Thursday, December 28, 2017


Had a pretty shitty workout this morning ... got into the gym to put something together, but not being on a training schedule / consistent schedule / having training partners is really wearing on me. Tried to make the most of it, but I am in a very negative place when it comes to working out right now.

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
Split Jerk x 2 reps @ 75% (225#)

straight into...

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
Split Jerk x 1 rep
Build up to a heavy for the day

-All Doubles completed
-Singles = 255#, 275#, 285#, 290# (fail), 290# (did not attempt) ... up to 285# felt really good, but caught it a bit out front and did not lower it back down to the rack, instead dropping it to the floor... having to strip the bar to 225#, clean it up and then rack it took a long time and energy ... went back to get 290# and missed it, felt so shitty just called it there and didn't go through the long process of deconstructing and re-racking the barbell... needless to say I miss having jerk blocks... a lot.

2 Person Team, 1 person working at a time, for time:
100 Push-Jerks (185/125#)
90 GHD Sit-ups
80 Ring Dips
70 KBS (72/53#)
60 Wall-Balls (30/20#)
50 Burpees
40 Bar Muscle-ups

-29:29 ... bit of a shit-show, reps were all over the place, but we got through it.

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