Tuesday, February 26, 2019


Complete Rest


This morning was a solid session, felt pretty solid on everything aside from the 30 snatches at 155# ...  posterior chain is generally fried from all the pulling yesterday. Overall was happy to get in a bit of training before 19.2 ... rest day tomorrow and 19.2 on either Friday or Saturday.

4 Rounds, each for time:
50 Double-Unders
10 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35#) (odd rounds)
10 Alternating DB Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35#) (even rounds)
7/5 Ring Muscle-Ups
Rest 1:00 between rounds.

-Result = each set was between 1:40 and 1:50 unbroken ... had a big transition as I walked from where I had room to do Double-Unders and where the DB / rings were ... but overall got some good skill work / reps in on the rings.

Rest 10-15 minutes then...

For time:
50 Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
40 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
30 Power Snatches (155/105#)

-9:50 ... splits were 2:00 for BJO / 3:43 (1:43) for C2B with 20/10/10 with short breaks / and 9:50 (5:57) for snatches ... felt like ass time on the snatches, they were quite the slog ... but overall some solid conditioning, C2B felt great.

Rest 10-15 minutes then...

6 Rounds, with a partner, not for time*:
Partner 1 - 500m Row (easy)
Partner 2 - 20 Kipping Handstand Pushups

*Partners switch when 500m row is complete

-HSPU went 20 ... 20 ... 15/5 for each set ... felt surprisingly good on these. 

Monday, February 25, 2019


This morning was a great training session. Had a ton of fun this morning, felt good on everything. Conditioning piece was tough... I really blew myself out going super hard on the first few. Overall got a lot of intensity out of this and had a great time.

Pausing Clean Pull
3 Sets of 3 - Pausing Clean Pulls

*Two pauses, both for a full second at each position before finishing with a strong extension:
Pause #1 - 3 inches off the floor
Pause #2 - Just past the knee

Set #1 - 80% (275#) of 1RM Clean
Set #2 - 85% (290#)
Set #3 - 90% (305#)


Power Clean and Jerk
On the 1:30 x 7 Sets:
2 Power Cleans
1 Split Jerk

Start with the below percentages, and build on the final three sets all based on how the loads are moving today.

Set #1 - 70% (215#) of estimated 1RM Power Clean and Jerk
Set #2 - 74% (225#)
Set #3 - 78% (235#)
Set #4 - 82% (245#)

-Final three sets went: 255#, 265#, 275# ... felt very strong on these, fun training

Every 5 for 25 (5 sets) of:
3 Power Cleans (225/155)
9 Deadlifts (225/155)
12 Barbell-Facing Burpees
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike

-2:26 ... rough, obviously gassed out, especially on the burpees/bike. Great interval work.

Body Armor
3 Giant Sets, not for score:
50' HSW (2 x 25')
20 Single Legged Dumbbell Deadlifts, 10 each leg (2 x 50# DB)
10 Dumbbell Bench Press (2 x 50# DB)
21 Hip Extensions
Rest as needed

-Complete, great accessory work


19.1 Re-test
19 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
19 Cal Row

-9 Rounds + 1 reps (343) 

Splits were:
1 - 1:27 (1:27)
2- 3:01 (1:34)
3 - 4:36 (1:35)
4 - 6:18 (1:42)
5 - 8:00 (1:42)
6 - 9:42 (1:42)
7 - 11:32 (1:50)
8 - 13:19 (1:47)
9 - 14:50 (1:31)

Old Splits were:
1 - 1:29 (1:29)
2- 3:08 (1:39)
3 - 4:51 (1:43)
4 - 6:35 (1:44)
5 - 8:17 (1:42)
6 - 10:05 (1:48)
7 - 11:53 (1:48)
8 - 13:42 (1:49)

Based off of this, I'm happy with my effort and result today. I was shooting for 9 + 19, but obviously that didn't happen. Maybe if I would have pushed rounds 7 and 8 (my two slowest) I could have gotten those 18 extra wall-balls. Overall I was happy with the plan I created and executed ... I was about :20 ahead of my old pace consistently, allowing me to finish the round of 8 and get a wall-ball in. I'm a bit disappointed to see the 7th and 8th rounds taking me 1:50 and 1:47 respectively, this is obviously where I lost some time, but my row gassed out, I was really at the threshold of my capability at that point. Overall it is tough to not achieve the goal of 9+19, but I am happy with my effort on this one... super simple but challenging aerobic test. 

