Day 1 of Week 2 ... today wasn't too bad overall, simple conditioning piece and the super-sets were taxing (especially the lunges) but the other movements weren't as brutal as some of the other movements last week. Overall had a good workout, had 4 drinks yesterday throughout the day and I felt a little 'off' because of that, but this was probably just psychological, once I got moving I felt good on everything.
3 Sets:
20 Steps Skater Band Walk (10 forward, 10 backwards)
10 Theraband Goblet Squats
10 Scap Pull Ups
Front Rack Drop Lunge: 30x0; 16-20 reps, alternating legs, rest 75 seconds x 3 sets
Supinated Strict Pull Up: 2011; 8-10 reps, rest 75 seconds x 3 sets
-Complete, 95# for 3 x 20 on the lunges and 3 x 10 on the pull-ups, unbroken for two sets and last set went 8/1/1 ... possibly could have gone a little heavier on the lunges, but 20 reps with a 3 second eccentric is 60 seconds on the eccentric alone! These were tough, even with such a light load.
KB Goblet Squat: 2111; 8-10 reps; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets
Incline DB Prone Row: 30x1; 8-12 reps, rest 75 seconds x 3 sets
-Complete, 72# KB for 3 x 8 and 3 x 10 with 2 x 50# DB
7 Min AMRAP:
10 Lunges (alternating - 5 reps per leg)
7 Box Jump Step Down (24/20")
9 Ring Rows
Rest 3 Minutes
5 Burpees
7 Knees-to-Elbows
9 Air Squats
-Complete, don't remember the rounds, just went at a consistent 85% aerobic effort ... was a good sweat
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Today was a solid workout, it looked very easy and simple on paper... but this was one of the harder workouts this week... got a very big pump from parts A and C and part B was surprisingly difficult... the anchored sit-ups straight into the bike sprint (750m - which ended up being about 20 cals) was tough on my quads. Overall a fun training session, thankful to get this in at home and looking forward to a rest day tomorrow and some more fun workouts next week.
3 Sets
Yoga Push-up x 8
Prone Snow Angel x 8
Scapular Pull-ups x 8
Side Plank Rotations x 8 (per side)
*move slowly and deliberately
Super Set:
Tall Kneeling Filly Press: 2111; 8-10/arm
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Close Grip Paralette Tricep Push-up; 3011; 8-10 reps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Incline Bench DB Bicep Curl: 40x1; 8-10 reps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-Complete, across at 53# KB and 50# DB for 3 x 10, 8, 7 ... pushups all 3 x 10 and curls at 3 x 10 with 2 x 25# DB ... 4 second tempo was a bitch.
-Complete, across at 53# KB and 50# DB for 3 x 10, 8, 7 ... pushups all 3 x 10 and curls at 3 x 10 with 2 x 25# DB ... 4 second tempo was a bitch.
3 Sets:
10 Kipping Knees-to-Elbows
20 Anchored Sit-ups
Assault Bike 750/650m @ 90% effort
rest walk 2-3 minutes between sets
-Complete ... didn't time the sets, just went for intensity
-Complete ... didn't time the sets, just went for intensity
3 Sets, not for time:
20 Banded Tricep Push-Downs
20 Banded Bicep Curls
20 Banded Face Pulls
rest as needed between movements/sets
-Complete, used a purple band for the push-downs, black band for the curls and a red band for the face pulls... surprisingly challenging pump finisher
-Complete, used a purple band for the push-downs, black band for the curls and a red band for the face pulls... surprisingly challenging pump finisher
This morning was a solid workout... lots of posterior chain/glute work and some stuff aerobic conditioning. Overall enjoyed myself in the gym today, looking forward to training tomorrow.
3 Sets
15 Banded Hip Thrust + 20 sec isometric hold at top
rest 30 seconds
8-10 KB loaded Jefferson Curl (light)
rest 30 seconds
30 sec High Knees Tuck Jumps
rest as needed
Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift; 3100; 8-10 reps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Suitcase Long Step Walking Lunge: 30x0; 14-16 steps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-Complete, went 115#, 135#, 135# for 3 x 10 on the SGRDL, 53# KB across for the lunges for 3 x 16
Barbell Hip Thrust 20x0; 8-10 reps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Goblet 1 1/4 Squat: 2111*; 8-10 reps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
*2 sec lowering, 1 sec pause at bottom, perform the 1/4 squat and back down and immediately rebound up, 1 sec pause at top.
