Front Squat - Heavy Single - 305 lb. 15 lb PR. This was heavy, I was going to go for 315, but 305 felt very challenging. Take 90% of that single for a double (275 lb). Then take 85% of the single for 3 triples (260 lb). The three triples at 260 were by far the hardest part of today. I had never gone that heavy for a triple before. My form deteriorated toward the end of this; I'm a little upset about this, but overall happy with my PR.
Rest 10 minutes then with a 315# bar...
AMRAP 4 minutes:
3 Dead-lifts
6 Toes to Bar
Rest 2 minutes...
AMRAP 5 minutes:
3 Dead-lifts
6 Toes to Bar
9 Push-ups
Rest 2 minutes...
AMRAP 6 minutes:
3 Dead-lifts
6 Toes to Bar
9 Push-ups
12 Dumbbell Push-Press
The workout was for total lbs lifted on the dead-lift. I got 48 reps total, so it was 15,120 lbs lifted. Overall a solid workout. The dead-lifts were not too bad, I feel comfortable handling 315 for reps these days. I really liked the workout today. Glad I set a PR and went heavy on the wod (most people did 225-275 range). Eating a lot and this lifting program are doing my lifts wonders. I just need my knee/leg imbalance to catch up so I can keep squatting safely.
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