Saturday, February 23, 2019


Complete Rest ... tapering down for re-test of 19.1 tomorrow.


Jumped into a class workout today while traveling. Modified the movements a bit and just got in some cardio. It felt good to breathe and move. Not too taxed from yesterday, which is surprising. 

EMOM 20 (5 sets) of:
Min 1 - 15 Calorie Assault Bike
Min 2 - 50 Double-Unders
Min 3 - 12 C2B Pull-ups (unbroken) 
Min 4 - 12 Bar Facing Burpees 

-Complete ... just flowed through this at a consistent pace and got a sweat 


Had a great time giving the Open workout a run-through with some of my buddies in Seattle from way back in the day. This was a very positive and fun environment. I spent the entire day in court, leaving for court around 5 am and not finishing up until after 6 pm, but went straight to the gym from court and hit this. Not ideal conditions, but surprisingly I felt really good.

19 Wall-Balls
19 Calorie Row

-8 Rounds + 34 reps (338) 

Splits were:
1 - 1:29 (1:29)
2- 3:08 (1:39)
3 - 4:51 (1:43)
4 - 6:35 (1:44)
5 - 8:17 (1:42)
6 - 10:05 (1:48)
7 - 11:53 (1:48)
8 - 13:42 (1:49)

So based on this I fell off of my pace on the 6thround. Losing a few seconds each round. If I can tighten up those rounds I will gain some time. I finished this workout without being totally exhausted, meaning I want to pace the row more aggressively, getting as close to 1:40 each time and really ramping it up on rounds 7 and beyond.

My goal on the redo of this is to hit consistently a 1300-calorie pace, which is about a 1:46 500m pace, or a 17:40 5k pace. I can achieve that 5k, so hopefully I can maintain that pace for each 19 calorie interval for 15 minutes, with the wall-balls in there as short 30 second breaks. This is a fun workout; it was a nice run-through today. I think with better transitions, a keen attention to getting to 1300 calories and refusing to deviate from that pace, I can definitely get 9 rounds + 19 wall-balls and perhaps even back to rower for the final set. I am excited to give this another go and to try to stick to my plan.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Today was a lower volume session, but it was fun. Felt fit on everything, in and out of the gym quickly.

Every min (10 mins)
5/3 Muscle-ups
* Scale reps to maintain Unbroken if necessary *

-Complete, all sets of 5 unbroken ... this was good training, felt very consistent, last three sets were tough, but manageable.

Every 2 for 16 (8 sets):
Bench Press @80% (205#) x 2 reps

-Complete ... felt very strong, got all the reps easily.

On the Minute x 20 (4 Rounds):
Minute 1 - 12/9 Calorie Bike
Minute 2 - 15/12 Calorie Row
Minute 3 - 5 Toes to Bar + 10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
Minute 4 - Plank x :40
Minute 5 - 12/9 Calorie Ski Erg

-Complete ... this EMOM was fun, it was some good aerobic movement and not too taxing.

Monday, February 18, 2019


AM Workout (0600)

This morning was overall a solid workout, happy to get some work in.

3-Position Pausing Power Clean
Build to a Heavy Complex:
1 High Hang Power Clean (Pause at Pockets)
1 Hang Power Clean (Pause 1 Inch Above the Knee)
1 Power Clean

-135#, 185#, 215#, 235#, 255# ... didn't push the loading much here, got through this quickly due to time constraints, felt very strong.

For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Row Calories
Front Squats (95/65#)

15 - 12 - 9
Toes to Bar
Hang Squat Cleans (95/65#)

12 - 9 - 6
Barbell Facing Burpees
Thrusters (95/65#)

-13:37 ... this was a bit of a cluster fuck as I was doing this in Open gym during a large class ... probably :30-:60 I could have made up doing this under better conditions, but overall got a solid workout out of this, it was a fun burner.