-Complete, 155# for the thrusts, 3 x10 and 53# for the squats, 3 x10
Every 5 minutes for 20 (4 sets) of:
45sec continuous single-arm Front Rack March (53/35#)
15/12 Cal Bike
12 Supine Toes-to-Bar (3 sec lowering)
9 Box Jump Set Down (24")
-Complete ... didn't time the intervals, just went for intensity and got through each set
3 Sets
15 Banded Hip Thrust + 20 sec isometric hold at top
rest 30 seconds
8-10 KB loaded Jefferson Curl (light)
rest 30 seconds
30 sec High Knees Tuck Jumps
rest as needed
Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift; 3100; 8-10 reps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Suitcase Long Step Walking Lunge: 30x0; 14-16 steps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-Complete, went 115#, 135#, 135# for 3 x 10 on the SGRDL, 53# KB across for the lunges for 3 x 16
Barbell Hip Thrust 20x0; 8-10 reps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Goblet 1 1/4 Squat: 2111*; 8-10 reps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
*2 sec lowering, 1 sec pause at bottom, perform the 1/4 squat and back down and immediately rebound up, 1 sec pause at top.
-Complete, 155# for the thrusts, 3 x10 and 53# for the squats, 3 x10
Every 5 minutes for 20 (4 sets) of:
45sec continuous single-arm Front Rack March (53/35#)
15/12 Cal Bike
12 Supine Toes-to-Bar (3 sec lowering)
9 Box Jump Set Down (24")
-Complete ... didn't time the intervals, just went for intensity and got through each set
Today's workout straight up kicked my ass. I don't know if it was the bad sleep last night, general life stress, or the difficulty of the workout, but I just didn't have a ton of go in me today.
3 Sets:
Overhead DB Hold x 10 seconds/arm
Scapular Push-ups x 10
Passive Bar Hang x 30sec
Band Pull-Aparts x 15 reps
Wide Grip Bench Press: 31x0; 10-reps;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Pendlay Row: 30x1; 10-12 reps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-Complete, across at 135# for the bench and 115# for the rows ... I was very humbled by this weight, tons of time under tension here, really burned.
Strict Ring Dips: 2020; 10-reps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Supinated Grip Ring Row: 30x0; 12-14 reps;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-Complete, was only getting 8 reps on the ring dips and 12 each set of rows... massive pump/painful time under tension on these reps.
On a 15:00 clock, with a partner*:
20sec L-Sit on Rings
10 Dual DB Hang Clean and Push-Press (5025#)
5 Strict C2B Pull-ups
*Partner 1 Skis calorie while partner 2 completes 1 round, then switch
-Result = 6 full rounds + some reps ... I started on the ski erg, so my wife was half-way through the round of 7 when we hit 15 minutes ... this was rough ... massive upper body pump from this ... most of those pull-ups were done as singles.
3 Sets:
Overhead DB Hold x 10 seconds/arm
Scapular Push-ups x 10
Passive Bar Hang x 30sec
Band Pull-Aparts x 15 reps
Wide Grip Bench Press: 31x0; 10-reps;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Pendlay Row: 30x1; 10-12 reps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-Complete, across at 135# for the bench and 115# for the rows ... I was very humbled by this weight, tons of time under tension here, really burned.
Strict Ring Dips: 2020; 10-reps
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Supinated Grip Ring Row: 30x0; 12-14 reps;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-Complete, was only getting 8 reps on the ring dips and 12 each set of rows... massive pump/painful time under tension on these reps.
On a 15:00 clock, with a partner*:
20sec L-Sit on Rings
10 Dual DB Hang Clean and Push-Press (5025#)
5 Strict C2B Pull-ups
*Partner 1 Skis calorie while partner 2 completes 1 round, then switch
-Result = 6 full rounds + some reps ... I started on the ski erg, so my wife was half-way through the round of 7 when we hit 15 minutes ... this was rough ... massive upper body pump from this ... most of those pull-ups were done as singles.
Today was overall a solid workout... the conditioning was a bit rough... I wasn't feeling very good on the SHSPU, but haven't been training them much over the last training cycle. Got everything in and didn't feel too beat up, was nice to get a refreshing workout.
