AM Workout (0900)
Confidence is a strange thing. Mental 'game' or attitude or whatever you want to call it really counts. I worked out hard yesterday, I didn't really know what to expect today. I felt tight, but not sore and decided to give 12.4 another shot. Once it started and I felt awesome, I got my confidence back; I was 'in the zone.' I haven't felt like that since before 12.3.
2012 Open 12.4
12 Minute AMRAP:
150 Wall-ball
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
260 reps. Improved by 6 reps, but these 6 reps will be huge in placement.
I did the wall-balls 50/25/25/15/15/10/10. Took exactly 6 minutes, like I planned. I got the double-unders in 90 seconds. I missed 4 times instead of 3 like last time, but still got through them without really thinking about it. I got 7 muscle-ups in the first minute. When I did that, I knew I was going to improve. I felt good. I felt aggressive. It was a much better feeling than feeling like I was getting my ass kicked and that I wasn't performing up to expectations (12.3?). Also today I kipped every ring dip. On Thursday I did the first 5 or so just using muscle and then started kipping once I fatigued. Kipping all the ring dips really helped. Overall an awesome day. I'm super happy about my performance today. During the 2011 Open double-unders and muscle-ups were a weakness, now they are a strength, or at least not a weakness. My 20th muscle-up was the slowest lockout ever, it was like an 8 second long press out for the ring dip, but I got it. Totally brutal, a total struggle. I love crossfit!
Rest 15 minutes then...
EMOM for 10 minutes:
2 x Thruster (185#)
6 Toes-to-bar
I got all the reps, no missed sets. I almost missed the the 7th minute, but really pushed it and ended up getting reps I thought I couldn't. The last 3 minutes of this workout were just brutal. Felt good to do some high intensity heavy lifting. Overall an awesome day, excited for Monday and whatever 12.5 brings come Wednesday.
PM Workout (1400)
This PM session wasn't really a workout, but it was definitely some physical activity. I just signed up for a flag football team with some of my co-workers and we had our first practice session today. We played catch for a while, ran routes and then scrimmaged. Overall it took about 2 hours with the majority of it being scrimmaging plays over and over. It was great to run fast and feel fit outside of crossfit related activities. I'm excited to play some actual games. Everything felt good, I was a little tight after this morning. I just hope I'm not sore in my calves. I could see the high volume sprinting/fast change of direction in standard running trainers not going over well with my legs. But it shouldn't be a big deal. It was definitely a good way to spend some time on Sunday afternoon.
Also, as I write this I sit in 45th in the region, up from 59th/60th (the leader board posted me as both of those; currently the NW region has no 60th on the leader board, I think it's a glitch). I'm happy with my 33th place regional finish on 12.4. It definitely got my confidence back and I'm stoked for 12.5!
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