. Overall happy with how today went and I look forward to running more in the coming months in preparation for the annual Thanksgiving 5k.

15 Minutes Stretching


Sunday, September 24, 2017


Today was a pretty decent workout... was hoping to move some more weight on the bench today... but still improved by 5# over the last few weeks... my 1 RM has obviously not increased much, but the volume of work my chest and triceps can handle has gone up a lot over the last few weeks.

Bench Press
Work up to 1 RM

then 3x3 at 225#
then 3x7 at 195#

-Singles = 205#, 225#, 245#, 250# (f) - needed a small spot ... 245# for the day is okay for me, this is a 5# increase from 7 weeks ago...  haven't focused on benching at all since TBS until now.. this is definitely a lift I'm always in need of improving though.

-3 sets of 2 @ 225#
-2 sets of 7 @ 195#
-1 set of 4 @ 205# ... went to complete failure here on that fifth rep... 195# felt very solid though.

Strict Weighted Dips
Rest as needed

-unweighted, 44#, 54#, 64#, 78# (f - 4 reps) ... never dipped this much, felt solid here.

Every 3 for 15 (5 sets):
Min 1 - Strict Dips x 10 Reps
Min 2 - Parallet Push-ups x Max Reps
Min 3 - Rest

-This was very brutal ... 30, 18, 16, 13, 15 ... ROUGH.

Single-Arm Flat DB Bench x 20 (10 each arm)
Rest as needed

-50#, 55#, 60# ... went lighter on these ... not much there after C.

4 Sets:
Seated DB Overhead Extension x 8 reps
Rest as needed

-40#, 60#, 70#, 70#

3 Super-Sets:
Decline DB Skull Crushers (2 x 20#) x 15 reps
DB Tricep-Kick Backs (2 x 15#) x 15 reps
Rest 90-120 seconds

-This was brutal, great variance, very challenging

Tricep Rope Push-Downs x 100 reps*
*Start at 40# get as many reps as possible, drop the weight 5#, repeat until you finish 100 reps

-Complete ... great finisher ... last 30# reps were at 12.5#


Complete Rest


This afternoon kicked my ass... I definitely did not feel very fit for this. It was 80 degrees out in Newport today and I worked out around 1:45 pm. It was great weather for a workout like this, really added to the 'suck' factor, which I was looking for. Haven't been training like this, so I wasn't too surprised when this was a struggle for me. Got through it, overall really tough/fun/different than what I've been doing. This was a hero workout that I changed a round a bit and added some running in. Great stuff.

'Schmalls' (variant)
For time:
800m Run


50 Burpees
40 Pull-ups
30 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
20 Box Jump Overs (24/20")


800m Run


50 Burpees
40 Pull-ups
30 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
20 Box Jump Overs (24/20")

800m Run

-37:40 ... this was rough ... finished the second set of burpees at 23:50... it was all downhill from there... I was 100% gassed out after that... the heat really got to me. Overall huge effort/fun hero workout. Excited to rest tomorrow and then get after some heavy weights this week.

Friday, September 22, 2017


I felt extremely tired and weak this morning... I was really looking forward to dead-lifting heavy this morning... but I had to switch over to hex bar last week due to wrist pain in the supinated position... wrist pain has pretty much gone away, but fuck did I feel weak on the barbell. I felt really solid two weeks ago when I pulled 460# for a triple... couldn't even hit 465# for a single today. I just felt off and crappy in the gym. Maybe my CNS is fried from maxing out my back squat on Tuesday? I have also had shitty sleep all week and have been stressed out a lot external to the gym. For whatever reason, I felt like ass. Just tried to make the best out of it anyway.

Rest as needed

-315# x 5, 365# x 5, then went straight to singles: 405#, 445#, 465# (f) ... felt like shit, barbell barely got off the ground and I just shut it down. Extremely disappointing. 