3 Sets
5 DB Deadlifts
5 DB Hang Power Clean
5 Dumbell Strict Press
10 Yoga Push-ups
20 Jumping Jacks
rest as needed
Segmented Clean Deadlift: 3131 (with straps); 6-8 reps;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Half Kneeling Barbell Press*: 20x2; 4-5 reps/knee;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-Complete, went 175, 195, 215# for the deadlifts and 75, 95, 105# for the presses
*perform repetitions on each knee for every set. Total 8-10 reps per set
Deficit Landmine Single-Leg RDL; 3010; 8-10/leg;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Single Arm DB Push-Press*; 30x1; 8-10/arm;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
*Explosive tempo on the way up - slow and controlled lowering to the shoulder in 3 sec before initiation next repetition
-Complete, went 80, 85, 85# for the landmine RDL and 50# across for the DB Push-Press
At 85% effort:
Ski Cals
Strict HSPU
rest 3 minutes
Bike Cals
Anchored Sit-ups (subbed for GHD sit-ups)
-Complete, about 10:30 for the first part and about 6 minutes for the second part, fun conditioning
3 Sets
5 DB Deadlifts
5 DB Hang Power Clean
5 Dumbell Strict Press
10 Yoga Push-ups
20 Jumping Jacks
rest as needed
Segmented Clean Deadlift: 3131 (with straps); 6-8 reps;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Half Kneeling Barbell Press*: 20x2; 4-5 reps/knee;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-Complete, went 175, 195, 215# for the deadlifts and 75, 95, 105# for the presses
*perform repetitions on each knee for every set. Total 8-10 reps per set
Deficit Landmine Single-Leg RDL; 3010; 8-10/leg;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Single Arm DB Push-Press*; 30x1; 8-10/arm;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
*Explosive tempo on the way up - slow and controlled lowering to the shoulder in 3 sec before initiation next repetition
-Complete, went 80, 85, 85# for the landmine RDL and 50# across for the DB Push-Press
At 85% effort:
Ski Cals
Strict HSPU
rest 3 minutes
Bike Cals
Anchored Sit-ups (subbed for GHD sit-ups)
-Complete, about 10:30 for the first part and about 6 minutes for the second part, fun conditioning
Today was Day 1 of Week 1 of a FBB Program we are trying out ... really enjoyed the first day of the program, was able to do everything smoothly in our home gym. My body is feeling pretty beat up from the 12 weeks of heavy lifting I've been doing, doing a bit more cardio and lots of tempo work is a nice change.
3 Sets:
12 Bent Over Band Pull Aparts (pause 1sec with hands wide on each rep)
10 Drop Lunge to Knee Lift/leg - 1-3"
30sec Quadruped Shoulder Taps
-Complete, used 1 red band
Back Rack Split Squat: 2110; 8-10/leg;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
*rear foot on 4-6" plates
Pronated Strict Pull Up: 2011; 8-10 reps;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-85#, 105#, 105# for the split squats for sets of 10, back foot elevated to a 45# bumper ... hit 10 every time for the pull-ups ... very light weight, but the time under tension/tempo was still rough
Cyclist Front Squat: 31x0; 8-10 reps;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Chainsaw Row: 20x2; 8-10/arm;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-105#, 115#, 115# for the front squats (to a 35# bumper) and 50# DB for the rows ... again very light, but just felt these out and stuck to the tempo
5 Min AMRAP:
Renegade Row (50/35s#)
*5 Cal Ski between each set
rest 2 minutes
5 Min AMRAP:
Strict Knees to Elbows
*5 Cal Bike between each set
rest 2 minutes
5 Min AMRAP:
Alternating DB Thrusters (50/35s#)
*5 Burpees between each set
-Complete ... don't remember the numbers on these, just got a good sweat and enjoyed myself ... this was very fun
3 Sets:
12 Bent Over Band Pull Aparts (pause 1sec with hands wide on each rep)
10 Drop Lunge to Knee Lift/leg - 1-3"
30sec Quadruped Shoulder Taps
-Complete, used 1 red band
Back Rack Split Squat: 2110; 8-10/leg;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
*rear foot on 4-6" plates
Pronated Strict Pull Up: 2011; 8-10 reps;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-85#, 105#, 105# for the split squats for sets of 10, back foot elevated to a 45# bumper ... hit 10 every time for the pull-ups ... very light weight, but the time under tension/tempo was still rough
Cyclist Front Squat: 31x0; 8-10 reps;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
Chainsaw Row: 20x2; 8-10/arm;
rest 75 sec x 3 sets
-105#, 115#, 115# for the front squats (to a 35# bumper) and 50# DB for the rows ... again very light, but just felt these out and stuck to the tempo
5 Min AMRAP:
Renegade Row (50/35s#)
*5 Cal Ski between each set
rest 2 minutes
5 Min AMRAP:
Strict Knees to Elbows
*5 Cal Bike between each set
rest 2 minutes
5 Min AMRAP:
Alternating DB Thrusters (50/35s#)
*5 Burpees between each set
-Complete ... don't remember the numbers on these, just got a good sweat and enjoyed myself ... this was very fun
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Today was overall a good session ... happy with the numbers I hit ... not lifetime PRs, but I have recovered much of my strength back from the marathon. Looking forward to transition back into a FBB cycle and give my body some rest from heavy loads.
