Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Today was a decent lower body/ab workout ... was a bit tired when I woke up this morning, but overall once I got rolling through this I felt decent. 

3 Sets:
KB Windmills x 8 reps/side
Plank x :60 
Ab Wheel Roll-Outs x 12 reps
Minimal Rest

-Complete, 26# KB

3 Sets:
Ring See-Saw x 10 reps
Leg Lifts x 25
Side Plank x :30/side 
Minimal Rest 


Every 2 for 20 (10 sets) of:
2 Power Cleans  - work up to a heavy double for the day 

185# for 2 sets, 205# for 2 sets, 225# for 2 sets, 245#, 255#, 265#, 265# ... first six sets (through 225#) were TnG ... then dropped between reps on the last 4 sets ... overall I felt good on this, hopefully PCing 275# + for reps soon. 

Front Squat
Work up to a 5 RM / Tough set of 5 over 5 sets 

-225#, 245#, 265#, 275#, 285# 

4 Sets: 
Barefoot BB Calf Raises x 20 reps (135#) 
Rest :60-:90 


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