15 Kettlebell Swings (70/53#)
15 Push-ups

Rest 2 Minutes

15 Kettlebell Swings (70/53#)
15 Push-ups

-Result =
3 Rounds + 12 KBS
3 Rounds + 5 KBS ... this was pretty tough, I haven't been doing many KBS this year and I can definitely feel it in my grip when doing these. I used to train this a lot with Invictus programming, but the training cycles I've done this year rarely included them, fun to get back to them and push myself.

PM Workout (1130)

Had a really great second workout, surprisingly felt better this afternoon than I did this morning. Overall enjoyed this session, short conditioning and a nice pump. Stoked to train tomorrow. 

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
30 Double Unders
5 Power Cleans (175/115#)
7 Bar Facing Burpees

-:48, :48, :48, :46, :46 

3 Super-Sets of:
GHD Sit-ups x 20
GHD Hip Extensions x 20
Bicep BB Curl (75#) x 10
Strict Pull-ups x 10
Rest 1-2 minutes

-Complete ... big pump, fun finisher 

Sunday, February 17, 2019


This morning was overall a solid training session ... I was a little bummed out about my Grace time, but still got a great workout out of this, even if I didn't perform as well as I had hoped. My posterior chain was fried from yesterday, definitely didn't set myself up for success there.

30 Clean and Jerks (135/95#)

-1:55 ... this is apparently a :22 PR from 2013. I obviously haven't done this workout in a very long time. I was really trying to go unbroken on this, but it just didn't happen ... a PR is a PR, but this was probably the dumbest way I've done this workout... meaning my own plan was to not put down the bar ... Strategically this was a terrible idea, but I thought maybe I could do it. I will do this unbroken someday, just not today. I was very surprised how taxing this was on my hamstrings and quads. 

Back Squat
5 Reps @ 70% (300#)
4 Reps @ 75% (320#)
3 Reps @ 80% (345#)
1 Rep @ 84%, 87%, 90% (365#, 375#, 385#)

-Complete ... felt very strong on these

For Time:
75 Wallballs (20/14)
35/25 Calorie Assault Bike

Directly Into...

Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Dumbbell Shoulder-to-Overhead (50's/35's)
Dumbbell Front Squats (50's/35's)

-12:44 ... unbroken wall-balls and unbroken on all movements except the set of 15 S2O, had to go 8/7 ... this workout was a burner, overall happy with my performance on this.

Saturday, February 16, 2019


This morning was a great workout ... coming off of this surgery/liquid diet was rough ... I didn't feel great on part A. This was probably entirely mental, not sure though, the liquid diet has made me feel emaciated. Once I got moving, everything felt pretty good though.

Bar Muscle-Ups
Alternating On the Minute x 10 (5 Rounds):
Odd Minutes: 3 Position Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats
Even Minutes: 3-6 Bar Muscle-ups

-Snatches went 145#, 145#, 165#, 165#, 175# ... kept this on the lighter side
-Bar MU went unbroken sets of 6 each interval

For Time:
3 Rope Climbs, 9 Box Jump Overs (24/20"), 48 Power Snatches (75/55)
3 Rope Climbs, 9 Box Jump Overs (24/20"), 24 Snatches (95/65)
3 Rope Climbs, 9 Box Jump Overs (24/20"), 12 Snatches (135/95)
3 Rope Climbs, 9 Box Jump Overs (24/20"), 6 Snatches (185/135)
3 Rope Climbs, 9 Box Jump Overs (24/20"), 3 Snatches (225/155)

-23:03 ... got to the bar at 225# at 19:50 ... so the 3 snatches took approximately 3 minutes, with 1 miss. I hit the first one right away and felt very solid ... rested a few seconds and immediately missed the next rep ... but hitting 225# EMOM after all the previous work was okay for me. I was happy to just get these reps at all... great workout, had a great time getting back into things after wasting away from surgery.

2 Mile run, with a partner, alternating 400m intervals (4 each)

-Complete, didn't get the time, just went for fun. It felt good to run. As I've been withering away over the last few days I was fantasizing about running, really happy to do this.