1 set x 1 rep
Work up to a 1 rep max.
Clean and Jerk
1 set x 1 rep
Work up to a 1 rep max.
'The Standard' (2019 Crossfit Games Event)
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95#)
30 Ring Muscle-ups
30 Snatch (135/95#)
-13:23 ... the cap at the games was 12:00 ... I was at 71 reps (11 snatches) at 12:00 ... splits were 3:15 for the clean and jerks, finish the muscle ups around 8:45 (5:30 for the 30 MU, went 8/5/5/5/4/3/3) ... overall had fun doing this, haven't been training much intense Crossfit like this, fun to get in.
Today was a very easy session, tapering down for some heavy singles / 1 RMs this weekend.
Power Clean + Strict Press (from split)
1 set x 1+3 reps @ 80% of 1 RM Strict Press
-Complete, across at 80% (155#)
-Complete, across at 80% (155#)
Drop Snatch
3 sets x 3 reps @ 70% (175#)
70% of your one rep max snatch.
Front Squat
4 sets x 3 reps
-Complete, across at 250# ... these were supposed to be at 80%, but have been just going off of feel for front squats this cycle ... got all these reps easily.
-Complete, across at 250# ... these were supposed to be at 80%, but have been just going off of feel for front squats this cycle ... got all these reps easily.
Bird Dogs
4 sets x 12 reps
12 reps per side.
Overall today was a nice deload day... got everything in at the basement gym ... was a little sketchy doing the jerks (low ceilings) but the snatches were good. Overall happy to tackle this workout in the convenience of my own home ... wasn't a taxing session, overall felt good/refreshed after this.
Power Snatch
3 sets x 2 reps @ 70-75% (175-190#)
70 - 75% of your one rep max snatch.
-Complete, across at 185#
-Complete, across at 185#
Power Clean + Jerk
1 set x 1+1 reps @ 70-75% (225-240#)
70 - 75% of your one rep max Clean and Jerk
-Worked up to 70% (225#) ... went 135, 185, 205, 225 ... a bit sketchy in the basement ... definitely tons more there, but just called it at the lower end of the percentages given this is a de-load week
-Worked up to 70% (225#) ... went 135, 185, 205, 225 ... a bit sketchy in the basement ... definitely tons more there, but just called it at the lower end of the percentages given this is a de-load week
Front Squat
2 sets x 3 reps
-Complete, across at 285# ... these were supposed to be at 85% ... but I haven't been doing the percentages on front squats this cycle ... 285# felt easy.
Bulgarian Split Squats
3 sets x 20 reps
20 reps per leg. Use dumbbells or kettlebells.
3 sets x 20 reps
-Complete, squats across at 2 x 25# DB
-Complete, squats across at 2 x 25# DB
Had an active recovery day in the basement gym yesterday, but today was the first time doing an actual workout... overall enjoyed getting this in, I am very grateful to be able to have home-gym to get stuff like this in. Worked out some kinks with where gear/weights/etc goes, but overall got everything in at the prescribed percentages and got it done.
Snatch Pull
3 sets x 3 reps @ 110-125% (280 - 315#)
110 - 125% of your one rep max snatch.
-Complete, went 285#, 295#, 305#
-Complete, went 285#, 295#, 305#
Clean Pull
3 sets x 5 reps @ 110-120% (375 - 425#)
Between 110 - 120% of your one rep max clean.
-Complete, across at 395#
-Complete, across at 395#
Strict Press from Split
3 sets x 3 reps @ 75% (145#)
75% of your one rep max strict press. From the rack or blocks.
Back Squat
3 sets x 3 reps @ 80% (355#)
80% of your one rep max back squat.
