Saturday, June 8, 2024


Jumped into a CF class this AM because the workout looked really fun and I've been hankering to do some CF. Nice way to start my day/the week.

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of: 
Back Squat 

-315# x 10, 315# x 8, 335# x 6, 355# x 4, 375# x 2 ... just went up to a heavy double off of feel... haven't been doing EMOM/Every 2 min lifting and this was definitly tough... very short rest interval, but overall this was fun and I felt strong. 

For time:
Air Squats
Bar Muscle-ups 

-6:14 ... unbroken other than the set of 8 BAR MU ... I only broke up the set because one of my gymnastics grips tore in half during the 8th rep... went 7/1 on that one... overall a fun workout, not too taxing overall. 

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