AM Workout (0545)
Got in the class workout this morning ... it was the best class workout I've done in a while, I really enjoyed getting this in. Fun, albeit short, lifting and some very solid crossfit conditioning.
3 Sets of 1 @ 85-90% (265-285#)
-Complete, across at 275#
Clean Deadlift
3 Sets of 3 @ 100% of 1 RM Clean (315#)
-Complete, across at 315#
12/10 Calorie Echo Bike
10 Thrusters (95/55#)
12/10 Calorie Echo Bike
8 Thrusters (115/75#)
12/10 Calorie Echo Bike
6 Thrusters (135/95#)
12/10 Calorie Echo Bike
4 Thrusters (155/105#)
12/10 Calorie Echo Bike
Max Squat Clean Thrusters (185/125#)
-28 Reps at 185# ... finished the first part around 7:30 ... then tried to push it on the heavy squat clean thrusters ... really fun/tough crossfit.
Every 2 for 6 (3 sets) of:
Sorenson Hold x :45
PM Workout (1500)
Had a super solid afternoon session ... felt surprisingly strong despite the intense crossfit in the AM ... got a massive pump and really enjoyed myself in the gym.
Shoulder Press
5 sets of 6 reps @ – RPE 8/10
*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets
-Complete, across at 145#
Seated Arnold Press
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
-Complete, across at 2x35# DB
Complete Iron Scap Protocol:
Archer: 10 reps (each side) - Heavy Band
Pulldown: 10 reps - Heavy Band
Tiger Walk: 20 reps (each side) - Heavy Band
WY Negative: 10 reps - Light Band
Snow Angel: 10 reps - LIght Band
Bear Hug: 10 reps - Heavy Band
ATYT: 10 reps - Light Band
Banded Push-ups
5 sets: 10 reps - RPE 7
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
-Complete, 1 black band on the push-ups, bodyweight for the chin-ups
Barbell Curls
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
-Complete, bodyweight dips, 75# curls
Standing DB Curls x 10 reps - RPE 8
Bent-Over Lateral Raise
4 sets: 10 reps - RPE 8
*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets
-Complete, 2x25# for the curls, 2x10# for the lateral raises