Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I only got about 6 hours of sleep; less than ideal, but I felt great when I woke up. I trained a lot earlier than I usually do because of some work related stuff. I got in the gym about 0600. The strength element was to find your 1RM dead-lift. I ended up pulling 395. This was a 10 lb PR for me, next time I'd like to go over 400. Then the short WOD was:

10,8,6,4,2 of :
Pull-ups (dead hang, on rings)
Hand-stand Push-ups

My time was 6:10, I thought I'd be a little faster than that, I didn't get to see any other times because I was basically in the first class of the day. The ring pull-ups to hspu weren't easy, but the reps were so few it wasn't extremely difficult. The WODs this week have a lot less volume than last week, which is good. I'm excited for muscle-ups and rowing tomorrow!

My diet was messed up today. I was out of the house and in a conference from 7:45 AM to about 7:00 pm. I had to supplement a lot with protein bars, which is something I don't like to do. From my experience my body recovers a lot better with real food. I wanted to get a 7th meal in, but I feel asleep before I could. Anyway, I didn't do too much damage today, but this is not a typical day in anyway for me.

Meal 1 - Whey (12g), 1/2 Apple, Flax oil (6g)

Meal 2 - Whey (27g), 1/2 Apple, 1 Slice Whole Wheat Bread, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 tsp Creatine, 1 Tsp Beta-alanine, Multivitamin

Meal 3 - Protein Bar (6g F, 16g C, 20g P)

Meal 4 - Protein Bar (6g F, 16g C, 20g P)

Meal 5- Protein Bar (6g F, 16g C, 20g P)

Meal 6 - 3 Chicken Sausages, 1 Cup Milk

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