Single-Arm KB Front Rack Stationary March
3 sets x 50 reps (25 reps on right, 25 reps on left)
-Complete, across with 53#
-Complete, across with 53#
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Active Rest Day
On a 30:00 clock, at 75% aerobic effort:
5 Minutes Assault Bike
5 Minutes Ski
4 Minutes Assault Bike
4 Minutes Ski
3 Minutes Assault Bike
3 Minutes Ski
2 Minutes Assault Bike
2 Minutes Ski
1 Minute Assault Bike
1 Minute Ski
-Complete, didn't calculate anything out or track the pace, just went for an aerobic sweat
On a 30:00 clock, at 75% aerobic effort:
5 Minutes Assault Bike
5 Minutes Ski
4 Minutes Assault Bike
4 Minutes Ski
3 Minutes Assault Bike
3 Minutes Ski
2 Minutes Assault Bike
2 Minutes Ski
1 Minute Assault Bike
1 Minute Ski
-Complete, didn't calculate anything out or track the pace, just went for an aerobic sweat
Today was a solid workout, overall had a great time and felt good/strong on everything. Looking forward to tapering down over the next week and maxing out.
Power Clean + Push Press
1 set x 1+3 reps
1 power clean + 3 push press. Up to daily max.
-135#, 185#, 205#, 225#, 245#, 255# (fail - 2 reps) ... couldn't lockout the 3rd rep ... but overall felt strong on this, 245# for a triple is a PR
-135#, 185#, 205#, 225#, 245#, 255# (fail - 2 reps) ... couldn't lockout the 3rd rep ... but overall felt strong on this, 245# for a triple is a PR
Snatch + Hang Snatch
1 set x 1+1 reps
1 snatch from the floor + 1 hang snatch from above the knee. Work up to daily max.
135#, 155#, 185#, 205#, 215# ... failed the hang-snatch at 215#, it was a stupid miss and I immediately went back and got the rep ... was hoping to go a bit heavier than 215# on this, but was pressed for time and smoked from part A.
135#, 155#, 185#, 205#, 215# ... failed the hang-snatch at 215#, it was a stupid miss and I immediately went back and got the rep ... was hoping to go a bit heavier than 215# on this, but was pressed for time and smoked from part A.
Back Squat
4 sets x 3 reps @ 85% (375#)
85% of your one rep max back squat.
-Complete ... felt very strong on these, got all these reps easily
-Complete ... felt very strong on these, got all these reps easily
Weighted Hip Extension
3 sets x 10 reps (45/25#)
Strict HSPU
3 sets x 10 reps
Strict HSPU
3 sets x 10 reps
Pendlay Rows
3 sets x 8-10 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
Bird Dogs
3 sets x 12 reps
12 reps per side.
-Complete, across at 205# for 3 x 10
-Complete, across at 205# for 3 x 10
3 sets x 6-10 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.
Single Arm Farmer Carry
3 sets x 25 reps
25 steps per set.
-Complete, across at 295# for the RDLs, 88# KB for the farmer's carry
-Complete, across at 295# for the RDLs, 88# KB for the farmer's carry
Today was a solid upper body workout... enjoyed my time in the gym, got a big chest pump and left the gym feeling refreshed. Excited to train tomorrow.
-190# x 10, 190# x 8
3 sets x 14 reps (1 touch = 1 rep)
Bench Press (used 225 for 3x3 on 4/3/20 .. haven't done doubles in over a month and used 220 for 3x2 - use at least 235)
3 sets x 2 reps
Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).
-235#, 245#, 245# ... felt strong on this, probably more there, but these were solid reps
-235#, 245#, 245# ... felt strong on this, probably more there, but these were solid reps
Bench Press
2 sets x 6-12 reps
Lower the weight to a number that will have you reaching failure within the given rep range.
-205# x 10, 205# x 9
-205# x 10, 205# x 9
Close Grip Bench Press
2 sets x 6-12 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
Board Bench Press
2 sets x 6-12 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
-190# x 12, 190# x 10
-190# x 12, 190# x 10
Weighted Pull Ups
3 sets x 10-12 reps
If you cannot do body weight, do banded pull ups. If body weight is too easy, add weight. Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
'Durante Core' (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)
-Complete, 35# KB for 3 x 10 ... overall felt strong on this
-Complete, 35# KB for 3 x 10 ... overall felt strong on this
Floor Wipers (135/95#)3 sets x 14 reps (1 touch = 1 rep)
Overhead Carry
3 sets x 25 steps per arm
50 steps per set (in total)
-Complete, used 88# KB for the overhead carry ... floor wipers kicked my ass
-Complete, used 88# KB for the overhead carry ... floor wipers kicked my ass
This morning was a solid session ... lighter loads on front squat and deadlifts and some good accessory work. Left the gym with a nice pump and feeling refreshed, not beat up. Overall had a great time today, looking forward to training tomorrow.