'Death by Strict Weighted Pull-ups' @ 25#

Rest exactly 2 minutes after last set, then 1 max set of unweighted pull-ups

-Death by @ 25# = 8 rounds + 5 reps
-Max set unweighted = 15 

3 Sets of:
DB Rows x 40 reps (20 each arm)
Rest as needed

-53# across ... this was taxing, double the reps and lowered the weights, was tough/different. 

3 Sets of:
Single Leg Double KB Dead-lift (2 x 35# KB) x 20 reps (10 each leg)
Rest as needed
GHD Plank x :60
Rest as needed


EZ Bar Curl (alternate reverse/regular grip each set)
10 x 10
Rest :90

-60# across .... was planning on doing these all regular grip... but my wrist was bugging me in supination a little... didn't really want to fuck with it... this was really fun though, got a huge pump.

20 Minutes Stretching



Wasn't really planning on getting anything in today as I am pulling some heavy singles on dead-lift tomorrow... but our group PT was canceled due to weather and we were forced to go into the gym... had some time to kill while there, made up some stuff on the spot and got some easier/moderate cardio in.

On a running clock:

Every 2 for 14 (7 sets):
Double-Unders x 50
Toes-to-Bar x 10

rest 6 minutes until the clock reaches 20:00 and then...

EMOM 10:
200m Row

-A + B = complete ... went through this at about 80-90% intensity, overall felt good to move and sweat. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Thursday, September 21, 2017


Had a solid shoulder workout today ... felt solid on everything... lower volume overall, but was really happy to move bigger weights on the GVT.

Snatch Grip Strict Press
3 sets of 7
Rest as needed

-95# across ... didn't push the loading too hard here.

Seated DB Press
10 x 10
Rest :90

-55# across ... got all the reps, felt very solid on this ... this was much easier without a ton of volume beforehand.

3 Sets of:
DB Side Lateral Raise (2 x 20# DB) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Smith Machine Calf Raises (180#) x 20 reps
Rest as needed


3 Sets:
Reverse Cross-Body Cable Flyes (2 x 12.5#) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Weighted Hollow Hold x :30 @ 45#
Rest as needed


Rope Face Pulls (12.5#) x 100 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete ... got 50 reps at 12.5# and then had to drop down to 7.5# for the remaining 50... huge burner/pump on the shoulders. 

3 Sets:
Hollow Rocks x 10
V-Ups x 10
Tuck-Ups x 10
Hollow Hold x :10
Rest :60

-Complete ... always a solid core finisher. 

Monday, September 18, 2017


I was tight in my hips when I started moving ... but overall I felt much better in the gym today... really enjoyed myself and felt great under some heavy reps. Great stuff... it is really fun to make some progress on my lifts. Much day better than yesterday.

Back Squat
5 Reps @ 65-70% (265-285#)
3 Reps @ 75-80% (300-325#)
1 Rep @ 85% (345#)
3 Sets of 1 rep @ 90-95% (365-385#)
1 rep @ 95%+ (385#)+
Rest as needed

-5 x 275#
-3 x 315#
-Singles = 345#, 365#, 385#, 395#, 405# ... haven't squatted 405# since before tbs? Felt solid overall, possibly more there, but I am really happy to be back at this milestone.

3 Sets:
KB Front-Rack Step-ups (2 x 44# KB) x 20 reps (10 right, 10 left)
Rest as needed


EMOM 21 (7 sets):
Min 1 - 15 Calorie Row
Min 2 - 12 Burpees
Min 3 - 12 GHD Sit-ups

-Complete ... solid cardio, was a nice change, lungs felt good.

10 Minute ROMWOD


Sunday, September 17, 2017


Luckily my wrist wraps came in the mail today... once I got warmed up and put them on, my wrist didn't hurt at all. I will probably never bench heavy without them again, simply to avoid any injury like this again... Anyway, I kind of felt like shit today in the gym... I don't think I am recovered from the pressing workout we did Friday night and this wrist pain has really gotten to me mentally. Overall I felt very weak on bench/pressing movements... pull-ups felt pretty solid though. Had a lot of alcohol and weird food this weekend. The alcohol was always in moderation, but it still caught up to me (3-4 drinks friday/saturday/sunday night). Hoping to feel better this week and get some more good days of consistent nutrition/rest in. I have been having a lot of REALLY solid workouts in the gym... I know every day is not a going to be a solid workout, but overall today was rough mentally and physically. Tomorrow is another day.