3 Sets:
Seated DB Shoulder Press x 10 reps (2 x 50# DB)
Lat Pull-Down x 10 reps (110#)
Plank x :60
Rest as needed

-Complete ... added in this accessory work, was a simple but good finisher

Friday, February 15, 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


This morning was a great workout. My power cleans didn't feel great... did a shit-ton of them yesterday, so not sure why the program called for more of them? But got through them as best I could. Everything else felt solid and I had the time to add in some fun pump stuff afterward. Overall had a great workout, especially given this is my third day on. Rest day tomorrow and hopefully can get in a good workout or two this weekend.

Power Clean
On the Minute x 10:
On the 0: 3 Power Cleans @ 65% (205#)
On the 1: 2 Power Cleans @ 70% (225#)
On the 2: 1 Power Cleans @ 75% (245#)
On the 3: Rest
On the 4: 3 Power Cleans @ 70% (225#)
On the 5: 2 Power Cleans @ 75% (245#)
On the 6: 1 Power Cleans @ 80% (265#)
On the 7: Rest
On the 8, 9 and 10: 1 Power Clean (Building in Weight)

-Singles on the last 3 minutes went: 275#, 280#, 285# ... all others were easily TnG. 285# for on the minute is pretty good for me, was hoping to get 300#+ but had to call it at 285#.

60 Double Unders
30/21 Calorie Bike
10 Push Jerks (165/110)

-4 Rounds + 60 Double-Unders ... unbroken on Push-Jerks ... missed a couple DU, but overall felt consistent and good on this.

5 Supersets:
5-4-3-2-1: Heavy Deadlifts

After Each Set:
10 Dumbbell Bench Press (2 x 50# DB)
15 Weighted AbMat Sit-ups (45# Plate)

-Complete ... deadlifts went 335# x 5, 385# x 4, 425# x 3, 455# x 2, 480# x 1 ... felt very strong here.

3 Sets of:
10 Strict Stationary Dips
10 DB Hammer Curls (2 x 50# DB)
Rest :60


3 Sets of:
10 Overhead Tricep Extensions (70# DB)
20 Unsupported Bent Over DB Row (70# DB - 10 each arm)
Rest :60


Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Didn't really feel great in the gym today... didn't sleep much or well last night and have been really stressed at work... it is spilling over into my personal life and making the gym difficult to enjoy. Got in the work, but was a bit of a grind and not fun.

Back Squat
On the 0: 10 Reps @ 70% (300#)
On the 3: 8 Reps @ 75% (325#)
On the 6: 6 Reps @ 80% (345#)
On the 9: 4 Reps @ 85% (365#)
On the 12: 2 Reps @ 90% (385#)

-Complete ... this was fun, I felt strong. I was a bit nervous about going through this as we haven't been back squatting heavy at all, but felt solid on all of these sets. I felt like I could hit 300# for 20.

9 Power Cleans (155/105)
12 Strict Handstand Push-ups
9 Front Squats (155/105)
12 Strict Pull-ups

-4 Rounds + 12 reps (3 SHSPU) ... this was rough... I felt flat and out of shape on this. The gymnastics movements felt like shit.

Ski Conditioning
On the 0:00 - 21/15 Calorie
On the 1:30 - 18/13 Calorie
On the 3:00 - 15/11 Calorie

On the 5:00 - 21/15 Calorie
On the 6:30 - 18/13 Calorie
On the 8:00 - 15/11 Calorie

On the 10:00 - 21/15 Calorie
On the 11:30 - 18/13 Calorie
On the 13:00 - 15/11 Calorie

-Complete ... wasn't in the mood to do this after part B, but got it done. 

Sunday, February 10, 2019


This morning was a solid workout. This is the best I've felt leaving the gym in a while. This workout didn't exhaust me, I felt refreshed getting out of the gym. This was a nice change. Looking forward to hitting it hard tomorrow.

