Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
1. 2 Position Clean: Work up to 75% (198 lb) x2 (floor, mid-thigh) x 5 sets
2. Clean Pulls: 100%+10 kgx3x2 (284 lb)
3. Clean-Grip Dead-lifts: 100%+10 kgx3x2 (284 lb)
4. Rack Jerks behind neck: Heavy Single - Worked up to 237 lb. This was a 17 lb PR for me. I was really happy about this. I did some technique work prior to going heavier and it really helped. I video taped all my reps and really worked on correcting the form. I know I've got more in me and I'm excited to go heavier soon.
Dead-lift: Heavy Double - Doubles: 396, 418. I felt so great on the doubles that I decided to go for a new single. I set a 25 lb PR by nailing 440 lbs. This was a big break through for me, my dead-lift was more stagnant than my other lifts at going up. I'm glad I nailed this. Today was such a great session, I feel great.
Rest 10 minutes then....
For time:
21/15/9 - Renegade Rows (2 x 30#)
42/30/18 - Box Jumps (24")
400m,600m,800m Run
-Time: 14.05. All the rounds and reps corresponded, i.e. 21-42-400 = 1 round. This was a nice and fast metcon. I felt pretty good despite the long lifting session beforehand. Today was the best day I've had in the gym in a long time. I love lifting heavy and setting PRs.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
With a 25 lb vest, 20 minute AMRAP:
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
- Bench Press – 3 x 3 @ 177 lb (these were light, I'm still sore in my chest from last week)
1. 3 Position Snatch: Work up to 65%x3 (floor, mid-thing, high hang) x 5 sets @ 115 lb
2. Snatch Pulls: 90%x3x2 (160 lb)
3. Snatch-Grip Deadlift: 90%x3x2 (160 lb)
4. Snatch-Grip Push-Press: 5, 5, 5 - 135, 155, 175 (this was heavier than I've ever gone, felt good)
9 Rounds for time:
12 Over-bar Burpees (not facing, parallel)
8 Overhead Squats (95#)
2 Muscle-ups
29 Double-unders
My time was 24:45. This is a competitive time. I didn't feel too great, but I don't think there is anyway to feel good on this WOD, it was just tough. Overall a great session in the gym. Excited for tomorrow.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Bench Press 5,4,3,1,1 - 177,177,185,198,198 (my bench press is awful and after yesterday I didn't feel too hot today. I'm glad my left pec didn't hurt at all from today. I haven't benched in two months because I tweaked it so bad this summer. I'm looking forward to putting some more weight up on bench press in the coming weeks.)
For time:
225 lb Dead-lift
Handstand Push-ups
My time was right under 14 minutes. This is not fast. Looking over my records I have not even timed this workout before. The dead-lifts were all unbroken and extremely fast. I got 10 HSPU right away, by the last set I was doing them as singles. I really need to work on kipping my HSPU and HSPUs in general. This was discouraging. I've set a new goal to do 'Diane' in under 5 minutes.
Rest 10 minutes then....
10 Minute AMRAP:
10 Toes-to-Bar
20 Wall-Balls
Score: 7 Rounds (210 reps) - This was a good amrap. Really felt it in my core and shoulders. Excited for tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
For time:
With a 25 lb vest:
Bodyweight Thrusters (185#)
Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
32.30. The hardest workout I've done in a while. Give it a try. The thrusters were difficult. The most I got unbroken was 3. I did most of them in 2s and 3s. The last set of 9 was completely in singles. The pull-ups were extremely easy in comparison. I'm glad I finished, there is a 40 minute cap on the workout. Overall a good session. Definitely differant than usual. I'm starting a 11 week program starting Monday. I'm super excited about it.