Bench Press
5 sets of 1 rep @ 90% + 25# = (240#)
Rest 3 minutes

3 sets of 2-3 reps @ 80% + 20#= (225#)
Rest as needed

3 sets of 5-7 reps @ 70% + 20# = (190#)
Rest as needed

-Singles = 2/5 reps without assistance ... needed a small spot on other 3 ... I felt like complete shit. 235# felt very easy last week, so this was extremely frustrating
-3 sets of 2 at 225# ... didn't even try for triples, felt like ass
-3 sets of 7 @ 190# ... these felt much better, at least got all the reps here.

Strict Weighted Dips
3 Sets of 8-10 (53#)
Rest as needed

-3 sets of 8 ... better than last week's 8,7,7.

Weighted Strict Pull-up
Rest as needed
Rest 2-3 minutes after last set of weighted and then score 1 set of max unweighted reps

-5 unweighted, 3 x 53#, 1 x 78#, 1 x 88#, 1 x 100.5# (PR)? ... haven't maxed this out in a very long time, but both 88 and 100.5# felt very solid.
-Unweighted = 20 reps ... this felt very good considering all the above work that was done. I am looking to consistently hit 23 reps year-round in the future.

3 Sets:
Flat DB Bench Press (thumbs towards head) x 10 reps
Rest as needed

-70# across ... felt like shit ... didn't exceed the loading from last week. 


3 Sets:
Single Arm Incline DB Bench Press x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest as needed

-55#, 60#, 40# ... dropped down the weight on the last set because the 60# left me totally gassed out. 

3 Super-sets of:

DB Skull Crushers (2 x 25#) x 10 reps
DB Tricep Kick Backs (2 x 15#) x 10 reps
Rest :60


G.3 Sets:Tate Press (2 x 25#) x 10 reps
DB Tricep Kick Backs (2 x 15#) x 10 reps Rest :60


3 Sets*:
Tricep Push-Downs x 20 reps
Rest :60
*On the last set, finish the set of push-downs and then do a max set of rope push-downs at 50% of your last set 

-35#, 45#, 55#, rope push-downs at 22.5# = 20 reps ... huge pump/finisher, rough. 


Complete Rest ... slept a lot last night, about 9 hours ... was very needed. Wrist still a bit sore, but feeling better.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Had a pretty decent workout this morning... I woke up with some fairly bad wrist pain in my left wrist... I think the 300# jerk and the 230# sling shot bench was too much in the same day... but I still got in what I could today, cut the total volume down because I eliminated anything that was a pain trigger... bit of a bummer, especially because this program has been going really well for me... will try to keep my head in the game and finish this program out, hoping my wrist tendinitis/tendinosis isn't too severe. 

Trap-Bar Dead-lift
Rest as needed

-225#, 275#, 315#, 365#, 385# ... didn't push the loading here, kept the sets at a very reasonable intensity. 

EMOM 15 (5 sets):
Min 1 - Strict Overhand Pull-ups x 12 reps
Min 2 - Overhand Bodyweight Row x Max Reps
Min 3 - Rest

-Complete ... don't remember my reps, just went for intensity, got a huge pump. 

3 Sets of:
DB Rows x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest as needed

-95#, 105#, 105#

3 Sets of:
Single Leg KB Dead-lift (88#) x 20 reps (10 each leg)
Rest as needed
Plank x :60
Rest as needed

-Complete ... always a good time, those DL burned my glutes and hamstrings a lot. 

2 Super-Sets:
Cable Curl x 20 reps
Cable Reverse Curl x 20 reps
Cable Rope Curls x 20 reps
Rest :90

-Complete across at 22.5# ... huge pump/great finisher 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Had a very solid workout this afternoon. I haven't been jerking much at all over the last year, it is nice to finally be putting some bigger weights overhead and feel strong overhead again. Really enjoyed it this afternoon, had a great session. 