Snatch Balance
5 Reps @ 40% (105#)
4 Reps @ 50% (125#)
3 Reps @ 60% (155#)
2 Reps @ 70% (175#)
1 Rep @ 80% (205#)

Percentages Based Off Your 1RM Snatch


High Hang Pausing Squat Snatches
On the 1:30 x 4 Sets: 2 Reps

Loads Progress: 50-55-60-65% (125#, 140#, 155#, 165#)


On the Minute x 11: 1 Squat Snatch

Minute 1 @ 70% (175#)
 Minute 2 @ 75% (190#)
Minute 3 @ 80% (205#)
Minute 4: Rest
Minute 5 @ 75% (190#)
Minute 6 @ 80% (205#)
Minute 7 @ 85% (215#)
Minute 8: Rest
Minute 9 @ 80% (205#)
Minute 10 @ 85% (215#)
Minute 11 @ 90% (230#)

-Complete ... felt solid here, 230# felt very easy, parts A and B were a great warm-up.

Ascending Ladder for 7 Minutes:
1 Strict Ring Dip, 3/2 Calorie Assault Bike
2 Strict Ring Dip, 6/4 Calorie Assault Bike
3 Strict Ring Dip, 9/6 Calorie Assault Bike

-Round of 7 Ring Dips + 20 Cals ... this was supposed to be ring muscle-ups, but my biceps were extremely sore and my right bicep was sore to the point of being painful ... just called it and did ring dips instead.

Every 4 for 24 (6 rounds) of:
12 Dumbbell Power Snatches (50/35)
12 Burpees Over Dumbbell
12 x 10 Meter Shuttle Runs

-Complete; rounds between 1:32 and 1:24 ... this was a very fun workout, not too taxing and lungs felt good. 


Much needed complete rest / feeling generally thrashed from the last few days and traveling.

Saturday, February 9, 2019


This morning was a rough session... pretty much forced myself through this... I felt tired and sluggish when I woke up and this consisted throughout pretty much the entire session. Got in what intensity that I could, but didn't feel great.

Gymnastics Conditioning
5 Rounds, Not for Time:
1 Pegboard
16 Alternating Pistols

-Complete ... this was actually about 3/4 of a pegboard... never actually done these before and didn't want to go so high up the pegboard, but I was surprised by how these felt... they were not very difficult.

Weightlifting Complex
On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:
7 Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans
3 Jerks

-135#, 185#, 205#, 215#, 225# ... thought I could do more than this, but the 2:00 window was rough and I generally just didn't feel great.

For Time:
30 Ring Muscle-ups
200 Double-Unders

-13:10 ... splits went 4:30 for MU, 7:30 (3:00) for double-unders, and then 13:10 (5:40) for HSPU ... went 12/8/5 sets of 6 for the HSPU... my shoulders felt like ass throughout this ... PR for 30 muscle-ups is 3:15, so I definitely paced this out a bit in hopes of not shitting the bed on the HSPU, but that didn't help much. Good/tough training for me.

3 Rounds, not for time:
25 Dumbbell Deadlifts (50's/35's)
100' Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (50’s/35’s)
3 x 25 Weighted Hip Extensions
3 x 20 Hollow Rocks
Rest as needed between rounds





Today was a great workout. I was a bit nervous/tired coming from travel... worked during the day and then flew back from San Diego in the PM... got about 5 hours of sleep last night, which was not ideal. Pushed through it and felt solid once I got in the gym.

3 Rounds:
15 Thrusters (100/65#)
15 C2B Pull-ups

*Continue into another AMRAP of 4 minutes if you finish 3 rounds

-4 Rounds + 52 Reps (1 round + 7 C2B) = 142 reps total ... probably some more reps here... in 2013 I could just not get out of the first AMRAP... I only got 80 reps (10 C2B short). I haven't done this workout since... today I finished the first AMRAP at 3:40 and cruised through the second half, not really pushing myself much. My C2B felt great today, went unbroken for 2 sets and the 10/5 ... got all the thrusters during the first part unbroken. Overall today was a huge victory as I was really happy to have just gotten out of the first round, despite the fact this was over 6 years ago, I vividly remember the pain, effort and frustration over this workout in 2013. Great way to start the day... had a serious 'fran cough' the rest of the session/day.

Snatch Technique
On the 1:30 x 5 Sets:
3-Position Squat Snatch (High Hang, Hang, Floor)

Sets: 60, 63, 66, 69, 72%

-Complete off of 255# ... light weights, felt fast.

