Thursday, March 15, 2012


I was a little sore throughout my posterior chain and shoulders today. But once the clock started I went for it.

2012 Open 12.4

12 Minute AMRAP:
150 Wall-ball
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

254 reps. I got through the wall balls in 6 minutes; went for 50 unbroken, then sets of 20 and then sets of 10 towards the end. I got to the rings with just over 4 minutes left. My shoulders were toast when I got to the rings. I got 3 right away, then a set of 2 and then all singles. I took a lot of rest in between muscle-up attempts. I only missed 1 muscle-up attempt. I got through the wall-balls and double-unders faster than I thought I would. My muscle-ups aren't great. During last year's Open I couldn't do one. Considering this I'm happy with my score of 254. Also double-unders really tripped me up during the last Open. I was smoked from the wall-balls, but I confidently busted out 90 reps only missing reps 3 times. The only place I could make up time on this is during the muscle-ups, but if I do this again, I don't really know how many more I could realistically get. My shoulders were a little sore, maybe a little more 'freshness' and I could get a few more linked sets in a the beginning, but I don't know. Overall happy with my effort, I went as hard as I could. Depending on where my score is on Saturday I'll give it another go.

I was really surprised with how toasted I was after this. About an hour after the WOD I was still feeling it. This usually doesn't happen, I usually recover really fast. Also I was extremely happy I had no knee pain today, everything felt great with full ass to grass wall-balls.

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