Split Jerk
15 Minutes to work to a heavy single


3x3 @ 80% of today's single
Rest as needed

-Jerk = 300# 
-3x3 @ 80% = 245# ... felt strong on these ... haven't been working jerks at all, but everything felt solid today. 

3x3 @ 70% of today's split-jerk single
Rest as needed

-Complete @ 210# ... haven't done a push-press in months ... but these were fun. 

Bench Press
4 sets of 5-7 Reps @ 65% + 35# = (190#)
Rest 2 minutes

-Complete, got 4 sets of 7 across, great stuff. 

Sling-Shot Bench Press
4 sets of 5-7 Reps
Rest 2 minutes

-210# x 7, 220# x 7, 230# x 5, 230# x 4 ... I started to gas out a lot on these, but I put out a big effort here. 

Seated DB Press
10 x 10
Rest :90

-This week was 50# DBs across ... got 7 sets complete, then got 9, 8, 8 on the last three sets. I felt strong, but definitely gassed out at the end. GVT is always a good time. 

3 Sets of:
DB Side Lateral Raise (2 x 20# DB) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Rope Face Pulls (30-40#) x 15 reps
Rest as needed
Smith Machine Calf Raises w/ 1 second pause at top of each rep (180#) x 20 reps
Rest as needed


3 Sets:
Reverse Cross-Body Cable Flyes (2 x 7.5#) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Weighted Hollow Hold x :40 @ 25#
Rest as needed



Complete Rest ... slept 9 hours last night, was awesome. I was considering training today, but due to work schedule I had to move the training sessions around. The extra day of rest was probably warranted... I was feeling really beat up yesterday.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Active Recovery.

5 Mile easy run.

-Kept the pace very relaxed and conversational, slept under 6 hours last night, which is far from ideal... but it was good to get out the door and move. I felt great this morning.

Monday, September 11, 2017


I felt pretty good this afternoon... this workout was rough... left me feeling completely tossed. Looking forward to a day out of the gym / easy recovery tomorrow. Overall solid training... haven't cleaned this much since before TBS. Cleans felt very solid, but they left me totally gassed on the back squats. 

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets):
Power Clean x 2 reps 

straight into... 

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets):
Squat Clean x 2 reps 

-Power doubles = 235#, 255#, 275#, 285#, 290# (last rep at 290# might have been a squat clean... it was very 'borderline' parallel, but I still got it) 
-Squat doubles = 235#, 255#, 255#, 275#, 285# ... felt strong here, but I was a bit gassed from the power cleans. 

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets):
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 75% (315#) 

straight into...

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets):
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 87% (355#) 

-Complete ... tough on the doubles... probably should have gone a little lighter? Got all the reps, but it was a big effort. 

3 Sets:
Front Squat Hold @ 60% (225#) x :60
Rest 2-3 minutes 

-Complete ... lighter load again, but longer time domain, always brutal. 

3 Sets:
DB Farmer's Carry Bulgarian Split Squat (2 x 44# KB) x 20 reps (10 each leg)
Rest as needed
GHD Plank Hold x :45
Rest as need

-Complete ... wanted to push these loads / time domains, but it just wasn't happening. I was completely tossed by this point. 

20 Minute ROMWOD


Sunday, September 10, 2017


Had a super solid workout today. Drank a bit and stayed up late on Saturday night, so I had a little bit of mental reservation about the gym today, but I felt very strong on everything and really enjoyed myself in the gym once I got warmed up.

Bench Press
5 sets of 1 rep @ 90% + 20# = (235#)
Rest 3 minutes

3 sets of 2-3 reps @ 80% + 20#= (220#)
Rest as needed

3 sets of 5-7 reps @ 70% + 20# = (185#)
Rest as needed

-Complete ... hit all the singles easily, 3x3 @ 220# and 3x7 @ 185# ... felt strong throughout.