Pausing Overhead Squat
2 Reps x 30 Second Holds with 72% (185#) of 1 RM Snatch


On a running clock:

30 Overhead Squats (115/80)
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Toes to Bar
30/21 Calorie Row

Rest 10 minutes until 30:00 and then...

For Time:
50 Double Unders, 20' Handstand Walk, 50 Sit-ups, 20' Handstand Walk
40 Double Unders, 20' Handstand Walk, 40 Sit-ups, 20' Handstand Walk
30 Double Unders, 20' Handstand Walk, 30 Sit-ups, 20' Handstand Walk
20 Double Unders, 20' Handstand Walk, 20 Sit-ups, 20' Handstand Walk
10 Double Unders, 20' Handstand Walk, 10 Sit-ups, 20' Handstand Walk

-Result =

-2 Rounds + 25 Box Jumps
-12:10 ... both of these workouts were tough for me today, I was pretty gassed out from part A... overall good training though. I was a bit bummed with how much my handstand walk went to shit during the last 3-4 sets. Had to break up those last sets of 20 feet... which was a bummer. I've come a long way on this, but I'm still not great.



Thursday, February 7, 2019


Today was some good aerobic recovery work, felt refreshing.

3 x 1500m
Rest 3:00

-5:17.6   (1:45.8)
-5:11.6   (1:43.8)
-5:15.8   (1:45.2)  ... tried to keep all of these under 1:45, I was right around there, overall felt good on these.

3 Rounds of 'Durante Core'
Rest :60


Tuesday, February 5, 2019


This morning was some tough conditioning... finally had access to a crossfit gym... no chalk and a slight dew on the barbells/floor/pull-up bars, which was not ideal. But tried to push everything as much as I could. Not ideal conditions to get 100% intensity, but tried to go as hard as possible under the circumstances.

On a running clock:

6 RFT:
25 Double Unders
5 Power Snatches (155/105#)
25 Double Unders
5 Bar Muscle-ups

At the 25:00 begin... 

27 Bar-Facing Burpees
27 Thrusters (115/80#)
27 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Rest 5 Minutes

21 Bar Facing Burpees
21 Thrusters (95/65#)
21 Toes to Bar

Rest 5 Minutes

15 Bar-Facing Burpees
15 Thrusters (75/55#)
15 Pull-ups

-Result =

-14:09 ... was hoping to be a little faster here... singles on the snatches, all bar MU unbroken, but was taking a fairly long break before each set... was on a piece of shit pull-up bar that made each set of muscle-ups an uncertain shit-show... but made it through it best I could.

0 Rounds + 20 C2B Pull-ups (Thrusters went 10/10/7 ... C2B 10/10)
1 Round + 15 Burpees (Thrusters 12/9 ... TTB 12/9)
1 Round + 8 Pull-ups (unbroken)

-These were tough... great training for the Open... even if I didn't feel particularly great... pull-up bar was slick with no chalk, was probably the issue here... I am very spoiled with regular crossfit pull-up bars and chalk... but got through this and went HAM, got a decent conditioning workout from this. 

Monday, February 4, 2019


Well I had an absolutely terrible morning ... life/work/travel stress is seemingly ruining my life. I haven't been this unhappy in a long time; everything just seems to be going wrong at the same time. Still in a downpour with the only gym with crossfit equipment is an outdoor space and is locked up due to rain. I at least pushed myself to get into the gym and was attempting to modify what I had programmed... but it was completely impossible to do given the bodybuilding gym I am in... so I hit the rowing intervals for this week and just made up a workout on the spot that I could actually do with a squat rack and a bench area... pretty much all I had, no bumpers/dropping of weights... this is extremely rough for me mentally this time of year... I want to get in specific workouts... it is so taxing to be out of control of so many factors. Anyway... at least I made the effort to show up and do what I could. 

8 x 350m row
Rest :60

-Result = 
1:09.1 ... paces were between 1:34.7 (third) and 1:38.7 (last) ... good intensity here, felt fit on the rower.

For time:
Back Squat (225#)
Deadlift (275#)
Bench Press (185#) 

-25:50 ... back squats unbroken, broke up the sets of 8 and 7 deadlifts, otherwise unbroken ... had to break up the bench a lot, was trying to get each set with only one break, but near the end there were some singles. This format of workout is always difficult for me... lots of benching volume that always gasses out... but overall a fun workout, albeit not at all what I had intended to do today. Hoping for better weather tomorrow and an opportunity to actually do the workouts I have programmed. 

