I was sore in my traps, shoulders and triceps today. I haven't been this sore in a while. Today was a good session in the gym, although overall discouraging because it was basically a bunch of movements I'm bad at (bench press and HSPU). It's good and humbling to do poorly at things. Definitely motivates me to work harder and focus. Anyway, today looked like this:
Bench Press 5,4,3,1,1 - 177,177,185,198,198 (my bench press is awful and after yesterday I didn't feel too hot today. I'm glad my left pec didn't hurt at all from today. I haven't benched in two months because I tweaked it so bad this summer. I'm looking forward to putting some more weight up on bench press in the coming weeks.)
For time:
225 lb Dead-lift
Handstand Push-ups
My time was right under 14 minutes. This is not fast. Looking over my records I have not even timed this workout before. The dead-lifts were all unbroken and extremely fast. I got 10 HSPU right away, by the last set I was doing them as singles. I really need to work on kipping my HSPU and HSPUs in general. This was discouraging. I've set a new goal to do 'Diane' in under 5 minutes.
Rest 10 minutes then....
10 Minute AMRAP:
10 Toes-to-Bar
20 Wall-Balls
Score: 7 Rounds (210 reps) - This was a good amrap. Really felt it in my core and shoulders. Excited for tomorrow.
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