Thursday, April 2, 2020


Today was a solid training session... still sore from last week and Saturday's squats, but got everything in today. Overall enjoyed myself in the gym, looking forward to tomorrow's training... although I'm afraid I'll be quite sore in my legs and it is another leg-intensive day!

3 Rounds*:
Row 150m
6 DB Muscle Snatch (right)
6 DB Thrusters (right)
6 DB Muscle Snatch (left)
6 DB Thrusters (left)

*Increase load each round

-Complete, went 30#, 40#, 50# for the DBs

BTN Jerk + Overhead Squat
1+2 sets x 1 rep
1 Behind The Neck Jerk + 2 Overhead Squats. If you cannot do an overhead squat with your regular jerk grip then widen your grip to a width that you can do an overhead squat with. Work up to daily max.

-185#, 205#, 225#, 245#, 265# ... probably more there, but went through this quickly. Haven't overhead squatted in a long time... but overall enjoyed this, hoping to get more of this movement in. 

Hang Snatch
3 sets x 3 reps @ 75% (185#)
Minimum 75% of your one rep max snatch. Hangs should be from knee height, start the first rep from the hang.

-Complete, across at 185# 

Strict Press 
3 sets x 5 reps @ 60-65% (115-125#)
60 - 65% of your one rep max strict press.

-Complete, across at 125# 

Back Squat
3 sets x 5 reps
Add either 0, 5 or 10 pounds to what you did the last time you used this set/rep scheme (depending on how it felt in the previous week and how you feel today).

-Complete, across at 345# (used 335# last time) 

Ring Muscle-ups 
3 sets x pick a number and complete for 4 consistent sets 
Skater Squats
3 sets x 15 reps
15 reps per leg.

-Complete, unbroken sets of 10 on the ring muscle-ups 



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