Front Squat
3 sets x 5 reps
-Complete, across at 225# ... this was supposed to be at 75% ... but just went off of feel and got in good reps at 225#
Sumo or Conventional Deadlift
3 sets x 5 reps (405# - used 395# last time)
Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).
-Complete, across at 405#
-Complete, across at 405#
Power Clean + 3 Strict Press
1 set x 1+3 reps
1 power clean + 3 strict press. Up to daily max.
-135#, 155#, 175#, 185# ... this is the most I've done for a 3 RM in a very long time, it felt fairly easy. Possibly more there, but I was very pressed for time today. Overall happy with 185# for 3
-135#, 155#, 175#, 185# ... this is the most I've done for a 3 RM in a very long time, it felt fairly easy. Possibly more there, but I was very pressed for time today. Overall happy with 185# for 3
Standing Single Arm Dumbbell Press
4 sets x 12 reps
12 reps per arm. Aim to reach failure at the given rep range.
-Complete, across at 50#
-Complete, across at 50#
Dumbbell Row
3 sets x 12-15 reps
12-15 reps per side. Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
-Complete, 3 x 12 at 95#
-Complete, 3 x 12 at 95#
Dumbbell Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
GHD Plank Hold2 sets x x :30-:60
-Complete, 2 x 15# DB and :45 each set
Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
Ring Plank
2 sets x :30-:60
Ring Plank
2 sets x :30-:60
-Complete, 2 x 15# DB and :45 each set
Today was a solid session overall in the gym ... didn't feel great on the dynamic lifts today... I think I am still thrashed from the max effort lifting on Saturday. Overall felt good though, especially on the back squats. Gymnastics conditioning at the end kicked my ass... ring muscle-ups and toes-to-bar was a rough combo. Overall fun conditioning though. Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow and to get after the rest of the week.
Power Cleans
3 sets x 3 reps @ 75% (240#)
Minimum 75% of your one rep max power clean.
-242#, 264#, 275# ... didn't push the loading too much here, but got all these reps comfortably
-242#, 264#, 275# ... didn't push the loading too much here, but got all these reps comfortably
Front Squat + Jerk
1 set x 3+2 reps
3 back squats + 2 jerks. Work up to daily max.
Back Squat
3 sets x 4 reps (375#) ... last time I did these at 345# as I couldn't hit 375# (85%)
Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).
-Complete, across at 375# ... felt very strong on this, really proud of knocking these heavy sets out. Great stuff.
-Complete, across at 375# ... felt very strong on this, really proud of knocking these heavy sets out. Great stuff.
Strict Press
3 sets x 5 reps @ 60-65% (115-125#)
60 - 65% of your one rep max strict press.RDL
3 sets x 10-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.
-Complete, presses across at 135#
-RDLs across at 198# with straps for 3 x 10
-Complete, presses across at 135#
-RDLs across at 198# with straps for 3 x 10
EMOM 15 (5 sets) of:
Min 1 - Ring Muscle-ups (pick a number and hit consistent unbroken sets)
Min 2 - Mixed KB Rack (1 front rack, 1 overhead) Lunges x 16 steps (switch rack after 8 steps)
Min 3 - Toes-to-Bar x 12
-Complete ... sets of 6 for the ring muscle-ups, unbroken on all sets until the last sets of MU and T2B, which went 4/2 and 7/5 ... used 2 x 35 KB for the lunges ... overall fun/tough conditioning
Min 1 - Ring Muscle-ups (pick a number and hit consistent unbroken sets)
Min 2 - Mixed KB Rack (1 front rack, 1 overhead) Lunges x 16 steps (switch rack after 8 steps)
Min 3 - Toes-to-Bar x 12
-Complete ... sets of 6 for the ring muscle-ups, unbroken on all sets until the last sets of MU and T2B, which went 4/2 and 7/5 ... used 2 x 35 KB for the lunges ... overall fun/tough conditioning
Friday, April 10, 2020
Active Recovery
Easy 4 mile run ... took about 37 minutes ... didn't stress about the pace, just went out and enjoyed our time in the great weather ... it was about 50 degrees and sunny with a slight breeze. Great conditions for an easy run.