Strict Weighted Dips
3 Sets of 8-10 (53#)
Rest as needed

-8,7,7 ... tough after part A ... but got it done.

EMOM 10:
Strict Weighted Pull-ups (65#) x 2-3 reps

-Went 3 reps for 5 minutes, 2 reps for 5 minutes ... felt strong on these.

3 Sets:
Flat DB Bench Press (thumbs towards head) x 10 reps
Rest as needed

-70# x 10, 80# x 7, 70# x 9 ... felt really solid on the first set, so pushed the loading a bit and really struggled with the 80#s ... overall fun/different movement though, was a nice change. 


3 Sets:
Single Arm Incline DB Bench Press x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest as needed

-55# Across ... never done this movement, could probably get a lot better at this. 

3 Super-sets of:

EZ Bar Skull Crushers (70#) x 10reps
Close Grip EZ Bar Bench Press (70#) x 10 reps
DB Tricep Kick Backs (2 x 15#) x 10 reps
Rest :60

-Complete, always a good time 

3 Sets:
Tate Press x 10 reps

Rest :60

-20#, 20#, 25#s DBs ... probably could have done more here, but haven't done this movement in years? Good to get in, looking forward to pushing it harder next week.

3 Sets*:
Tricep Rope Push-Downs x 20 reps
Rest :60
*On the last set, finish the set of push-downs and then drop 20# and go for a max set of push-downs, 
then drop another 20# and go for a max set of push-downs. 

-50# for the first two sets, then 50#/30#/10# for the max sets .. got a total of 44 reps on the drop set, great finisher on the triceps. 


Complete Rest / hangover


Had a solid workout this morning... felt very strong on everything today.

Rest as needed

-Sets of five: 355#, 375#, 395#
-Sets of three: 415#, 440#, 460# ... felt very strong on these, more there, REALLY excited to get 500# back in my hands.

'Rich' (variant)
For time:
13 Squat Cleans (155#)


10 Rounds of:
10 Pull-ups
100m Run


13 Squat Cleans (155#)

-14:14 ... really fun workout, sort of guessed on the distance based off of the gym's 200m mark... so the run wasn't entirely accurate. Overall had a great workout though, I felt really good on this. The RX version of this workout called for snatches as the opening movement, not squat cleans, but we changed it due to the heavy volume of shoulder stuff we did on Thursday.

3 Super-Sets:
Single-Leg KB Dead-lift (72#) x 10 reps (10 each leg)
DB Curls (2 x 35#) x 10 reps
Farmer's Walk (2 x 72#) x length of gym
Rest as needed


2 Sets:
Supinated Grip Top of Pull-up Hold x :30
BB Bicep Curls (45#) x 20 reps
Rest as needed

-Complete... big pump, good finisher

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Monday, September 4, 2017


Today was some solid training... parts A and B were tough for me... haven't been working those lifts/speed much and it was a tough mental change. In retrospect,  I was happy with all my reps and my effort... hard work today, but glad I got it all in.

5 Sets:
Power Clean + Push-Press + Push-Jerk + Split-Jerk
Rest as needed
*Start at 65% of 1 RM Power Clean = (195#)

-195#, 215#, 225#, 235#, 245# ... this didn't feel great, but tried to push the loading and I got all the reps.

5 Sets:
3 Snatch-Grip Push-Press + 3 Overhead Squats
*Start at 65% of 1 RM Snatch = (165#)

-165#, 165#, 185#, 185#, 195# ... this was rough after part A... I didn't feel like I had much in my shoulders.

Bench Press
4 sets of 5-7 Reps @ 65% + 30# = (185#)
Rest 2 minutes

-Complete ... this felt solid, got all the reps with 4 x 7 @ 185#

Sling-Shot Bench Press
4 sets of 5-7 Reps
Rest 2 minutes

-205# x 7, 215# x 6, 225# x 5, 225# x 5 ... rough on the triceps, this was fun though. Always love some sling-shot benching.

