Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I had a weird work schedule again, so I ended up not getting into the gym until around 6 pm. The workout today was the 'Open' workout.

AMRAP in 5 minutes:
With 165 lbs:
Squat Clean

I ended up feeling great despite the fact I worked out at an abnormal time. I had an audience and a decent time to beat within my gym. I was rested and ready to go. I ended up getting 21 rounds and 1 clean. I started with thrusters and then went to clean/push-press once tired. I bonked hard after round 14. I'm happy with my score and, I always say this about 'Open' WODS, I don't want to do this workout again. Hopefully I won't get coaxed into doing this again. I rested about 10 minutes and then did this:

5 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
15 Dead-hang Pull-ups

My time was about 14 minutes. I felt really good on this metcon; on both the pull-ups and the runs. Overall today was a great day and I'm excited for tomorrow. I drank a little milk today, something unusual and not something I mean to do in the future. I need to be accountable for my diet.

Meal 1 - Whey, Flax, 1 Banana (285 Cal, 8g F, 29g C, 26g p)

Meal 2 - 1 Chicken Breast, 10 Strawberries, 12 Almonds (500 Cal, 23g F, 15g C, 48g P)

Meal 3 - (pre-workout) 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Banana, Mixed Veggies, 1 tbsp Olive Oil (550 Cal, 20g F, 30g C, 48g P)

Meal 4 - (post-workout) 1 Chicken Breast, 10 Strawberries, 8 oz Sweet Potato, Mixed Veggies, 1 tbsp Olive Oil (650 Cal, 20g F, 55g C, 54g P)

Meal 5 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Banana, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 cup FF Milk (645 Cal, 23g F, 46g C, 59g P)

Daily Total (High carb): 2630 Cal, 94g F, 175g C, 222g P

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