Easy 4 mile run ... took about 37 minutes ... didn't stress about the pace, just went out and enjoyed our time in the great weather ... it was about 50 degrees and sunny with a slight breeze. Great conditions for an easy run.
Today was a super solid session... felt fairly recovered and I was happy with the numbers I hit today. Overall enjoyed myself in the gym, looking forward to hitting the workouts next week.
1 set x 2 reps
Work up to a 2 rep max.
-135#, 185#, 205#, 215#, 225# ... called it there, most I've hit for a double in a while
-135#, 185#, 205#, 215#, 225# ... called it there, most I've hit for a double in a while
Snatch + Overhead Squat
1 set x 1+2 reps @ 80% (205#)
1 snatch + 2 over-head squats. Minimum 80% of one rep max snatch.
-235# (failed snatch backward), 235# (failed snatch forward), 235# ... after figuring my shit out on the first two attempts I easily got the third set ... felt solid on this, OHS were very easy after the snatch
-235# (failed snatch backward), 235# (failed snatch forward), 235# ... after figuring my shit out on the first two attempts I easily got the third set ... felt solid on this, OHS were very easy after the snatch
Clean and Jerk
1 set x (1+1) x2 reps
Work up to 2 rep max.
Front Squat
3 sets x 6 reps @ 225#
Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
3 sets x a comfortable number you can hit consistently - these are for quality, not max effort
-Complete, went across at 225# for the squats... these were supposed to be at 70%, but just hit them across at a comfortable weight and focused on good positions ... hit 20 unbroken reps for the C2B pull-ups each set ... good skill work, haven't done much kipping gymnastics work in the last few months, but they still felt good.
3 sets x a comfortable number you can hit consistently - these are for quality, not max effort
-Complete, went across at 225# for the squats... these were supposed to be at 70%, but just hit them across at a comfortable weight and focused on good positions ... hit 20 unbroken reps for the C2B pull-ups each set ... good skill work, haven't done much kipping gymnastics work in the last few months, but they still felt good.
Bird Dogs
3 sets x 12 reps
12 reps per side.
Side Planks (weighted)
3 sets x 30 reps
30 second hold per side.
-Complete, used a 30# DB for the side planks
-Complete, used a 30# DB for the side planks
5 x 500m Row2:00 Rest
-Complete ... just kept these around 1:40 500m/ pace and didn't stress too much about the times ... nice to get some aerobic intervals in
Today was a great workout, lots of reps and movements, but enjoyed myself in the gym. I felt strong on the lifting and left the gym with a solid pump.
Back Squat
3 sets x 6 reps @ 70% (315#)
70% of your one rep max back squat.
-Complete, got all these reps easily
-Complete, got all these reps easily
Bench Press
1 set x 10 reps
Work up to a 10 rep max.
-210# ... got this easily without any assist from a spotter, I think this is a PR.
-210# ... got this easily without any assist from a spotter, I think this is a PR.
Sumo or Conventional Deadlift
3 sets x 3 reps
Work up to heavy 3 reps for 3 sets, near maximal.
-385#, 425#, 455#
-385#, 425#, 455#
'Support Your Local Box Workout 2'
For time:
100 Double-Under
21 Burpees
75 Double-Unders
15 Burpees
50 Double-Unders
9 Burpees
-4:44 ... missed one double-under on the set of 100, all other DU unbroken ... went fairly slow on the burpees ... when I finished this workout I realized that I definitely could have gone harder ... but got through this at about an 85% effort ... haven't been doing much intense cardio and I didn't really push this.
'Support Your Local Box Workout 2'
For time:
100 Double-Under
21 Burpees
75 Double-Unders
15 Burpees
50 Double-Unders
9 Burpees
-4:44 ... missed one double-under on the set of 100, all other DU unbroken ... went fairly slow on the burpees ... when I finished this workout I realized that I definitely could have gone harder ... but got through this at about an 85% effort ... haven't been doing much intense cardio and I didn't really push this.
Half Kneeling Landmine Press
3 sets x 12 reps
12 reps per arm.
Barbell Row
3 sets x 10-15 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
-3 x 12 (each arm) with 95# for the landmine press
-198# 3 x 10 for the rows
-3 x 12 (each arm) with 95# for the landmine press
-198# 3 x 10 for the rows
Glute Ham Raises
2 sets x 5 reps
Barbell or Dumbbell Shrugs
2 sets x 8-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.