Seated DB Press
10 x 10
Rest :90

-45# Across... got 9 sets of 10 and then on the 10th set I failed the 10th rep... still going to count this and move on to 50#s ... huge effort, great stuff ... last week couldn't get past the 5th set at this weight.

3 Sets of:
DB Side Lateral Raise (2 x 15# DB) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Rope Face Pulls (37.5#+) x 15 reps
Rest as needed
Tempo Smith Machine Calf Raises (1 second hold at top) @ (180#) x 15 reps
Rest as needed


3 Sets:
Rear Delt Cable Flye (7.5# x 2 ) x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Weighted Hollow-Hold (25# plate) x :30
Rest as needed

-Complete ... those flyes burnt the fuck out of my rear delts... need to do these a lot more... never do this movement in crossfit... I think I have a lot to gain from incorporating these.


Active Recovery. 5 Mile easy run.

-47:00 total ... out in 25:00 as a group... back in 22:00 ... kept the pace very easy today ... I was feeling a bit tired in my legs from the workout yesterday and very little sleep last night. It was very muggy/humid/overcast this morning... not the most enjoyable run, but it was nice to get out the door.

10 Minutes Stretching



De-loading this week... especially for my squats/pulling ... much lower volume on the barbell today and cut out the typically accessory work. It was good to get in some cardio with the EMOM ... not very taxing today, but some good activity. Already looking forward to the next week and getting in some tough sessions. 

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets):
Back Squat x 3 reps (50-60%) = 205-245#

-Went 50% (205#) across ... kept it very light.

3 Sets:
Front Squat Hold @ 85% (315#) x :45
Rest 2:15

-Complete ... these felt solid today. Lowered the % by 15% and increased the time domain by :15 ... overall a good challenge / good variance.

EMOM 28 (7 sets):
Min 1 - 15 Calorie Row
Min 2 - 10 Farmer's Carry KB Lunges (2 x 72# KB)
Min 3 - 10 Toes-to-Bar
Min 4 - 10 Burpees

-Complete ... all sets unbroken ... went through this at about 75/80% intensity ... got a good sweat. 




Lower volume week this week... not necessarily a full 'de-load' ... but definitely lower volume of reps overall. Last week was very high volume, so feeling a need to drop down the reps and transition into higher %s to work into new singles in the coming weeks. Overall, I felt great today.  The two days off from the gym left me feeling very refreshed. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Bench Press
5 sets of 1 rep @ 90% + 15# = (230#)
Rest 3 minutes

3 sets of 2-3 reps @ 80% + 15#= (215#)
Rest as needed

3 sets of 5-7 reps @ 70% + 15# = (180#)
Rest as needed

-Complete ... hit all singles and 3x3 @ 215# and 3x7 @ 180# ... felt very strong today, got all the reps easily.

3 Super-Sets:
Barbell Turkish Press-up (75#) x 8-12 reps
Floor Wipers (75#) x 8-12 reps
Rest as needed

-Went 8 reps for the get-ups, 12 for the floor wipers ... nice change/variance... not too taxing.

EMOM 10:
5 C2B Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

-Complete ... wow... didn't feel great on this... I felt slow and heavy, but got through it. Probably mostly mental, but haven't been training like this, got all the reps in... going for 20 minutes on this would have gotten real.

3 Sets:
Single-Arm KB Bench Press x 20 reps (10 each arm) 
Rest as needed

-40# across ... very light this week

3 Super-Sets:
Standing KB Tricep Extension (2 x 15#) x 10 reps
Bent-Over BB Row (135#) x 10 reps
Standing Alternating KB Curls (2 x 35#) x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest as needed

-Complete, nice pump/finisher ... not taxing at all.

2 Sets:
Single-Arm Plank Hold (right) x :30
Single-Arm Plank Hold (left) x :30
Rest :60
Side Plank (right) x :30
Side Plank (left) x :30
Rest :60


9/2 & 9/3

Complete Rest / traveling