Saturday, June 22, 2024


Today was a solid lower body workout... overall was pretty tired when I woke up and didn't feel great ... kept the effort today on the lower side than usual, but still got a lot of good movement and sweat out of this. 


Every 2 for 20 (10 sets) of:

Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat*

*Start at ~50% of 1 RM and build to a heavy complex 

-135# x 2 sets, 185# x 2 sets, 205# x 2 sets, 225# x 2 sets, 245#, 255# 


Back Squat

5 Sets to a Heavy Set of 5 

*Rest 2:00-2:30 b/t sets

-225#, 275#, 325#, 345#, 355# 


For time:

30 DB Thrusters (2x50/35#)

30 Altnernating Reverse Lunges with DB's in Farmer's Carry

20 DB Thrusters (2x50/35#)

20 Altnernating Reverse Lunges with DB's in Farmer's Carry

10 DB Thrusters (2x50/35#)

10 Altnernating Reverse Lunges with DB's in Farmer's Carry

-9:12 ... this was rough. Haven't really done workouts like this lately... rocked my glutes and legs. 


Barbell Calf Raises (155#) 

Ring See-Saws 

5 x 10 @ RPE 7 

*Rest 1:00-1:30 b/t sets


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