Friday, November 12, 2010


Had to wake up early today, so I got about 7 hours of sleep. I felt pretty good when I woke up; not too tired from the workout yesterday. I had to get in the gym early for work reasons, so I got in the gym around 0600. The workout was awesome; it was as follows:

With a 115lb barbell as many rounds and reps in 5 minutes of:

1. Power Cleans x 5, Burpees x 10
2. Front Squat x 5, Push-ups x 10
3. Push-press x 5, Pull-ups x 10
4. Thrusters x 5, Ring-dips x 10
5. Snatch x 5, Box-jumps x 10

There was 2 minutes rest between each couplet. My rounds were as follows:

5,7,5, 3 and 5 thrusters, 2.

The thrusters/ring dips were extremely difficult; going right in to the full snatch afterward felt impossible. I literally missed my first snatch rep. I really pushed through and did power snatches and overhead squats for some of the reps. This workout was an awesome full body workout and I had almost nothing left at the end. I need to do overhead squats and snatches every week; despite the fact I've drastically improved them, they are my largest athletic deficiency.

Meal 1 - Whey (12g), Flax (6G), 1/2 Banana

Meal 2 - Whey (27g), 1/2 Banana, 1 Slice Whole Wheat Bread, 1 cup Milk, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 tbsp Creatine, 1 tbsp Beta-alanine, Multivitamin

Meal 3 - 3 Chicken Sausages, 1 Banana, 1 cup Milk, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter

Meal 4 - Whey (27g), Casein (12g), Flax (6g)

Meal 5 - 4 Eggs

Meal 6 - 2 Chicken Sausages

**Went out drinking, got to sleep about 2 AM. I don't know exactly how many beers I had, but not too many.

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