Sunday, January 15, 2023


Got in a pressing workout at home, had a good time with it, didn't push the loading much, but got a decent pump. 



1 Strict Parallette HSPU (2x45# and 2 ab-mats) 

Rest 3 minutes until 15:00 and then...

1 Max Set Strict HSPU

-Result = 14 reps 


Paused Close Grip Bench Press w/ feet up 

5 sets x 5 reps @ 60-65% (175-185#)

60-65% of your one rep max bench press. With feet up and 1 sec pause on chest each rep.

-Complete, across at 175# ... this was very challenging, didn't push the loading to 65% 


Dumbbell Paused Flat Bench Press (1 sec pause) 

3 sets x 10 reps

Aim to reach failure at the given rep range.

-Complete, 2x50# DB


Seated Dumbbell Arnold Press

3 sets x 8 reps

-Complete, 2x35# DB


Chest to Bar Pull Ups

3 sets x 6 reps

Strict reps. If you cannot do body weight, do banded pull ups. If body weight is too easy, add weight. Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.

DB Flyes

3 sets x 10 reps 

-Complete, unweighted pull-ups, 2x10# DB flyes... the do not feel great on my shoulder, had to scale the weight back a lot. 


Tricep Extensions

3 sets x 15 reps

Aim to reach failure, at the given rep range. There can be any form of cable pull-downs or banded pull-downs. If needed, you can substitute for overhead dumbbell tricep extensions.

DB Tricep Kick-Backs 

3 Sets x 10 reps 

-45# fo the extensions and 2x15# foot the kick-backs ... big tricep pump 

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