Monday, September 16, 2024


AM Workout (0500)

Had to get up a bit early today due to some work scheduling stuff... but got out of bed at 0430 and was squatting by 0500... rough start to the morning, but once I got warmed up and feeling good, I had a solid lower body workout. Lots of tough squatting and some not too taxing accessory stuff. 


Back Squat

4 sets x 8 reps @ 73% (305#)

73% of your one rep max back squat. Rest for 90 to 180 seconds between sets.



Back Squat

1 set x max reps @ 73% (305#)

73% of your one rep max back squat. Rest 5-8 minutes before starting this exercise.

-15 reps ... fun, but very hard. 


Good Morning

1 set x 5 reps

Work up to a 5 rep max.

-135#, 185#, 205# 


Bulgarian Split Squats

4 sets x 6-8 reps

6-8 reps each side. Go heavy.

-2x35# DB for 8 reps each set 


Banded Good Mornings 

3 sets x 10 reps

Hollow Holds

3 sets x 30 seconds each set

-Complete, green band


Every 4 for 12 (4 sets) of: 
:40 Plank
20 Russian Twists (35# plate) 
:40 Wall Sit
15 Calorie Bike Erg Sprint

-Complete ... fun/short/low stress finisher 

PM Workout (1615)

5 Mile Run 

-Ran around an 8:20 pace ... felt really solid ... enjoyed getting this in after a long day of work. 

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