Sunday, February 3, 2019


This morning was a good workout... in San Diego and have had a bit of adversity with traveling/work etc ... but got in the gym early (before 0500) and got in what I could before mandatory training starting at 0730.

Split Jerk
5 Sets of 2

63% (205#), 68% (225#), 73% (235#) x3.


Front Squat and Jerk
On the Minute x 11:
1 Front Squat and Jerk

Minute 1 @ 70% (225#)
Minute 2 @ 75% (235#)
Minute 3 @ 80% (250#)
Minute 4: Rest
Minute 5 @ 75% (235#)
 Minute 6 @ 80% (250#)
Minute 7 @ 85% (265#)
Minute 8: Rest
Minute 9 @ 80%(250#)
Minute 10 @ 85% (265#)
Minute 11 @ 90% (275#)

-Complete ... was doing this in a bodybuilding gym out of a rack ... was supposed to be clean and jerk, but no dropping of weights or bumper plates... got in what I could.

Front Squat
On the Minute x 5:
1 Front Squat (Building in Weight)

-300#, 325#, 345#, 355#, 360# ... this is the strongest I've felt in a while... the low volume de-load last week really helped. Happy to get up to 360# on the minute.

5 x 4 minutes max distance
Rest 3:00

-Result =

-1151m (1:44.2)
-1136 (1:45.6)
-1135 (1:45.7)
-1109 (1:48.2)
-1116 (1:47.5)

Saturday, February 2, 2019


Complete Rest / travel to San Diego ... shoulders are the most sore they have been in a very long time... those pause overhead squats got me.

Friday, February 1, 2019


AM Workout (0700)

This morning was a solid session, but I still didn't feel great... this sickness has really kicked my ass... parts A through C were extremely tough on the shoulders... the

Close Grip Overhead Squat (clean and jerked from the ground)
Build to a Moderate set of 3

-Went 135#, 185#, 215#, 235# ... much more there, but was keeping with the 'moderate' prescription here.

Pausing Close Grip Overhead Squat (clean and jerked from the ground)
2 Reps x 30 Second Holds

With 75% of Close Grip Overhead Squat Load = 175#

-Complete ... this was much harder than I expected, I didn't really know what to expect, but wow, this stability in the bottom of the squat completely fried my shoulders... made snatching in the next part horrible.

For Time:
50' Handstand Walk, 9 Squat Snatches (185/135)
50' Handstand Walk, 7 Squat Snatches (185/135)
50' Handstand Walk, 5 Squat Snatches (185/135)

-13:30 ... this was way more difficult than I thought it was going to be... typically a 185# snatch is very comfortable for me... but coupled with handstand walking was tough, further, my shoulders were fried from the overhead squatting prior. Overall disappointed with my time here, but got through it and finished.

'Artie' (C2B)
5 C2B Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
5 C2B Pull-ups
10 Thrusters (96/65#)

-9 Rounds + 5 Push-ups ... a bit disappointed here was well, was shooting or about 11-12 rounds... but overall this was a tough workout... didn't feel great here either, just felt kind of sluggish. Everything unbroken aside from push-ups, went 5/5 on most sets here. Overall a fun workout, even if I didn't perform how I wanted to. 

3 Super-Sets of:
10 Barbell Curls (75#)
15 'Rock and Roll' Skull Crushers (2 x 35# DB)
20 Hamm Curls (2 x 35# DB)
Rest 2-3 minutes

-Complete ... got a huge pump out of this, was a fun finisher.

PM Workout (1800)

6 Sets of:
500m Row
Rest 1:30

-Result =

-1:38.7 ... felt very consistent here, even with the short rest, was able to confidently maintain goal 2k pace of 1:39 throughout. 

3 Sets of 'Durante Core' 
10 Hollow Rocks
10 V-ups
10 Tuck-ups
10 Second Hollow Hold 
Rest :60

-Complete ... always a burner on the core 


Complete Rest ... considered training today, but allowed myself further rest during this deload