Today was awesome. I despite my high training volume I felt rested and recovered; the high carb day yesterday really helped. I had written out my own programming today and hit the workout. I had written down working up to a heavy triple on back squat. I felt so good on the triple I decided to go for a 1 rep max. I ended up setting a PR by 40 lbs. I was ecstatic to say the least. I was a little nervous to do a triple, let alone go for a PR on a single. I've been doing a lot of endurance stuff and my legs actually look a little atrophied from where they were a few months back when I was primarily O-lifting. Despite my loss of a little size (this might all be self-perceived and actually non-existant) I set a huge PR. I had never gotten more than 310 on my back. That was all the way back in November; today I put up 350. I had more in me too, but I saved myself for a brutal metcon afterward. The day looked like this:
Work up to a heavy single on back squat:
45 x 10, 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 275 x 3, 300 x 3, 310 x 3
330, 340, 350
Dynamic Stretch and Rest 10 minutes then:
For time:
800m Farmers Carry (2 x 45 lb KB)
1600m Run, 10 rounds of Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 squats)
800m Run, 30 Thrusters (100 lb)
400m Run, 25 Burpees
I did the metcon with a partner. I didn't go 100% on the running, but hit the movements hard. This was a solid workout.
I tweaked my left pec on the push-ups (I was still sore from the bench/rope climb on Thursday) and I'm getting a slight inflammation in a right hamstring tendon (overtraining? probably, perhaps under eating). I have a lot of ice and rest in my near future. I'm stoked about the PR today and although I want to hit it hard tomorrow and Monday, I'm going to exhibit some self-control and rest. Today was awesome. And I ate non-paleo today, basically because I need to go grocery shopping. I'm not wholly convinced of the necessity of being 100% paleo. Much of the principles involved with paleo eating are valuable to athletes, but I really don't notice a huge difference.
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