Monday, March 26, 2012


Gave 12.5 another attempt. Scored 115 reps (through the set of 18 thrusters, 7 reps into the pull-ups). I paced the workout better and improved by 7 reps. I was happy about that. Later this day I went out drinking, hard. I've only drank twice since Jan 1st in preparation for the 2012 Open. I got drunk with my buddy and ran about 3 miles easy in the sun and then played pick-up basketball for at least an hour or two. Drunk basketball is awesome. It was great to play a sport instead of just exercising all the time. I played the game in running shoes, this was a very bad decision. My glutes and legs were extremely sore, in bad and painful way afterward. But overall this was a good conclusion to the Open season. It was good to blow off steam. I've had a lot of weird stuff going on in my life, I'm glad the Open is over and I'm sitting in 54th at this point. It will be finalized tomorrow evening when all the scores must be validated.

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