Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I felt decent when I woke up this morning. I was excited to train as my leg felt good. Despite the fact I felt great before the workout, I didn't feel that great during the workout. The WOD was:


Dead lift @ 275
Bench Press @ 165 (scaled, should have been 185)
Clean @ 135

The last time I did this workout (9/6/10) it was in 20.38, but the bench press and dead lifts were 265/155. I didn't time the workout today, but it was not close to 20.38. When I did this September I did it with a guy I consistently train with and we really pushed each other. I did this by myself today and did it at about 80% intensity. Considering my hamstring pull on Saturday I didn't want to play around with the dead lifts and cleans. I really noticed how aerobically fatigued I was on this workout. In September I remember blowing through the cleans like they were nothing; today they were the part that gassed me the most. I know I'll get my aerobic ability back with a little tapering toward competition, but its something I always like to have and it's a little frustrating to be in oxygen debt when lifting heavy weights, which usually doesn't happen when I'm doing a lot of intervals/hills/rowing etc.

I'm charging my camera due to the lack of pictures also. I'm going to start bringing in the gym with me. When I first started this blog I was getting a lot of pictures on the website, but I'm not getting any right now. Expect some more pictures.

Meal 1 - Whey (12g), Flax (6g), 1 Plumb

Meal 2 - Whey (27g), 2 Slices Whole Wheat Bread, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 cup Milk, 1 Plumb, 1 tsp Beta-alanine, 1 tbsp Creatine, 1 Multivitamin

Meal 3 - Chicken Breast, 1 cup Broccoli, 7 Olives

Meal 4 - 2 Chicken Sausages, 1 Slice Whole Wheat Bread, 1 cup Milk

Meal 5 - 2 Chicken Sausages, 20 Grapes, Fiber Shake

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