Last 'Open' WOD. It was this:
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
Thrusters (100 lb)
Chest to bar Pull-ups
The workout started with 3 of each, then added 3 reps each round. I got through 15. Total of 90 reps. I felt terrible in the gym. The abnormal food last night was an awful idea. I wasn't going to skip Easter dinner with my family though. I'm glad the 2011 Open is over. I'm taking a week vacation and coming back to training afterward. I'll be working out this week, but almost entirely focusing on the PFT. On the positive side, I didn't tear my hands during the WOD, a huge surprise to me.
Now that the 'Open' is over I need to get myself in a good place mentally. I'm kind of all over the place. 7 weeks of attempting to do a one time maximum effort each week was strange for me. It's something I really don't ever want to do again. I'm glad it's over and this week should be relaxing. I'm super excited, ecstatic really, to start training on some different programming in the comings weeks, specifically Sealfit WODs and O Lifting.
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