-Complete, 3 x 12 at 308# for the shrugs
-Complete, 3 x 12 at 308# for the shrugs
Landmine Oblique Twists
3 sets x 10 reps
10 reps per side. Quality reps.
DB Curls
3 sets x 6-12 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.
-Complete, 3 x 20 with 75# for the twists, 3 x 10 with 2 x 35# DB for the curls
-Complete, 3 x 20 with 75# for the twists, 3 x 10 with 2 x 35# DB for the curls
This morning was a good training session ... best I've felt in the gym in a few weeks... extra day of rest yesterday really helped. Looking forward to getting after it tomorrow.
Snatch Pull + Snatch
1 set x 1+1 reps @ 80% (205#)
Minimum 80% of one rep max snatch.
-95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 176#, 198#, 209#, 220#
-95#, 115#, 135#, 155#, 176#, 198#, 209#, 220#
Drop Snatch
1 set x 3 reps
Work up to a 3 rep max.
-135#, 185#, 205#, 225#
-135#, 185#, 205#, 225#
Clean and Jerk
2 sets x (1+1) x2 reps @ 85% (270#)
85% of your one rep max clean and jerk.
-Complete, no misses ... power clean and split jerk on each rep
-Complete, no misses ... power clean and split jerk on each rep
Front Squat
2 sets x 3 reps @ 275#
Bulgarian Split Squats
3 sets x 20 reps
20 reps per leg. Use dumbbells or kettlebells.
Bird Dogs
3 sets x 12 reps
12 reps per side.
Durante Core (10 Hollow-Rocks, 10 V-ups, 10 Tuck-ups, :10 Hollow Hold)
3 sets
-Complete, used 2 x 35# KB for the split squats ... last week I was so thrashed when we did these I did these unweighted ... happy to add some weight, was tough.
Durante Core (10 Hollow-Rocks, 10 V-ups, 10 Tuck-ups, :10 Hollow Hold)
3 sets
-Complete, used 2 x 35# KB for the split squats ... last week I was so thrashed when we did these I did these unweighted ... happy to add some weight, was tough.
Active Rest Day - Easy 3 mile run ... total time of about 26 minutes, kept the pace casual and enjoyed myself. About 48 degrees and sunny without any wind, very nice conditions and a great way to start my day.
Today was overall a rough training session... despite complete rest, a nap and some extra food yesterday I definitely did not feeling recovered going into the gym today. Tried to get the best intensity I could out of this, but couldn't really push the loading much and had to reduce the back squats % numbers a bit today due to fatigue. Happy to at least train pain free and get this all in. Looking forward to more rest tomorrow and hoping to feel more recovered for the rest of the training sessions.
Snatch + Hang Snatch + Touch and Go Snatch
1+1+1 sets x 1 rep
1 snatch + 1 hang snatch from above the knee + 1 touch and go snatch. Up to daily max.
Clean Pull
3 sets x 5 reps @ 110-120% (375-410#)
Between 110 - 120% of your one rep max clean.
-Complete, across at 380# ... started around the 110% and intended to increase if I felt good... 110% felt very heavy, but got through these
-Complete, across at 380# ... started around the 110% and intended to increase if I felt good... 110% felt very heavy, but got through these
Bench Press
3 sets x 3 reps @ 80% (220#)
80% of your one rep max bench press.
Close Grip Bench Press
2 sets x 6-12 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.
-185# x 10, 185# x 9
-185# x 10, 185# x 9
Board Bench Press
2 sets x 6-12 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.
-185# x 10, 185# x 9 ... never done this before, but it was fun/different to get in.
-185# x 10, 185# x 9 ... never done this before, but it was fun/different to get in.
Back Squat
3 sets x 4 reps @ 78% (345#)
78% of your one rep max back squat.
Single-Arm Overhead Carry 3 x 50 steps (25 each arm)
-Complete, these squats were supposed to be at 85% (375#) ... but my last warm-up set was going to be 345# and that felt extremely difficult for four reps... so I just did my working sets there ... overhead carries across at 72# KB
*:10 Ring Dip Support Hold after each set
-Complete, finished the round of 9 pull-ups + :10 hold
Strict Pull-ups*
*:10 Ring Dip Support Hold after each set
-Complete, finished the round of 9 pull-ups + :10 hold
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